Chapter 3: Meeting the Neighbors

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Hazel's POV

For the rest of school went by in a blur. Kids running from class to class, bells ringing to signal different times, teachers yelling over the constant chatter, and students trying their hardest not to watch the clock and count down the hours until the end of the day. I sat through every class barley listening, my mind kept drifting back towards Miguel and I couldn't figure out why considering we had only just met. Despite my offer to help him to his classes, I didn't see him at all the rest of the day. Whenever I left a class I found myself searching the halls for him. In the cafeteria, before finding my seat with Aisha, I tried to spot him in the lunch line. When the final bell rang to let us know it was the end of school, I stood in the hallway searching the sea of students for Miguel's face. I couldn't find him and when I rode home the entire time I was thinking about him. When I got to my house I told myself I couldn't think about him anymore. After all, we had only just met.

"Mamá I'm home!" I called through the apartment as I unclipped my helmet. I found my mom on the phone in the living room. Her eyes crinkled into a smile when she saw me. She held up the universal one sec sign and I nodded.

"Uh-huh... yes... ok..." She said sitting down on the light grey couch, I sat down next to her. Pointing to the phone she moved her hand in a way to show the person on the other end was drowning on and on and she rolled her eyes. I stifled a laugh which made her smile and roll her finger around her head to show the person was crazy.

"Mmm-hmmm... alright... I will make sure to stop by early... ok sir... have a good rest of your day," She hung up the phone and placing it upsidedown on the coffee table before turning to me. "Hi sweetie, I'm so sorry about that. How was school?"

"School was fine... what was that call about?"

"Oh, nothing. There's a new nurse at the hospital and my boss wants me to show her around tomorrow morning. But, because I'm going in so early tomorrow and the hospital isn't packed today, I don't have to go back tonight! I can spend the rest of the day at home with you and Abuela," She beamed.

"That's great mom, really great! Where is Abuela anyways?"

"She's out at the store. And I have a favor to ask."

"Ok, what's up?"

"Well... there is a family that moved in across the hall yesterday," She said slowly, "And I was hoping that you might want to go over and welcome them to the building. You just have to stop by for a minute, just to be friendly. You don't even have to bring them cookies like you brought the old couple upstairs," She finished.

"Yeah, I'll go over there," I sighed, "And I'll make a pie," I added.

"Oh that's great honey thank you! And then when you come back I want you to tell me all about your day ok?" My mom gave me a quick hug before saying she had a bit of work to do and grabbing her computer running to her room. I sighed and dropped my backpack to the floor heading to the kitchen to start a pie.

About 1 ½ hours later there was a fresh cherry pie in my hands and I was crossing the short cement path to get to the apartment next to us. I made sure to be quiet when passing the first man's apartment because he seemed to always be drunk and in a bad mood. I walked up to the door across from the drunk man's and took a deep breath before knocking. I heard a women's voice asking for "Miggy" to answer the door and then I heard the deadbolt unlock.

"Hello?" A boy's voice asked as the door swung open. Nothing could have prepared me for who was standing at the door. It was the same gorgeous boy whom I couldn't get out of my head all day.

"Hazel?" Miguel asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Ummm..." I was suddenly at a loss for words so I just held the pie out.

"Thanks?" Miguel said as he took the pie and raised his eyebrows at me, "Why are you here," he asked again.

"Well... I live in the apartment right there," I said pointing to the door on my right, "Apartment number 3. My mom asked me to bake this pie and bring it over to the new neighbours, I had no idea the new neighbours would be you."

"Oh! I didn't know you lived here! Thanks for the pie!" Miguel smiled.

"Sure," I replied. 

"I would have thought you would have lived in the hills. You know? Not in crappy Reseda," He said, his shoulders drooping slightly.

"Oh, no... my family doesn't have much money... so this is the best we can afford," I said, shifting uncomfortably. Miguel nodded and started talking about his family's financial state before returning to the pie in his hands.

"Thank you for the pie. My family hasn't really gone to the store since we got here so it's good to have more food," He said chuckling.

"Miggy who's at the door?" A women's voice called.

"No one mamá! Just someone from the apartment next to us!" Miguel called back.

"Well, I should get going... I just wanted to give you that so umm yeah... bye," I said.

"Oh ok! Thanks again for the pie!" Miguel said before gently closing the door. I stood outside the door for a couple of minutes a look of confusion plastered across my face. As turned to walk back to my apartment I thought out loud, "Miguel Diaz is my neighbor."

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