Chapter 5

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"Wake up. Scott!" I hid my face under my pillow. Mitch hit my shoulder. "Please....Scott." He bouncing on the bed. Sometimes he can be so childish. I grabbed his legs from underneath him and made my way to hover above him. "Yay! You're awake!"

"What do you want?" I set my head down on his shoulder. I closed my eyes.

"Don't fall asleep on me."

"But you're so comfy." He laughed loudly.

"Stop being a butt." I kissed his neck before putting my head back down. I wasn't lying. I felt extremely comfortable right now.

"Why do we have to get up now?"

"Then stop laying on top of me." I shook my head. "You need to shave." His hand rubbed over the scruff on my chin. I rubbed my chin on his neck causing him to laugh. "Scott!"

"Mitch!" I mocked him. I rolled to lay next to him.

"Well, somebody is sassy this morning." He jumped out of bed. I watched him in the kitchen. He had put on one of my sweaters last night because he was cold and it covered to his mid thigh.

"Have I told you how beautiful you are?" He smiled back at me.

"You say it everyday." I slipped out of bed. I wrapped my arms around his waist to bring his back against my chest. I went to whisper in his ear.

"And I mean it every time." I kissed his cheek. Then I kept going until I was kissing his neck.

"Where are you taking me today?" I was resting my head on his shoulder and looking at him. I brushed some hair away from his face.

"You'll have to find out. But it's not a long flight."

"You don't have to do this Scott."

"Well, if you recall, I don't really care if it takes everything I have. I'm going to make you happy." His hands slid over mine.

"You don't have to do all this to make me happy. I'm happy now. Just being with you." It would be six months soon. Six months since Mitch and I first met. We haven't had sex and we haven't told each other that we love each other. Not yet at least. I was hesitant to have sex and I know he was hesitant to admit he was in love. "You're silly." I snapped back into reality.

"What? Why?"

"Because you are. Don't worry though. You're my type of silly." He turned in my arms.

"Oh, what a relief."

"Shut up." His arms went around my neck as his lips moved against mine. I absolutely love this boy. I stopped his hand from drifting down my chest.

"No, Mitch." He groaned. I walked away to make some coffee. I heard his hands hit his sides. That means he threw his hands up in annoyance.

"Why not?" I turned around with my coffee in my hands. I sighed as he took the coffee and put it on the counter. He put his hands on his hips. "Scott?"

"Because I said so." His eyebrows raised in surprise.

"What the fuck Scott? Why won't you have sex with me?"

"Why won't you say you love me?" I accidentally let that slip out, my hand going to cover my mouth afterwards. His hands dropped to his side.

"What are you saying?" I could tell he figured everything out but he wanted me to say it. I chuckled nervously.

"I love you." He took a step away from me. "I have for awhile now. I know it's rushed and that's why I don't want to rush into sex. I want you to be able to say that back to me and mean it with everything."

"And you mean it with everything?"

"Yes." He moved his hand out of my reach when I went to grab it. "Please don't overreact." His mood suddenly changed to angry.

"How do you expect me not to overreact?! Are you fucking kidding me?!" I went to talk but he had already walked into the bathroom and slammed the door. I went to lean against the wall next the door.

"Mitch?" I heard him muttering to himself.

"I wish you didn't have feelings for me." I slid down against the door, hearing him do the same.


"What if I die tomorrow because my body rejects the fact that I'm not doing my treatments? I die and you're...." He shifted. "You're left alone. Alone with those words that I can't fulfill."


"I can't say it back. Not just yet." I went to grab the doorknob. I opened it and the door gave away. I had thought Mitch was up against it. He laughed as I propped myself on my elbows. Mitch put his hand on the back of my head to make sure I was okay. He kissed my forehead. "You're okay but your brain might be a little rattled."

"I love you, Mitch. You don't have to say it back but I'm going to tell you every chance I can." His thumb brushed across my lips. He kissed me. My hand brushed against his cheek.

"You're an idiot."

"But I'm your idiot, right?"

"Fortunately." When he came in to kiss me again, I felt the warmth on his cheeks. I pulled away to put my hand on his forehead. He felt warm.

"Are you feeling okay?" His hand went to hold mine.

"I'm fine." We packed a lot of bags and went to the airport. I had a whole plan. There was no coming back to California unless something happened to Mitch. If he needed treatment we had to come back here for his doctor. "I've never been on a plane."

"Well, this is all for us. First class." I smiled at him. I pulled him on the plane. "It has a bed, a bathroom, living area, and a small kitchen." We came up the steps. He looked at the bed.

"I think I'm going to take a nap." He was holding his head in his hands.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Just a little headache." He crawled into the bed. He fell asleep after the plane took after. I made a call on the plane's phone.

"We'll be there in a couple hours." The caller responded to me. I smiled at their happiness. "It will be a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Grassi."

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