9- Trial And Error

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"I'm Kirishima, wanna play a game?" The guy with the shitty hair said. So this is the guy whose going to decide if we're 'worthy' enough for his gem thingy? "Let's go up, then I can start explaining everything." His right hand started to glow up, more of that magic stuff I guess, with a quick snap of his finger we were all on top of the mountain as fast as a blink.

Halfy was more or less pleased by this outcome, must be because of how accurate this must have been to his little story or whatever. "Now then, explain," he ordered Kirishima. Once a prince always a prince as they say, he may have abandoned his duties but that doesn't mean he'd change his attitude over night.

"This," he holds out a red gem just like Deku's, "is the gem of trust, each gem holder will give you both a trial, think of it as a test of courage. In order for me to give you this pretty thing, you must go through my trial of trust. You can't save the world if you can't trust each other." Kirishima finished his explanation still holding onto Deku, probably even tighter than before.

"If that's the case, then why didn't Deku give a trial?" I asked out of pure curiosity, that bitch better not had given us the easy way in to get that thing .

Deku attempted to get away from Kirishima but gave up seeing as the grip was way too inhuman to even bother. "I did give you a trial, my gem is the gem of Determination, it represents your journey to me. Your trial was to not give up." Wow, of course that was something Deku represents, I mean he was trying to get into UA despite the fact he supposedly had no quirk and I bet he was busting his ass right now training somehow. Like an idiot.

"That does make some sense," Halfy commented, he was being so quiet I had nearly forgotten about his existence entirely.

"What do we have to do for this trial of yours?" I asked, Kirishima finally let go of Deku to which he looked very grateful for and the shitty hair clapped his hands once, he must have the ability to change his surroundings or something because the once bright sky had turned dark and the curvy mountain was now as flat as the ground floor.

"I'm going to create an obstacle course, but before that," he motioned for Deku to give him something. Deku searched through his bag and pulled out a rope, "Katsuki, gimme your right hand, Shoto, I need your left." He tied up our wrists together, "As this is a trial of trust you must also work together and what better way to do so while being tied up!" He spoke with a smug smile, this bitch knows what he's doing.

I hated it, imagine being stuck with the person you've been fighting with this whole time, I know we made some sort of stupid promise or whatever but when he said work together I didn't expect it to be like this! "Ugh, this fucking sucks ass..." I mumbled to myself, intentionally letting Halfy know how uncomfortable I am with this shit.

"It's only temporary, Katsuki, the quicker we get along, the faster we can move on from here," he was calm now, he hadn't switched yet, which was a good thing I need nice Halfy if I'm gonna be tied up to him like this.

"Alrighty, it's all set, your first test will be an obstacle course. Go ahead and take a look before you start, once you step on that plate form a timer of 30 minutes will begin, you have unlimited amount of tries, take a try or two for training."

Halfy and I stepped close to the edge of the flat ground, it was a cliff, a deep one at that. There was around six platforms each about one yard apart with a rope that I'm assuming we have to use to cross over. This was a hard task for us to do stuck together like this.

"Let's go, try and keep up."

And there goes nice Halfy and in comes the meanie.

"You could be a little nice, fucker," so maybe my rude language wasn't the best in this situation, I knew that whenever he switched like that he clearly doesn't care what comes of us.

We stepped on the first platform, a drop from here and we'll be as good as dead. God, this sucks balls.

Walking was easy, but the rope part was where we were stuck at. "I know walking on it is a no go, the other thing I could think of is climbing on it." I didn't think it would work entirely but it was worth the suggestion at the very least.

"No, if anything the rope would likely snap from both our weight," he kneeled down unexpectedly which caused me to kneel down too, he touched the rope and examined it, "it's thin and would likely only hold one of us, even then it has its chances of snapping."

So basically we were screwed either way whether we liked it or not. But if the guy said we could try as many times as we wanted that must mean that we wouldn't die even if we fell and I think Halfy caught on it too.

"Let's attempt to walk, it's always good to test things out." He carefully placed his foot on the rope and then the other, he was balanced perfectly and the rope hadn't snapped. It was my turn now and though it might not look it, this damn thing could break at any second once I step on it. "Hurry it up, we don't have much time left."

Doing what he said, I stood on the rope, careful not to tug on Halfy's arm and cause us to fall.

"Now, let's try to walk, front foot first," he instructed, we started to walk but when we took our first step the rope started to make a noise. "It's too late to go back now, it's best we keep going, if it snaps then we'll just have to try something else."

Okay, got it. We kept moving forward, but then...


The rope had snapped and next thing we knew, we were falling, it felt like it only lasted for a few seconds though because we were back on the same flat ground as before. Dont thing just because we landed safely doesn't mean it didn't hurt like hell, damnit!

"Well done, you made it further than I thought, but you took way too long and used the wrong approach, this is a test of trust not teamwork. That's the only hint I'm giving."

Damn that Kirishima and damn that Deku for just sitting back and relaxing!!

"Again, let's do it again, I'm not giving up until we beat it!" I shouted, I'm fully determined that we'd be able to beat it by the sunrise, we had to...and I'd never live with myself knowing that I couldn't beat a challenge like this one.

"If you say so!"
Short but whatever

"If you say so!"****Short but whatever

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