Chapter 10

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For PTX_Pentaholic99

"I'm fine." Mitch let out a small cough, doubling over in pain. I came to check if his fever was going down.

"Baby, don't take off the blankets." I stopped him from removing the only warmth that was wrapped around him.

"I feel too warm."

"You need it, okay? Just drink some water and I'll get you something to eat." I brushed his damp hair out of his eyes. My cold hand stopped on his burning forehead. "I should have never let you go outside like that. I'm such a fucking idiot."

"I just wanted to feel the snow on my skin. I would do it again in heartbeat." His hand went to rest on my shoulder and trace my collarbone. "I'm sorry that I was selfishly thinking of myself."

"Mitch, I don't care about that. But being sick when you are on vacation sucks. You could get a major flu and be immobilized for days. I want you to enjoy everything." His hand went to hold my cheek gently.

"I understand that but you have to understand something. I can get sick literally from anything. My body is extremely weak. The best thing to do is to be careful and do whatever the fuck I want." I smiled at him, shaking my head. I leaned down to press my forehead against his. The contrast of heat between our bodies was scaring me. His thumb came to brush across my bottom lip. "I could get sick from just kissing you." I brushed my lips against his in a teasing manner but pulled away when he tried to kiss me.

"No." He smiled when he realized I was playing with him. His hands came together to lace behind my neck. He was trying to bring me down into a kiss.

"Scott!" He made a childish whine when I refused to close the distance between us. He suddenly became serious. "What are you going to do if die before we have sex?"

"I'm going to cherish every moment I have with you, Mitch. Even if I never have the chance to make love to you." His eyes went to search my face and their was suddenly tears in his eyes. "What's wrong?" He let out a small sob.

"Getting sick is the best thing that happen to me."

"Mitch, what are you saying?"

"Just hear me out." He struggled to sit up and I had to help him. "I would have never moved to California. I wouldn't have been in the same apartment building, I wouldn't be that coffee shop because I just finished treatment. I would have missed you. I would never have met you. In a way, getting cancer is the worst, best thing that ever happened to me. And I'm so thankful." I came to lay under the covers, bringing him down to rest in my arms.

"We would have met a different way. I know we would have. But in a way, I guess I'm glad you're sick too." I made sure he was looking at me. "You're going to beat it. You're going to live and we're going to have a future together." Mitch laughed.

"Yeah. Married with ten kids." He said it jokingly.

"I'm serious, Mitch." His eyebrows drew together. "I want to grow old with you."

"You should forget it. Scott, I'm an incurable mistake."

"You were never a mistake to me. And you never will be." I wrapped my arms around his waist to pull him closer. The man in my arms is literally the best thing to happen to me. I could see where he was coming from though. If we hadn't bumped into that coffee shop, I would have never met him. I wouldn't be in his life and he wouldn't be in mine. The more I think about it, the more I fear losing him. He's my boyfriend. My love.

"Why do you do this? Why do you put up with me?"

"Because I love you." I gave him a quick kiss. I felt his lips against my cheek.

"I love you too. And sometimes, I wonder what it would be like without you. I don't want a life without." I brushed a tear from where it was building up on his eyelashes. That was the last thing he said before he fell asleep. I slipped out from underneath the covers and was laying on top of them. It was extremely hot under there.

I began making him something to eat. I was making a chicken noodle soup that my nanny use to make for me. It was my first time making it without her over my shoulder. And I had limited resources. I couldn't leave Mitch to get groceries. If something happened while I was gone, I would never forgive myself.

"Scott?" I came to his bedside immediately. I let my fingers brush through his hair. His eyes were still closed but I could tell he was awake.

"Are you hungry?" He nodded. I made him a bowl of noodle soup and set it down on the nightstand to help him sit up. "How are you feeling?"

"My head hurts."

"Eating should help that, baby." I kissed his sweaty forehead. I gave him the bowl and he swirled his spoon around in it. I could tell that he was almost nodding off. I held him up. He took a bite that had noodles and soup. With the bite, he woke up. "How is it?" He glanced at me.

"It's....good." I could tell he was lying.

"Mitch, it was my first time making this. You can tell the truth." He went to take another bite before stopping as it came to his lips.

"It's awful."

"I'll go get something." He grabbed my arms before I could get up.

"No. It's fine. I lived off hospital food and this is way better." He took another bite. He seemed completely content with the food I made him. "Here." He gave me a spoonful.

"Oh god. That is awful." I had to stop myself from almost spitting it out. He laughed.

"It got better after the second bite." He leaned forward to press my lips against his. "Thank you."

"Anything for you, darling."

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