Chapter 14

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For ilse2512

A/N: This has been put on random updates because I'm writing an original story.

I slid to sit at the edge of the bed, rubbing my hand over my face. I glanced back at a still sleeping Mitch. He looked absolutely adorable. God....I'm in love with this boy. If he were to disappear, I don't know what I would do. I wiped the tear from my face. I had this feeling, deep inside that he was going to leave me. And it terrified me. My life without him will be boring again.

"Scott?" Mitch was cuddling up to his blankets. "Morning." He was smiling at me.

"How are you feeling?" He bit his bottom lip.

"Amazing." He sat up, the covers slipping from his body. I looked away from him.

"I'm sorry."

"Scott, what are you sorry for?" I felt his arms wrap around me from behind. His face was nuzzled in my neck. I touched a bruise on his arm. "Don't think about those. I will bruise no matter what. Baby-"

"Those show I hurt you."

"No." He giggled. "They show me that you finally decided to make love to me. That I am finally completely one with you." He turned my head to look at him. "These bruises don't scare me and they shouldn't scare you. Do you understand?"

"Yes. But it doesn't mean I want to." I got up and he fell forward on the bed in defeat.


"Just give me a moment." I walked out of the room and into the kitchen. I sat in silence there for awhile until I glanced at the clock. We had to leave soon. "Mitch, it's almost time to-" I stopped short when I saw him standing in the big window with only the thin sheet wrapped around his body. He was touching the glass where drops of rain were streaking down. I slowly made my way over to where he was standing. I kissed his shoulder lightly.

"I love you." He didn't move from where he was looking out the window. "This trip was meant to make both of us forget the fact that I'm sick. I don't want it looming over my thoughts and I certainly don't want it to be the first thing in your mind every time you touch me. Worrying isn't going to make me better." I decided it was time to lighten the mood.

"You have some nice marks though." My fingers brushed over the hickeys I gave him. He tried to suppress his smile.

"Can we do it again?"

"Not right now. We need to start packing. It time to leave here." He turned around. One hand was holding the sheet around his body while the other was resting on my shoulder.

"Do you regret it?"

"Regret what?" He seemed to think about it for awhile.

"Regret meeting me? If you were given a second chance to walk in that coffee shop, would you still pay attention to me if I didn't have cancer? Would you have given me a second glance?"

"I would have given you a thousand glances. Because I wouldn't have believed that your beauty could exist." Mitch didn't say anything about my answer. He silently pack his things and then we were on the plane. He began making more paper cranes until we landed.

"What are you doing?" He laughed quietly at me putting a blindfold around his eyes. I carried him off the plane. He held onto me tightly. There was something off about him today. He seemed sad. I don't know why.

"I love you, Mitch. I don't regret anything that has happened with you." He still remained silent. I met up with the person that was going to help me out. I kept Mitch in my arms.

"Hello, Scott." I smiled at my friend.

"Hey, Kevin. This is Mitch who is currently blind." Kevin leaned over to look at where Mitch was hiding his blindfolded face in my neck.

"Hello, Mitch. It's nice to finally meet you." Mitch smiled faintly. I set him down on the ground.

"It's nice to meet you too, Kevin." He couldn't really see the person he was meeting. Kevin's bright white smile was one that could probably shine through a blind fold. I got a little help from Kevin as we climb flights of stairs. "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise." The cool night air passed over my cheeks, giving them the tint of red. Mitch slowly climbed the steps. I was walking up backward so I could make sure he wasn't going to fall.

"Scott?" Mitch's voice sound impatient.

"We're almost there." His foot came down on the final step. I brought him to hold onto the railing. "Ready?"

"As I will ever be." I pulled the blindfold off his face, hearing a delighted gasp when he saw what was in front of him. Kevin gave me a high five. The city of Paris was lit up and beautiful. It was perfect for Mitch seeing this. He looked down to see the feet of the Eiffel Tower. "Scott...." It was the only word he could manage to say. I came behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. I brought him close to me. "It's beautiful."

"Maybe." He turned in my arms.

"What does that mean?" My hand came to cup his cheek. I put my forehead against his.

"I've seen someone I think is more beautiful." Mitch glanced over at Kevin.

"Is it Kevin?" He teased. Kevin laughed, walking away to give us privacy.

"No. No one can ever amount to you." Mitch's smile began to fade. I leaned down to put my lips to his. His arms came to wrap around my neck.

"I love you, Scott Hoying." My hand went over where his heartbeat was steady. If that were to end....

"And I will always love you, Mitch Grassi." He smiled at me, leaning in for another kiss that I gladly returned.

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