TOSG #3: Big Ladder

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April 25, 2020, 12:00 pm (noon)

Donut, Fan, II Nickel, Ruby, TB, and Trophy are online

Fan: this chat needs some more people in it

Ruby: y e s

Donut: absolutely NOT!

Donut: especially after what happened two days ago

TB: Wait, what happened?

Donut: you didn't hear?

TB: No

Ruby: it was AWESOME

Trophy: it was pretty hilarious actually

Ruby: me Gelatin Puffball Lightbulb Yin-Yang and Blocky all snuck into Hotel OJ at like 5 in the morning

Ruby: the original plan was to kidnap all the eliminated II contestants and put them on top of one of those weird easter egg-decorated columns as a prank

TB: ...

Trophy: but of course they got caught

Trophy: OJ killed Blocky, Gelatin, and Puffball and Lightbulb managed to shatter herself

Ruby: II Nickel is hoarding their phones and OJ's not complaining cause he doesn't want them back in the hotel ever

II Nickel: hehe

Blocky, Gelatin, and Lightbulb are online

Blocky: now I can be whoever I want

Gelatin: wherever I want

Lightbulb: whenever I want!

Blocky, Gelatin, and Lightbulb are offline

Donut: that's spooky

Ruby: I still have mine cause I escaped

Ruby: also Fries managed to convince them to give Puffball's phone back to her cause she was apparently "influenced" by the rest of us and "isn't normally that crazy"

Puffball is online

Puffball: Fries doesn't know me as well as he thinks he does ehehehehehehe

TB: good lord

Barf Bag is online

Barf Bag: I haven't checked my phone in forever lol

Barf Bag: what's going on?

Donut: thank goodness you're here

Donut: but I'm not sure even you can really help with the absolute insanity of this chat

Fan: the inanimate insanity? 😏

Donut is offline

Puffball: I'm going to get you for that pun someday

Fan: that wasn't really a pun but ok

Ruby: back to Fan's "more people" idea

Ruby added Match to: TOSG

Match is online


Match: ruby we literally texted each other a bunch like yesterday

Match: but hi again anyway

Puffball: oh hey Match

Match: like, hi Puffy

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