4- Witches Hut(TDK)

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Early again, might as well update on Saturday at this posit

"Yeah whatever, just continue to lead the way, jerkface." Katsuki said with a glare, he's done this plenty of times that it has gotten to the point of the little intimidation it had faded away. Now it just looks like an angry kitten.

I started walking ahead, just like he said. I'm just simple guide of the forest for him, he means nothing to me, just like I mean nothing to him. We are just using each other, we have a connected goal, he wants to leave this place while I want to prove mother's story was true and in order to do so he'll have to leave and free us from these god awful creatures.

We were lucky enough to run into a weak one, if something stronger had come then I don't think we would have made it out of there alive. I can't let my dreams of proving my family wrong if we're both dead!

"A cave should be close by, if I remember correctly." I told him, as much as I don't want to speak with him at the moment, I will speak if the situation calls for it. Katsuki only sucked his teeth, a very typical response that I've been getting used to already.

Katsuki had been walking sluggish even before we made it outside the castle, he's hungry, he's slowing us down. But it's not as if I have any food to offer him myself, so he'll have to endure his hunger further until we find the witch's hut of a possible cabin with a nice peasant inside.

I can't stop thinking about it though, he had that same look in his eyes when the monster tackled me from when I nearly slit his throat. It got me so excited I couldn't contain my emotions and lashed out on him, he needed a good scolding anyway.
It did feel nice though to know he cared somewhat of my well being.

But something like that would only slow us down more than he already has.

The forest trails had started to look more familiar, I can finally navigate around without having to check the road every now and then. It's been, what feels like, an hour and a half since we've left, so the cave should be another ten minutes from here on, the time can double though if Katsuki continues to be this slow.

Though I suppose aside from food he hasn't had any liquid in his system so dehydration might also be a factor.

Wait... "Katsuki, how does this..quirk of yours work?"

He groans in annoyance like I've heard nearly a million times before despite only having just met a day ago. "In simple terms, my sweat explodes. In complicated terms, my body produces nitroglycerin through my sweat which I can use to explode though it sucks 'cuz every since I 'died' I've been having trouble sweating."

Could he have been dehydrated from the very beginning? "When was the last time you drank in your world?"

Katsuki begins his thinking, and boy did he really think. It started to make me believe he hadn't have anything to consume for some time now.

"It's been two days before my suicide and one day here—though I guess now you could say two."

How...how has this kid not pass out yet. I shake my head, I stop walking and then to face him. He is a stupid boy, just a kid who doesn't appreciate life, that's why he tried to take it, he was an imbecile. "Idiot.." I mumble walking up to him and taking his arm while putting it around my shoulders. "Don't argue with me, I'm not catching you if you lose balance, just lean on me."

We were getting close to the cave so it wasn't like we'd be like this for long in the end.

He was getting heavier by the second, but we luckily were able to settle down. I used to go to this cave when I was younger with the element of our family until his mysterious disappearance. Since then I haven't seen it, but it looks just as I'd left it just more plantation and eroded rocks.

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