Chapter 3

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For ilse2512

Happy Thanksgiving!! Sorry I was late to the punch.

I woke up to the sound of coughing. I sat up in the bed and my hand immediately went to Mitch's side. He wasn't there. The coughing started again. This time I heard the gag though. Mitch was puking.

"Mitch?" I came to the bathroom door. He turned his head away from me.

"Please don't look at me." He held on to the toilet seat as he gagged again.


"Get Janey. Just-" He finally emptied the contents of his stomach. The little he had at least.

"Let me help you."

"No! Just get Janey!" He threw up again. I went to the fridge to get Janey's number. But I couldn't go into the bathroom. He wouldn't let me.

"Where is he?" I pointed towards the bathroom when Janey arrived. She went in Mitch's cabinet to get his pill box. Then she disappeared to find Mitch. "Take it."

"No....that's-" He was cut off. "That's what got me sick in the first place." I heard a smack and I saw the pills going tumbling on the floor. Mitch had smacked them out of her hands.

"You need to relax. You're stressed."

"Of course I'm fucking stressed! I have-" It sounded like Mitch was choking. "I have cancer!"

"Mitch. You're stressing your body out. You need to calm down."

"Fuck yo-" He threw up again. I heard him sigh. "I hate this. I wish I could just die." I covered my mouth in disbelief. I'm guessing this was one of his off days.

"What about your parents?" Mitch made a grunt of disinterest. "What about Scott?"

"Scott? Don't let him see me. What if-" He was cut off by his own vomit. I couldn't take it anymore. I went in the bathroom to comfort him. I was sitting beside him, rubbing his back soothingly. "Don't-"

"I don't care Mitch. I just want to make sure you are okay." Mitch stopped puking after awhile. Then I helped him clean up and brush his teeth.

"I'm sorry Scott." He said as I was putting him back in bed.

"Just sleep." I moved his hair away from his face. He cuddled up to the bear I got him. I stayed until he fell asleep.

"They're going to get worse. You're lucky this was a small one." Janey was talking to me. "If I could give you a word of advice, it would be to get away as fast as you can." I looked back at Mitch. I kissed his forehead.

"I can't leave. I'm already stuck." My fingers brushed over his cheek. "There's something special about him."

"Well, call me if anything else happens." I heard the front door shut. I carefully got into the bed but I woke Mitch up anyways.

"I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry?"

"For all that....I never wanted you to see me like that." My thumb brushed across his lips.

"I want to be with you a long time. I'm going to see it eventually. I want you any day of the week. Whatever mood." I felt him press his lips to mine. I could taste the mint from his toothpaste. I moved so my upper body was on top of his. I kept my legs to the side of his body to make sure I wouldn't hurt him. I put my hand on his shoulder. I didn't know what to do.

"Scott...." I pulled away to look at him. "You can touch me." I felt an excited shiver go down my spine. He pulled me back into the kiss. I felt him smile at my hesitant hands. He guided my hand to slip underneath his shirt. I felt his smooth skin, the short hair that interrupted that sensation. He laughed.

"What?" I held myself up.

"You're so....gentle."

"Is that a problem?"

"No. I like it." I fell to lay on my back. His arms wrapped around my body as his head rested on my chest. "I'm so tired...." After I felt Mitch's breathing even out, my eyes slowly closed. I like Mitch a lot. That's why I'm taking him to meet my parents. I've had all my boyfriends meet my parents and so far they've never liked any of them. And that use to bother me. But if they don't like Mitch, they have to deal with it. I'm not giving him up.

"Hey." Mitch rolled so his back was to me. I poked his side. "Wake up." I kissed the back of his neck. I did it over and over again to get him awake. I wanted his attention. I stopped when he seemed to ignore me.

"Don't stop."

"Wake up Mitch." He was laying on his back now. I moved up to kiss his neck.

"You shouldn't tease me in the morning." My smile disappeared when I kissed him. My hand slipped inside his shirt. Suddenly I pulled away. I felt something on his chest. Like a small puncture wound. I held his shoulder so he couldn't move. "No."

"You don't trust me?"

"No. I do. It's just...."

"I understand." I say that because I wasn't mad. I completely understood. I sat up, stretching my arms above my head.


"Do you want me to make you breakfast?" I looked back at him. He shook his head. I went into the kitchen to get some coffee.

"Scott?" I was leaning against the counter when Mitch came into the kitchen. He didn't have a shirt on and he was clutching his bear to his chest.

"What's wrong?" I became worried. He dropped the bear to his side. I covered my mouth. In the middle of his chest there was a small hole big enough for a needle and it was bruised. I put my hand on the area. That's what I felt.

"It's ugly."


"Please don't lie to me." He turned around and I saw the ones on his back. They were on his shoulder blades and near the base of his spine. I turned him around and he held his bear up again. I took it from him, setting it on the counter.

"You didn't have to show me this. I don't care about your body. And it's beautiful by the way. A rocking, sexy body." I got him to weakly laugh. I looked at the bruising. "Does it hurt?"

"A little bit now that my chest hair is starting to grow back." My fingers outlined as close as they could. "You aren't repulsed?" I bent down to lightly press my lips against where the needle would be placed. When I looked back at him, he was blushing.

"Not a bit."

"My body aches. The needles they put in me....number twenty six: conquer my biggest fears. I'm afraid of needles. And I'll never get over it." That must be awful. To be surrounded by your biggest fear everyday.

"I'll help you. I'm not leaving you." I turned to grab my coffee.

"What's so special about me?"

"What?" I was back to facing him.

"What you said to Janey. I thought it was a dream but I wanted to ask." I put my free hand on his hip to bring him closer.

"I don't know. I haven't found that special thing yet. But it's there. That's why I can't leave. Not until I figure it out." His hands went hold my sides as he stood on his toes to kiss me. I set my coffee down.

"You're the best thing that has happened to me, Scott Hoying."

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