[Canon] Brown and Yellow

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April 24th, 2020 (yes, this is happening on the same day of the last canon short)

MePhone4 glanced at everyone individually. "Are you all ready?"

Paintbrush looked around at the other seven II2 contestants. Suitcase was standing right next to them, glaring at Microphone in the distance. Knife and Baseball were standing on their own, but the other three former Bright Lights - Lightbulb, Fan, and Test Tube - were all next to each other. Simultaneously, the eight of them nodded.

"Good," MePhone said. "On my mark, start painting. Ready... set..." He paused, and everyone tensed, ready to compete.


Everyone turned to their canvasses except for Paintbrush and Suitcase, who turned to each other. "Alright," Suitcase said. "What's our plan?"

"We need to do two things: make sure that we both land immunity this contest, and make sure that Microphone doesn't," Paintbrush summarized. "The only way I can think of achieving the second thing is to sabotage Mic."

Suitcase glanced over at the tall, metal object. "That seems risky..."

"It is. But since she's working with Taco, we've got to at least try. Hmmm..." Painty snapped their fingers. "Alright. How about this - you'll paint something for both of us, and I'll figure out a way to make Mic lose."

"Wouldn't you naturally be a better painter?"

"Maybe, but - and I mean no offense - after episode 8, I don't think you'd be a good candidate for trying to sabotage someone."

"Fair enough, I suppose..."

"Be right back." As discreetly as they could, Paintbrush scooted over to where MePhone was watching the contest, munching on a cookie. "Hey, MePhone?"

"Hrmg?" He swallowed. "What?"

"If Suitcase and I wanted to work on a painting together, could we do that?"

MePhone considered the request. "Eh, sure. But I'll give you both the same score, so if it's a bad one, then you'll both probably be up for elimination."

"Thanks." Paintbrush went back over to Suitcase and gave her a thumbs up. "We're in the clear for now. Now we've just got to figure out what exactly to do..."


"Yo, Micro! Whatcha paintin'?"

Microphone turned to see Lightbulb smiling at her. "Oh. Uh, nothing really." Microphone shifted slightly to show her canvas, which was adorned with pink-and-yellow swirls - the portal that lead to Goiky. "I just thought it looked cool."

"Neato! Wanna see what I'm drawing?"

Mic shook her head. "Thanks, but no thanks. I want to make sure I finish this."

"Oke. Cya!" Lightbulb waved and skipped back to her own painting, which was one of herself, Bottle, and Paintbrush. Mic couldn't help but smile at her endless cheerfulness. Fan and Test Tube's paintings were next to Lightbulb's - Fan, of course, had painted the egg, and Test Tube was drawing some intricate pattern of lines and shapes that Mic couldn't decipher.

She suddenly felt another presence behind her and turned around. "Hey, Microphone," Paintbrush said. They pointed to a can of purple paint that Mic clearly wasn't using. "Can I borrow this for my painting?"

"Uh, sure. Go right ahead."

"Thank you." Painty picked up the can of paint. But- "Uh oh!" they cried, suddenly falling forwards. The paint bucket slipped out of their hands and opened, causing a huge amount of purple paint to splatter all over Microphone's canvas. There was nothing but purple there now.

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