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"I have to admit that I never did," i say. It must the food that's softened you up. No wonder Taehyung invited you to a place where you can literally eat as much as you want in a two-hour timeframe.

"This is nice, though, isn't it?" He asks.

And for once in your life, I agree. It is nice. Not just the food though the food is very nice but being with someone on a winter break that would otherwise be overwhelmingly lonely. Eating out with someone, even if it's someone with whom your relationship isn't all that strong, isn't that sturdy. It's nice. Because it means that, somewhere along the way, you both wanted something to change for the better.

"It is." i nod. "Way better than all the times we fought during freshman year."

"Remind me why we never went to our RA to resolve things like we should have?" Taehyung says, but he doesn't make it sound like you both made a mistake. He asks because he's curious, and because the past is the past.

"I think we were both too fucking prideful for our own good," i say, shaking my head. i now would disapprove of you in freshman year so strongly. "We thought that we could either resolve it ourselves or spend the rest of our lives hating each other."

"Isn't that crazy?" Taehyung asks, holding up his water like it's a glass of vintage red wine from the 1800's. "That we thought that we could just spend the rest of our lives hating each other?"

"I was prepared to do it," i say, taking another piece of meat from the hotpot in front of you, letting the steam waft from it like a tiny campfire. "With how big this school is, I was convinced that you and I would never have to see each other again. Never have the opportunity to change how we felt about each other."

"But that's not how life works, dahyun," Taehyung tells me, looking into my eyes like he's trying to reach into your soul, pick apart the memories of freshman year and watch as your relationship deteriorated as each day went by. "It doesn't matter if we see each other every day for the rest of our lives or if, after this, we never say another word to each other. You will always have the opportunity to change how you feel about someone, even if you aren't with them. Even if you aren't seeing them at all." He takes a deep breath, and reaches over the steaming pot of soup to nudge my shoulder with his finger, ever so slightly. It makes me look up at him, meet his dark brown eyes with your own, foggy from the steam. "That's what makes us human, dahyun. We're human because we can change."

My heart, still and silent, begins to thump. 

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