Chapter 13

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When Wes invited me to hang out at the beach it was right after work on Friday. Uncharisticly finding myself unable to focus for the past few days at the office, it was a welcome opportunity to get my mind off things. Not having time to go home and change, I quickly took a shower at the gym and put on the only other available piece of clothing I had in my car which ironically happened to be a white midi dress and a pair of sandals left over from last Sunday when I had changed into my workout clothes at the gym. Thankfully I always had extra fruit and almonds in my lunch bag which would have to hold me over until I got something for dinner.

Letting my hair down I turned on the radio and drove towards the coast. Driving had always been a wonderful form of therapy for me, even when going to a specific destination. Being able to just be in motion with the music playing helped my mind unravel and my emotions connect back to their center.

The past few days had been a hectic blur. Ever since that damn dream I felt like I couldn't get my mind focused. My thoughts kept drifting like a ship at sea and I found myself re doing tasks over and over again just to get them right. Thankfully no one at work seemed to notice. I wish I could say sleeping made it better but if anything my body lapsed into a subconscious state of frustration and desire and the last two mornings I had woken up aching and upset. Mainly at myself for even giving Bennet a second of my mental attention. After all, I knew better then anyone how much he ignored me.

When I arrived at the beach I quickly scanned the place and ended up by Vee's side. She was already into her second drink and I readily started on the one she handed me. Few things were worse then playing catch up with
a friend who was already tipsy. Although not a big drinker naturally I felt I had learned how to pace myself at a party. Watching Vee sway towards the cooler for another one I knew she hadn't. 20 minutes later Vee was on her fourth and I felt it my duty to grab Wes and let him know his girlfriend was on the fast track to drunk town. Scanning my gaze to where I thought I saw him last I bumped into the one man I hadn't expected to see. Bennet stood there relaxed and rugged with jeans, a leather jacket and what appeared to be a five-o-clock shadow. My heart picked up its pace as my eyes were drawn to him. My mind raced with the memory of the dream that was now permanently lodged in my senses. Because now I knew what it must feel like to have his weight on top of me, to run my fingers through his hair and feel his breath on my neck. If anyone looked into my eyes at that moment they would find them dilated and my cheeks were most likely the color of pink orchids. Bennet chose that exact moment to clash his gaze with mine. I felt exposed and heated all at once and much like the last time I saw him that unfamiliar feeling of desire spiraled low in my belly. I swallowed and gave him a wave, hoping to God he could not read the thoughts on my face. The polite nod he threw my way before he turned back to his drink was like water doused on an open flame. Suddenly I felt the all too familiar confusion and detachment that permeated Bennets interaction with me. Swallowing hard after a moment I shook my gaze from his turned back and stomped off to the cooler for another drink. It looks like I would be joining Vee tonight in drunk town. Anything to forget the man ignoring me 30 feet away.

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