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And fuck some shit up you do. By the time you reach the club that Taehyung had found online, i can already hear the bass pounding through the walls, feel the ground shake from the speakers alone. Go big or go home, i suppose.

As i expected, the club is already packed with bodies. Every young adult within a twenty-mile radius is out tonight, eager to spend the last night of the year doing what young adults in the primes of their lives do best: drink. And me and Taehyung are no exception.

Like everybody else entering the club at the same time as you, i make a beeline for the bar, already itching to get something into your system. i don't love being drunk, and i like the taste of alcohol even less, so you just order a simple cocktail that should keep you occupied for a while.

Taehyung, on the other hand, well. He seems to harbor the go big or go home mentality quite firmly. It's obvious that he's here to do one thing and one thing only, which is not remember what he did when he wakes up tomorrow. i watch, a little impressed and a lot nervous about what exactly he's trying to achieve, as he downs several shots in a row, pays the bartender, and immediately pulls you into the crowd of people dancing in the center of the room.

"The more I move, the faster my body can process the alcohol," Taehyung tells me as my cocktail sloshes around in the glass in your hand. It's an alright cocktail. A little too sweet for you, but you suppose that that's your fault.

"Wow, when you said you wanted to fuck shit up, you meant it," i comment as Taehyung dances, jumping and swaying to the beat of whatever Top 40 pop song is blaring from the speakers. i can barely hear the music over the volume of the rest of the club, people shouting to speak to each other, the sound of feet hitting the floor.

Within approximately fifteen minutes, Taehyung is already fairly tipsy and eager to keep going, bubbling over with excitement.

i convince him to dance a little longer before he goes back to get more, trying to make sure at least a bit of the alcohol he had at the beginning of the night goes through his body. The song changes to something much sultrier, like honey dripping from the speakers themselves, and suddenly, the entire club's atmosphere changes.

"I love this song," Taehyung says, and it must be the lack of control that causes him to place a hand on your waist and pull you in close to him, making me gasp.

"Wow, okay," i comment, blinking. Taehyung rests his chin on my shoulder, leaning down as he holds you tight, our bodies swaying in tandem.

"You don't mind this?" Taehyung asks.

"Not if you don't," i respond. He's practically drunk, and you're even a little buzzed. There are worse things you could be doing.

"This is nice, isn't it?" He inquires aloud. It's a good thing that i can't see his face, can't watch the haze in his eyes, otherwise you might lose your footing and collapse.

"What is?"

"This," Taehyung repeats unhelpfully.

The next three minutes are some of the most confusing ones of your life as Taehyung rests a hand on your waist, palm rubbing up and down as the two of you dance together like it means something to the both of you.

But it doesn't, does it? i chalk it up to both of your minds not being as sharp with some alcohol in your systems. That must be it.

When the song ends, the mood disappears as well, and Taehyung's back to his bouncy, tipsy self. He's practically stumbling over himself once he determines that it's time for more shots, and i've never seen Taehyung drunk before but i can tell that he's nearly there. You'll probably put a hard stop on the drinks after this round, since Taehyung is the one most familiar with the way back to his apartment and i wouldn't mind going home and sleeping after this.

hie everyone !! sorry for constantly giving yall a short chapter , im really plied up with college and stuff also today i had half day ^^ so im here watching Strong Woman Do-Bong Soon.

also any of yall remember when taehyung got drunk for the first time and took totally random ass pics ?

also any of yall remember when taehyung got drunk for the first time and took totally random ass pics ?

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