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"What's your New Year's Resolution?" i ask randomly, interrupting the quiet that had befallen the both of you.

Taehyung jumps at the sound of your voice piercing through the atmosphere, caught off guard. You lean in, expecting him to answer.

"Oh, um, I guess to draw and paint for fun more. A lot of the stuff I've been making in school I've been doing because I had to," Taehyung says quickly. It's sort of obvious that he made up the resolution on the spot. "Uh, what's yours?"

i press my lips into a thin line, smiling to yourself. "To be honest."

Taehyung scoffs at that. "Believe me, dahyun, you are more than honest. Brutally so."

"To others, yes," i reason. You always were a tell-it-like-it-is sort of person. "But I'm not very good at being honest with myself." i swing my legs slightly as they dangle over the ground below, kicking into each other. Taehyung turns to look at you, waiting for you to continue. "Yoongi says I'm a very stubborn person. I always have been. Once I determine something is the way it is, it's very difficult to change my mind."

Taehyung chuckles to himself. He's probably quite familiar with that aspect of your personality.

"But I realized recently that sometimes, things change without you even realizing it, and that instead of being afraid of those changes, you should embrace them. So that's what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to be more honest with myself, because I think I'll make everybody around me, including myself, happier." i continue.

"Good for you," Taehyung tells you mindlessly, turning back to face out towards the city.

"Kim Taehyung, I'm not finished talking, yet," i demand, forcing him to look back at you. "I hated you in freshman year. You were the worst thing to happen to me that year, annoying and full of yourself. And I didn't know you in sophomore year. We stopped talking and decided that it was better if we never did again."

He lets out a little huff of breath, visible in the cold night air.

"But I do know you now. You offered me a place to stay when I missed my flight after what might have been the worst final I have ever taken in my entire life. You took me to New York, and we made vegetable soup together. You let me hold your hand and kiss you on the cheek, and you drew me a portrait,"i say firmly. He looks up at you and finally, finally, his eyes aren't foggy. There's no haze, no mist. i look into his eyes and you can see yourself reflected in the ink black of his irises. He's beautiful. He's sitting on the ledge of the roof of his apartment building in the middle of January with nothing but a sweater and a scarf on, and he's beautiful. "You are the best thing to ever happen to me."

Before i can even take another breath, Kim Taehyung places a cold palm on your scarf-covered cheek and pulls you into a bruising kiss, his other hand wrapping around your waist as i shuffle along the ledge, closer and closer. And even if his hands are cold and his lips are chapped, his mouth is warm and soft, wanton and desperate. i beam at the feeling of his lips on yours, wrapping your arms around his neck as you ring in the New Year for real. This is how it was supposed to be. This is what you had been waiting for.

When we part, Taehyung's lips are a cherry red to match the tip of his nose. His brown eyes are twinkling, and not from the light pollution of the city.

"Can I be honest, too?" Taehyung asks. He's got the biggest goddamn grin on his face. "I think I'm in love with you."

The words are music to your ears. "My honesty is rubbing off on you," i tease. "Because I think I'm in love with you, too."

Smiling, grinning, positively fucking beaming, Taehyung wraps his hands around you and kisses you again. It warms your heart from the inside out, blossoms like a tulip in spring. When i started this winter break, you thought you had reached your lowest point, but you're finishing it on a high that you hope never fades. He loves you, he loves you, and most importantly, you love him back. And as it turns out, the movie where beautiful male art student lead and hardheaded and impenetrable female lead are stuck with each other for four weeks has a happy ending, after all.

------------------------------------------THE END 

i am soo sorry 😭 im very greedy 

sometimes i feel bad that i am giving you guys such bad and short stories , yet you still support me despite me being annoying 

anyways guys 

1) Dahyun isnt necessarily terribly particular when it comes to tattoos, and when she arrived at her favorite tattoo parlor one day in search of a new addition, one in particular catches her eye, but more importantly, so does the artist behind its creation. and slowly, she comes to realize that art does not need sentimental value to be meaningful—it just needs to be loved. {tattoo artist!au}


2) taehyung's the drummer in a local punk band, and dahyun the university's first chair flute. this is a love story that doesn't exactly go as planned, but then again, does anything? {punk band!au}

(2 votes)

3) dahyun's ways were very straightforward and strict, learning how to live in a mental hospital she spent years at. No one spoke up to her until she met a new boy at their ward with an unusual obsession with collecting daisies. His name was Taehyung, a seemingly charming boy who had a tragic past. dahyun's clueless to what his condition is, until it all gets revealed. The more things she finds out about Taehyung, the more she realises that that boy is not as innocent as she thought. All the fragile daisies start to slowly disappear as soon as the dark secrets get unveiled right in front of her. {mental hospital!au}

(5 votes)

if you haven't voted yet vote now :D before i make a move heheheh

MY NEXT STORY WILL BE {mental hospital!au} 

dont worry ill do the other ones after when im done with this new one ^^ hope you enjoyed my shitty works 

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