12- What Happend In The Forest(TDK)

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I'm so sorry for not posting, it's testing season and I have projects for finale grades

He's asleep, that's good, he needed that anyway. God, for someone so annoying and stubborn, he really makes me worry sometimes. But that's the weird part, I hated him so why did I suddenly hate him less, I get worried when he gets sick like this and when he o er works himself. I always kept an eye on him even if he'll get mad for it. But I still hate him, just a little bit. I gently put his head down on top of my bag, it's not comfortable but it's better then the dirty, hard floor.

I left the cave and met up with Deku, I have a question to ask him. When Katsuki had fallen ill, Deku's expression was blank but his eyes were different, I don't know what it was but something happened to him. He was standing at the edge of the mountain, Kirishima was no where in sight, maybe out hunting for dinner or something. "Deku," he jumped in surprise, he was obviously in deep thought about something.

"Sh-Shoto..." was all he said back. He was nervous and sweaty, he couldn't even make eye contact with me. He played with the bottom of his white buttoned shirt that was still dirty and wrinkled from whatever happened yesterday, looking more closely at it I can see tiny holes in a few places of the shirt and his pants were slightly ripped.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked him.

He shook his head, "It's an honor to have your concern, but I must apologize to you, I've made a big mistake yesterday." What did he mean by that, and what's with the sudden formality? It was random, he had only spoken in such a way when we first met back in the witch's hut, but the moment we left his formal speech had vanished.

"What do you mean, De-"

"I'm sorry, Shoto, I accidentally poisoned Katsuki!" He bowed to me to exaggerate his apology.

"How do you accidentally poison someone, you have to be lying!" Out of all the things he could have said that was the last thing he I had expected.

"I'm not! Really, listen to me...

~gotta love conveniently placed flashbacks~

"...I'll go refill our water!" I ran to the lake that was near by us. I took out the water skins from my bag, the water was nice and clear, but something felt off about this area, it has this dark aura that just won't go away.

"Hello there," a deep voice said from behind me. I turn around and saw a man with black hair and skin as pale as Shoto's, speaking of which they looked way too similar to not be related in any way. The man's arms were crossed as he leaned against a tree. "I wouldn't step into this territory if I were you, if you want to live that is..,"

Just what did he mean by that, was he going to kill me just because of some water? He smirked as he pointed to the three filled water skins in my hands, "I'd be careful when giving those out, one of them was poisoned."

Wait, I dropped the water and walked closer to him, "What did you do to it?" I held his shirt and glared at him.

"Me? I never did anything, I was here this whole time I can't reach it from here."

"That may be so but you could be a wizard for all I know, now tell me, what did you do?" I demanded to him. He looked surprised, I was too with myself, I never acted like this very often.

He chuckled creepily and grabbed my wrist that still held onto his shirt and gave it a painful squeeze, I winced at it. "You have something that I want, or more like someone, we can have a fair trade if you sacrifice one of your friends. I'll take away the poison and you hand over either one, both are very useful to us."

I punched his face and backed away, "No way! I can't do that, we're all on a mission together. I won't betray them when it only just started."

"You are very loyal, fine then, try not poison one of your friends," then he had suddenly disappeared.

God, I can't tell which one is the one he poisoned, if only there was a way to know...do I just have to hope for the best and pray that I'm the one that gets poisoned? But the odds of that is one of three which isn't a good one.

I took a long time here just to get some water, it would look suspicious to them. I took out a knife and poked a few holes in my shirt and ripped the bottom of my pants, of course I didn't forget to spread some dirt on my clothes.


...and as you can see, Katsuki ended up drinking the poisoned one, I'm sorry," he apologized.

It's clearer now what he meant by accidentally causing Katsuki's sudden illness. If I could be completely honest I'm glad it wasn't from dehydration or malnourishment because there isn't much we can really do to help with that, his fever is minor so the only thing we can do is hope it's gets better after some rest. Hopefully the poison isn't strong and he could conquer it.

I kept on thinking about Katsuki's illness until Deku's small giggle broke my thought process, "It's nice to see you worry for him, kinda funny actually."

"Wha—how is this funny?!"

"It's just that, he told me you put a knife to his throat and said to kill himself, and not even a week later you've become worried about him, it's almost amusing." He laughed some more at that.

I turned my head away from him, it was nearly embarrassing to say the least, "That may be so...but there's just something that keeps pulling me closer to him, fate Maybe. It just might be fate, it wants me to get closer but each time I do he falls ill, a curse possibly. A curse that wants us far away as if to save us from the inevitable, but these two opposing sides somehow mixes together and creates something I've never experienced."

"And what's that?" He asked curiously.

"It brought me friends, and I could only pray that they won't go away, even if I know how this story ends."

This story...the center of it all, life or death, how would it end? Would it bring us a better life or would someone meet their unmistakable end?

No one:

Kuroko Basket dub:
Your Kagami's homeboy, right?

Himuro: You can chill with the slang, people don't usually talk like that in America. But no, we're not homeboys.

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