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"Come with?" Taehyung asks as he eyes the bartender like he's the love of his life.

"No, it's alright, Tae," i say.

"You never call me Tae," Taehyung comments mindlessly. Even when he's nearly drunk, he still picks up on the little things.

"I guess the alcohol is making me soft," i admit. "You go. I'm gonna find the bathroom and hope that nobody's having s*x in it."

"Okay," Taehyung singsongs as i pull away from him, looking for a dingy hallway to go down. "Be safe."

"You too, I'll be back soon," i promise him, and that's when i go rushing down the hallway.

Things are certainly weird down here. It must be the feeling of the new year looming over your heads. Like this is the last night to do everything wrong without regretting it in the morning. The bathroom is, luckily enough, empty, so you rush in and splash your face with some water, not caring about if your makeup runs. You'd sweat it off, regardless. You stare at yourself in the mirror, and this feels so stupidly like a goddamn romantic comedy that it makes you want to laugh at the irony.

Beautiful male art student lead gets drunk, confuses hardheaded and impenetrable female lead who doesn't believe in love and supposedly hates beautiful male art student's guts. Tension ensues.

My life may as well already have a shitty Rotten Tomatoes rating stamped on top of it.

After collecting your thoughts and praying that that white stain on the wall isn't what you think it is, i leave the bathroom and scurry down the hallway, eager to find Taehyung and make sure he isn't bouncing off the walls after a second round of shots.

He's not.

Instead, he's still standing by the bar as a beautiful young woman speaks to him, long dark hair resting against her shoulders and a model-esque smile on her face. She's leaning in with a suggestive look in her eyes, a hand coming up to rub at the side of his arm.

i furrow my brows as i watch them from afar, a little hurt by the fact that beautiful male art student lead is confusing hardheaded and impenetrable female lead even more, but then you notice Taehyung's hesitance. The way he backs up a little when she gets closer. How he stiffens when she touches him.

And, well, fuck that.

"Tae," i say, rushing up to him faster than i'd like to admit. "There you are, I was looking for you."

The girl next to him frowns at the sight of you, and it's clear she feels no shame to hide the immediately dislike. Sure, i don't have model proportions or a smile whiter than snow, but you have morals.

"Who's this?" i ask, trying to be nice.

"Nobody," Taehyung tells my, and his hand immediately interlocks with yours. Standing next to him, i can feel as the tension fades from his body, his whole demeanor relaxing now that you're by his side. "She just wanted to talk."

"Are you a friend?" She asks, because she knows.

"I'm a special type of friend," i say. There's no way she'll leave Taehyung alone otherwise. And this is definitely on the cocktail you drank and nothing else, you swear!, but i even reach up to plop a kiss on his cheek for proof. Taehyung's eyes widen as i do, but he plays it off as catching him off guard and grins, wrapping an arm around you to pull you even closer. "Can we help you?"

The girl is absolutely pissed, which means that you did your job. 

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