Chapter 16

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I felt drunk.

I was back in my room, in familiar surroundings. The house was quite as a tomb but everything was spinning. By some Herculean stint of will I had dragged my mouth away from hers and pushed her body away from my grip. Nothing in my life could have prepared me for what it felt like to actually kiss Leah and I doubt anything to come would ever compare. Even now the taste of her mouth, the way her curves felt against me was an adrenaline rush. Her lips were lush against mine and she tasted sweet and tangy. I don't think I would ever taste a peach again without thinking of her mouth and the kiss that had nearly been my undoing. Thirty minutes after the fact and I was still breathing deep and feeling rigid from head to toe.

As usual everything that happened with Leah was a chain of events, building into a crescendo that felt like a title wave in full force. When I had given her my jacket and felt her response I had been drawn in like a magnet, I had barely caught myself from breathing her in like I needed my last breath. When Turner  came in on the scene I found myself quickly fortifying the wall I had built around me and with my reaction came a wave of resentment. I wanted to push him away from her at the same time that I wanted to run away. The striking polarity of needing someone so badly and still pushing them away felt like living and dying all at once. I was only human after all and my reactions to everything that happened in just a few hours time was maddening. Holy f**k, I had actually kissed her! How did I play that off like it didn't happen? How did I go about seeing her as usual, pretending as usual?
Controlling and rationalizing the barrage of thoughts in my mind did nothing whatsoever for my body. I was hard from the moment I had her in my arms and from experience I knew I could punish myself for wanting her by never finding release and it still wouldn't change a thing. Pleasuring myself to thoughts of us together was temporary relief but in this moment I was a man tormented and craved some sort of outlet to the heat that was engulfing my body. Getting out of the bed with an oath I walked rigidly to the bathroom and a cold shower I knew would do little to help.

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