5- Number One(BKG)

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Please tell me I'm not the only one who isn't simping for Eren in that mirror scene, then again I am into girls so..

Damn that really hurt a lot, I lightly touch my neck with the tips of my fingers. It hurt, this really sucks, the hell was I used to fucking navigate this damn house.

Halfy knocked on the door and just less than a second later it was slammed open and the two of was were dragged inside. "Hey, the fuck do you—"

"Shh!" There was no lights and all the windows were shut closed. The person who dragged us in here quickly checked the peephole on the door, what's wrong with them? With a sigh of relief, she clapped her hands and all the candles were lit but the windows were still shut, oh yeah a witch, hopefully she could fix this aching burn. "Sorry about that," She was a girl, short brown hair and a blush that doesn't seem to go away anytime soon.

Halfy shook his head, "It's fine," it's the calmest I've seen him, but considering it hasn't been long since we've met I can't really determine that he's never calm in general.

The witch nodded with a smile, "You two must be the travelers I've been waiting for!" She sounds awfully happy about the situation.

Hold up. "Don't just act like pulling us in here is normal, why'd you close everything?"

She stiffened, "Oh, that, yeah just wanted to make sure castle guards weren't following you, it'd be suspicious if your bodies suddenly disappeared in thin air," she laughs but I really don't see what's so funny and Halfy doesn't get it either, that, or he just wasn't paying attention to what she's saying.

Halfy groans impatiently, "Doesn't matter, I assume you know our business for being here?" He really just wants to leave doesn't he, huh. The witch was silent, maybe a little offended by his approach, I know I was when he fucking put a knife to my throat.

"Uh...yes, I'm fact I do know!" She awkwardly shuffles further into her home, Halfy and I follow her along the way. She stops at a cauldron, "Just look inside," is all she said. I leaned forward to peak from behind her, woah, no fucking way!!

"Katsuki, if you can hear me, I just want you to know your family is here, okay? Why didn't you tell us you felt this way, I knew something was wrong but I was afraid to ask you. You never accepted help and I didn't want you to think I look down on you because I know your strong, but I'm so sorry I couldn't help you sooner..."

It was my mother, she was in a hospital room holding my hand, I was sleeping with needles stick in my arm and the heart monitor's beeping was loud and clear.

I'm alive.

My father was rubbing her back, he was crying along with her.

"Your body is in a comatose state, it will continue to be this way so long as your here. The moment you leave, you will return to your body and awaken," She explained, "But I must warn you, one day in this world is one week in yours, so it's been almost one month since you've been in a coma."

Has it really been that long to them? "I'll miss my birthday..." I mumble, it sucks, damnit why'd I have to go and done it, I had so much to do. I feel my eyes start to water, and suck it up though, I can't cry I have no reason to. I did this to myself so I could only blame myself for this.

"Katsuki, was it? There is only one way to go back to your family," I didn't bother to look at her, I'm stuck looking down at that damn heart monitor, "You must find six gems, luckily enough, I have a visitor here who has your first one!"

I look over at Halfy who was the least bit ecstatic compared to me, I want to go back, I don't ever want to see my parents cry like that because of me. It's not fair, not one bit.

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