Chapter 13

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For PTX_Pentaholic99

When I cracked my eyes open in the morning, I watched Mitch run his fingers along his fake tattoo. He absolutely loved it. My hands went to rest over the mark.

"Can we get more?"

"Anything you want." He laced his fingers with mine. He moved closer to me, biting his bottom lip slightly.

"Did I tell you I love you?" I rubbed my nose against his and he giggled quietly.

"Not this morning. I love you too, Mitch." He curled up to my chest. I felt his breathing even out and his body relax. He fell asleep once again. I wonder if he wanted to do anything today. I had something planned out but we could always stay home if he needed. My arm rubbed up and down his before I slipped out of the bed. I began making breakfast for him. I honestly wasn't very good at this.

"Whatcha doing?" Mitch jumped on the counter next to me.

"Do you know how to do this?"

"My parents didn't let me drink soda, do you think they let me go near a stove?" I chuckled gently.

"Have you ever made any of your food?" He shook his head.

"I've mostly had hospital foods. And when I'm home, I get too sick." He shrugged.

"How are you feeling lately?" He smiled at the concern that laced my voice.

"I'm feeling fine, Scott. You don't have to worry about me." I moved the frying pan to one of the burners that wasn't turned on. I came to stand between his legs. I kissed his forehead. It felt like it was a normal temperature.

"Don't tell me not to worry. It makes me worry more." He just hummed, his fingers running through my hair to spike it up. His eyes searched my face.

"You're so handsome." I don't know why but my cheeks began burning. He's told me this before. Why did it catch me off guard now? "I'm going to go get ready?" He gave me a quick kiss before slipping passed me. I continued trying to make breakfast which consisted of scrambling eggs. I added some cheese. My mom really like Japan and since my parents own the hotel chain, they had a regular room. I had called for it to be stocked with fresh groceries.

"Mitch, there's-" I stopped short as I peeked around the corner to look at my boyfriend. He was staring at me in the mirror.

"Well?" I took steps closer to him.

"Why'd you do it?" He went to touch where he just shaved the sides of his head. Then his hand drifted to where he shaved his beard off.

"You hate it."

"No! I'm just asking why." I could tell he didn't believe me. I took a deep breath before grabbing the hair trimmer, turning it on, and quickly shaving a part of my hair on one of my sides.

"Scott?!" He took the clippers out of my hand. "Why the fuck did you do that?" I went to grab his hand.

"I didn't care that you did this, Mitch. I just want to know why." He laughed.

"You're an idiot." He touched where I had shaved. "Let me fix it." He pulled me out of the bathroom. He made me sit down on a chair in the living room. For awhile, the buzz of the hair trimmer was the only thing that interrupted our silence. "You promise you won't freak out."

"No." I answered seriously. He came in front of me to check if it was even.

"I wasn't sick when we were in Alaska." My eyebrows drew together in confusion. "I was going through withdrawals. I think this was the first time since I was six that I haven't been pumped full of medication. You think you lose your hair when you're on the medication. But I did now. It's the same spot every time. I didn't want you to see it."

"Mitch." My fingers went to run across the smooth skin on his chin. He had finished with my hair. I decided to change the subject. "How do I look?"

"Still handsome." He sat down on my lap. "What about me?"

"I'm jealous you can look beautiful no matter what." He giggled with a deep red blush on his cheeks. After eating breakfast, Mitch and I went into town to go to the cute little stores. He would look at things but nothing caught him like the Jiji tattoo we found the night before. Sometimes, I think he was afraid if he looked too long that I would buy it. And he was right. I was planning on spoiling him.

"Look, Scott!" Mitch pulled me by the hand into a pet store. He put his hands on the glass that separated him and a tiny puppy. He moved off from the yipping dog and went over the the cat section. "Why do people think they're ugly? I think they are the cutest cats I have ever seen." Mitch was looking at a white skinned hairless cat. "I don't think I've ever touched an animal in my life." His hand slid from the glass sadly. "Let's go."


"I don't want to touch her. Just trust me on this." He crossed his arms and waited outside for me. I slowly made my way out.

"Are you going to take my hand?" He happily laced his fingers with mine.

"Always, Scott." We walked away for awhile until the sun began to set. Then I slowly brought Mitch down a certain path.

"Come here." I stood behind him, placing my hands over his eyes. Then I guided him for a couple of minutes. "Are you ready?"

"Yes." I removed my hands, hearing him gasp. His hand went to cover his mouth. "The tunnel of lights." He whispered it to himself. The bright white lights encased everyone who walked through in a happy tunnel.

"We're in the middle. Do you want to finish the task?" I turned him around as people walked passed us. My arms were wrapped around his waist. He got a mischievous smile on his face.

"I think I'll find someone else. I don't date guys with this hair." He laughed while I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up and kiss me." His smile fell as his lips got closer to mine. I heard a couple people snort at the amount of PDA we were showing. He pulled away slowly before running into the crowd. I got a couple pictures when he wasn't paying attention. I loved them. He was staring at the lights, a single dot that the crowd parted around. He was completely content as we walked back to the hotel. His smiled never faded. Not even when the first drop of rain kissed his cheek.

"Oh my god! Yes!" I stood calmly out of the way. I was under the awning while he was spinning and jumping in puddles. "Scott! Come join me!" He didn't give me the opportunity to answer. He tugged me forward and our lips met as the rain soaked our clothes. "You're everything I could have ever asked for."

"I love you, Mitch." He moved my wet hair from my forehead.

"I love you too." The haze of getting to our hotel room was us pretending like we never touched each other. Our hands were shaking with the thought of grabbing the other's. But we couldn't because there was too many people around. It was when our door was shut behind us that we held each other. It was a struggle to get the wet clothes off. I stopped all my actions when Mitch was underneath me on the bed.

"Are you sure about this?" His fingers brushed against my cheek.

"I'm not as fragile as you think. I trust you."

That night, I made love to the most beautiful man that I am glad to call my boyfriend.

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