Chapter 11

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For copaface

A/N: I loved how they let this go after I kept writing posts about it. Maybe that's the key to getting everything back. Just complain.

FunNikkieFact #5: I have four siblings and all of them are my half siblings. My older brother I share a mom. My two older sisters and my younger brother are shared by my father.

"What are you doing?" I came up to where Mitch was folding a piece of paper.

"Making a paper crane." I sat on the couch next to him. He had one of the moveable tray tables in front of him. I watched how, even with the plane shaking the surface, he would gently fold the paper.

"Are you going to make me one?"

"Maybe." I leaned over to place a small kiss on his neck. He looked so adorable in my sweater.

"You're suppose to be sleeping." He only smiled as a response. I was resting my head on his shoulder which was difficult with his height. He was sitting with his back straight though so it added more height to him. "It scares me when I wake up and you're not there." He set a finished little crane and started on a new one.

"I'll be there in a minute." He turned his face towards mine. I leaned up to kiss his perfect lips.

"Come cuddle with me." My hand went to touch his forehead. It still felt like he had a fever.

"Soon." He gave me another kiss. Then he kissed the tip of my nose. "I just want to make a few more of these."

"Okay." I pressed my lips against his forehead before going back to bed. I don't think Mitch liked sleeping on the plane. I sat in bed by myself for about thirty minutes before I came back out to check on him. He fell asleep on the couch, midway into making another crane. I lifted him into my arms. He cuddled up to my chest as I went to set him down in the bed.

"Don't leave."

"I'll be right back, okay? I need to clean up the cranes." I kissed his forehead before leaving him in the bed. I was picking up the small paper cranes when the co-pilot came out.

"He puts them over here." He opened one of the small closets and showed me a box of already made cranes.

"Did Mitch happen to explain why he's making them? Besides being on his bucket list." The co-pilot smiled a knowing smile and took a sip of the coffee that he poured.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Hoying. It is not my secret to tell." I let out a quiet laugh. I went back to Mitch after all the cranes were placed neatly in the closet. I ran my finger through his soft brown hair. I pulled him close to me as I went to lay down next to him. He smelled incredibly good. Perfume made his skin break out so he wasn't able to use anything like that. He had a natural smell of flowers. I couldn't exactly pinpoint what flower though. Mitch was laying on my shoulder with his back to me. His soft breaths would tickle my arm when he sighed in his sleep. I felt my eyes begin to water.

"Don't leave me." I moved my forehead to awkwardly rest on his back where he neck started. I let out a quiet sob. I didn't want this boy to leave. I didn't want him to die. But I spend time with him and see him withering away.

Mitch was a flower dying in the snow. He'd fight but eventually the freezing temperatures would reach his roots, killing him from the inside out. Cancer was a chill that blanketed over its host. And also the host's loved ones. The icy touch of someone dying is a disease of its own.

"Scott?" Mitch turned in my arms, grabbing my face in his hands. He began wiping the tears away from my face. "It's okay."

"No, it's not. I'm afraid. I'm afraid for you and I'm afraid me. You're my first love and I don't want another one. I want to keep you to myself." I watched a smile spread across his lips.

"You're being selfish."

"I don't care." I moved my hand to wipe away the tears that were pouring down my cheeks.

"Come here." He moved to lay on his back. My head went to rest in the middle of his chest as my arms wrapped around his body. "I'm going to die. It's inevitable. And I can't lie to you. I'm afraid too. I'm afraid to give you hope. I'm afraid of dying and leaving you here alone. Because I love you more than anyone." I closed my eyes. Tears were still trying to slip past my closed eyelids.

"What's with the cranes, Mitch?" I felt him begin to run his fingers through my hair.

"Maybe you'll find out one day. Promise me you won't cry again." I brought myself up to hold my body above him. I was looking down at him.

"Promise me you won't leave." His hand came up to caress my cheek. I sighed, let my head fall into his touch.

"I can't."

"Then I can't promise I won't cry." I let Mitch go back to sleep before we landed. He still had a slight fever that would redden his cheeks. He woke up when the plane started to descend. Then he came out and sat on my lap. His hands dug in my shirt tightly. He didn't like landing or taking off. At first it excited him but now, it became a fear. "Let's get dress, baby." I helped a groggy Mitch get into some moderately warm clothes.

"Where are we?"

"You'll see." I was holding his hand as we got off the plane. He used his free hand to rub his eyes. Then he leaned on my shoulder for support. He really doesn't sleep well when we fly. It was when we can to a train station that Mitch became wide awake. The announcer spoke loudly over the speaker in a foreign language.

"We're in Japan." He stated it simply. He was trying to stay nonchalant but I could see in his eyes that he was excited. "And we're riding a train." I got some help buying tickets from someone at a booth. Then Mitch pulled me on the correct train. I stood holding the pole while he sat down in one of the seats. His hands were pressed against the window, his eyes following all of the streaks of the passing buildings.

"Are you happy?" He looked back at me. His smile fell at my words though.

"You didn't have to bring me here to make me happy, Scott. As long as I'm with you, I am. I always will be." I came to sit down next to him.

"I didn't mean it that way. But it's nice to hear that I'm what makes you happy."

"Let's just say you're towards the top." He teased. I shoved his shoulder lightly. His head fell against my shoulder. "I'm so tired."

"We have about a thirty minute ride. Go to sleep. I'll wake you up." I lied to him on that part. He was actually sleeping so soundly that I just lifted him in my arms. That action earned a few weird looks from the people around us. Then I carried him to our hotel, checked in with more awkward glances from people, and brought him up to our room. I set him down on the fluffy bed. He sighed happily at the feeling of silk sheets. I kiss him on the forehead and went to look out the window.

My head dropped in my hands and I quietly cried.

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