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"You still listening to loud ass drums in the middle of the night?" I ask, eyeing the speakers by Taehyung's television as i sit on his couch (as far apart from each other as possible) and eat some leftover spaghetti.

"I invested in some AirPods as a treat to myself last year, so yes, but don't worry," Taehyung says. He's mindlessly flicking through the available Hulu options on his TV, severely unimpressed by every one of them.

"Wow, AirPods, sounds like you're moving up in the world," i say callously. "At least I don't have to listen to it with you anymore."

"I wasn't kidding when I said it helped me focus," Taehyung says, all matter-of-fact about it. "It was from a Spotify playlist of modern orchestral music. You should give it a listen, it really gets you into the zone."

"My relationship with classical music has, unfortunately, been tainted by a certain someone," I remind him, taking the time to shoot him a glare just in case he doesn't already know who exactly is at fault.

"What a shame, you might actually like it," Taehyung says sadly, shaking his head.

"So what are the speakers for, then? If not for your fuckin' drums," I ask, motioning to them again as i slurp up the last of your spaghetti. It's not as if you've got some sort of sacred reputation to protect in front of him. He's seen you at your best the first day of freshman year, when there was still light in your eyes, and at your worst 2AM, coming out of a drunken stupor, and bedhead-ridden. Like an ex-boyfriend, or something.

"My friends really like singing karaoke," Taehyung says. He points to the bluetooth microphones underneath the television as extra proof.

"Why does that not surprise me," i muse to myself. Taehyung always struck me as someone that needs people not to calm him down, but to elevate his already boisterous personality. Friends who are equally as unabashed as he is.

"Since you're here for a whole month, we should try it some time," Taehyung suggests, taking the empty bowl from your hands and heading back to the sink to wash up.

"You need help with that?" I ask, immediately getting up because even if Taehyung has a tendency to drive you up the wall, you're still going to be a good guest.

"No, don't sweat it," Taehyung says with a shrug. "You know, I have karaoke for All I Want For Christmas Is You. Super seasonal, right?"

I dust off my hands from where you're standing, loitering in that weird halfway point between his kitchen and his living room. Checking the clock underneath his television, i realize that it's already past ten. And while i haven't gone to sleep this early in a while, being in Taehyung's apartment makes you feel all sorts of strange. Subdued and exhausted, too grateful to be your normal aggressive and witty self. And after such a long goddamn day, passing out on his navy blue futon seems like absolute heaven.

"Not right now," i say, shaking my head. Karaoke is something that friends do with other friends. And despite currently living under the same roof, you and Kim Taehyung are not friends.

But perhaps you will be. And that's the scary part.

i sigh, absolutely tanked. It's been a stupidly long day. "Maybe later."

Stuck in my headOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora