Chapter 16

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For ilse2512

"So we have a big schedule to get through." Kevin said as we got in his car. He smiled back at us. "How was the first night in a city of romance?" I looked at Mitch as he began blushing furiously. Kevin just laughed. "Relax. It can't be that embarrassing than what happened in high school."

"Kevin." I let out this playful warning tone. Mitch took the bait to get the story.

"What happened?" He moved forward in his seat. I hid my face as the story began.

"So we used to have this group we would hang out in. There was this girl named Kirstie and this other guy, Avi, who was my best friend. But anyways, Scott had a crush on this boy our junior year. So Avi thought it would be fun while we were in the locker room to pull the towel off of Scott's crush after he got out of the showers with Scott right there. And I swear to you, he had no idea what to do. The crush tried to cover himself and poor Scott got a good enough look that his face was so red. Then he turn and slammed into the lockers." I peeked through my hands to look at Mitch. He had this wide grin while he listen. "Anyways, what about you?"

"I didn't really have any friends." Kevin glanced away from the road to look back at Mitch.

"Really? Why? I don't mean to pry but I've been near you for about thirty minutes and I already know I like you."

"Well, I was homeschooled for a long time. Then when I got to school....I was just known as the kid with cancer." That sentence made Mitch fall back in his seat with slumped shoulders.

"Cancer? Why should that make a difference?" Kevin buzzed his lips with the idea that he thought was ridiculous. "Cancer doesn't define who you are. It doesn't determine how your going to live your life. Or even how long. You could make a couple hours seem like five years if you want to. And if you die, as long as you lived your life the way you wanted to live it, then cancer shouldn't matter." I was watching Mitch closely. He was trying not to cry.

"Thank you." He whispered. Kevin parked the car. He turned back in his seat.

"Any love of Scott's is my friend. Maybe even best friends." I mouthed a 'thank you' to Kevin. He nodded. Then our small group got out of the car. Mitch reached out to hold my hand. I leaned over to kiss his forehead. "This way." We had to walk awhile but then it was right in front of us. The Louvre. The beautiful pyramid came up to the sky in a point before angling down before coming to make the opposite pyramid that descended down. Mitch pulled me forward excitedly. He was here for one reason. He pulled me inside the art museum with the high ceilings and ornamental walls. And there she was. Her mysterious smile.

"The Mona Lisa." He went as close as he could get with the people and the handrails. He just stood there for a long time. Possibly like thirty minutes. Just taking in everything. He didn't try to take a picture. It seemed like he was committing every detail to memory. Then he came back to where Kevin and I were standing. He stopped to look at something before he was in earshot.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I didn't remove my eyes from Mitch when Kevin's voice startled me.

"Because whether he has cancer is not important."

"Scott, I thought he was another gold digger." I didn't say anything. Just watched Mitch. We went around to look at more paintings. "Everyone has their favorite masterpiece. You're lucky yours can leave a museum." I finally looked away from Mitch.


"You look at that man just like when an artist looks at their favorite painting. This is the first time you've taken your eyes off him." I rolled my eyes at my friend.

"He's different. And I like his different." Mitch was beaming as we left. I got a couple of pictures when he wasn't paying attention. Then I got one of him in front of the pyramids looking so adorable. Then I sent them to his parents. They responded with a typical response. That he looks so happy and so handsome. And I agreed. I had seen old pictures of Mitch and he had seemed so miserable all the time. I know it was all his treatments though.

"So what now?" Mitch asked. We had walked around all day looking at the sites.

"I thought we would go to a couple of parties." Kevin said it nonchalantly. I saw Mitch's face brighten up. "Come on." We went to a wine event. I gave Mitch his first glass of wine.

"Ready?" I asked. He nodded slowly, looking at the purple liquid in his glass. I clinked our glasses together and took my sip. I could be like my parents. I could describe the taste of this awful wine with complicated and big words. But I just kept my mouth shut. Kevin and I watched Mitch drink his. As soon as it touched his tongue, he spit it out. He coughed loudly. Everyone turned to look. "What's wrong?"

"I know why people spit that stuff out. That was awful." I laughed, putting my arm around his shoulders.

"Next!" Kevin yelled excitedly. Then we were in this little bar. Kevin obviously knew people there. And we were gladly invited into the party. Mitch had his first beer which he told me he liked much better than the wine. I just calmly drank my beer little by little, watching Mitch and Kevin trying different drinks. And I got a couple pictures of them. Mitch tried a couple of shots. And when I say a couple, I mean a lot of them. He tried a lemon drop, a jolly rancher, something that was on fire, a cherry bomb, and a kamikaze. The last shot he tried was called a blowjob, which in his drunken state, made him giggle like a third grader.

"This is soooo much fun." He was hanging on me. I laughed at him.

"It's not going to be much fun when you wake up."

"Let future Mitchie worry about that." He laughed quickly. Kevin stumbled over to us.

"Mitch! They have a dartboard." Kevin was whisper yelling to Mitch.

"I've always wanted to do that!" They shuffled over together. I got some pictures of Mitch trying to make the bullseye. Then one where he was successful. Everyone cheered around him. "Number thirty two!" He ran into my arms. "I'm tired!" He continued to yell. I don't even think he knew. I pulled Mitch outside and began putting the hotel address into my phone. When I turned back to look at Mitch, he was sitting on the ground with a pout. I knelt next to him, becoming worried.

"What's wrong? Are you hurting?" He shook his head.

"My legs don't work no more." I sighed in relief.

"Get on my back." I gave him a piggyback ride. His arms lazily dangled over my shoulders and his soft breath brushed against my neck.

"I love you, Scott." I smiled at his drunken words.

"I love you too."

"No. I, like, really love-love you."

"I love-love you too, Mitch." It was quiet for awhile.

"You know how I'm dying?" I took a deep breath at his wording. "And how I didn't want to drag anyone into that forever?"


"I think I want to. I want to cross off number ninety nine." He fell asleep on my back while I was left confused. We got back to the hotel and I tucked him away in bed. It was only when I pulled out his list that I knew what it was.

99. Get married

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