Chapter 6

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For Clemonlime


"Can I take the blindfold off?" Mitch went to take the back blindfold away from his eyes.

"If you take off that blindfold I won't talk to you for a week." He held his hands up in defense. I followed the gps to our destination. This was really hard to navigate but it would all be worth it. I stopped the car.

"Can I take it off now?"

"Nope." I ran over to his side to help him out. Then I turned him to face me. "I hope you're not mad at me."

"What? Why would I be ma-Ah!" He wiped around as someone poked his sides. He slipped his blindfold off his eyes. "Ally? Oh my god!" Mitch brought his sister into a tight hug. I walked over to Mitch's mom.

"Hello Mrs. Grassi."

"Hello Scott. Thank you for bring him home to us." She smiled at me before going to hug her son. I noticed Mitch crying. "Grandma and grandpa are inside too." He used the back of his sleeve to get the tears away.

"I can't believe I'm home."

"Well thank your boyfriend. He set it all up." I shoved my hands in my pocket and shyly looked down at my feet while Ally spoke. Someone tackled me to the ground in a hug. I sat up once Mitch let go.

"You're amazing." I was caught by surprise when he kissed me. We broke apart when we heard someone clearing their throat. "Daddy!" Mitch got off the ground to hug his dad. I scrambled to my feet and tried to make myself look decent. Ally's hand slipped on my shoulder.

"Relax." She pat me on the back. "He can smell fear." She sauntered off in a way that her brother would.

"Dad, this is Scott." Mitch had a hand on his dad's shoulder.

"The boyfriend?" Mitch nodded nervously. I held out my hand as Mr. Grassi's eyes scanned my body. He accepted my handshake. "Well isn't he handsome?" Mitch smiled happily and gave his dad a kiss on the cheek. I watched Mr. Grassi walk inside. I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"Relax. It's over."

"I thought he was going to kill me." Mitch was fixing my shirt.

"Please. He can't hurt a fly."

"I think an insect has different rules then someone dating his son." He gave me a small kiss. God what would I do without Mitch to comfort me?

"He likes you. He's never accepted a handshake from my boyfriends."

"It's because he smelled my fear and now he's going to fuck with me."

"Scott." He turned my face so I was looking at him. "Don't let Ally get to you. He likes you. I like you." He fixed my hair for me. He held my hand as we walked inside.

"You know, you took your blindfold off." He turned around, putting his lips inches from mine.

"Then I guess you'll have to punish me later." He winked at me. Then it was to a night of getting to know his family. I met his grandparent. The were a cute little couple that always held hands. But the would keep switching from English to Italian. I was lost but everyone else understood them. "She says you're very handsome." Mitch whispered to me. I smiled at him.

"You know, it's been almost five years since we've seen you. Ever since you got en-" Mitch cut Ally off by slapping a hand over her mouth. He shook his head.

"Where's Glen? Your fiancé?" Mitch's grandmother said without realizing it was wrong. Mitch groaned.


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