Chapter 7

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For PentatonixFangirl

A/N: through the dates of 12/19/2014 to 1/6/2015, I will be back home in Guam celebrating Christmas with my family. Updates will be sporadic. Hope you guys understand. I'll be writing on the thirteen hour flight so there's that at least.

Happy Holidays my Lovely Smiles,
-Nikkie :)s

"Mitch, stop." I threatened groggily. I woke up to Mitch gently kissing my neck. "Stop." I gently moved his chin back so his lips were no longer touching my skin. I turned my back to him. I really couldn't deal with the fact that his body was so close to mine and willing.

"Scott?" He kissed the back of my neck.

"I'm serious, Mitch." I heard him sigh as he fell back on the bed.

"I wish you would just touch me." I rolled on my back to look at him. I poked his cheek. He broke into a small smile even though he was trying hard not to.

"You know what I want."

"Scott....I'm sick."

"That doesn't matter to me. If you're sick, you're sick. Just try leaving." He laughed. He poked my cheek multiple times. Then he lost the humor.

"I don't want to hurt you." I rubbed his arm as he came to rest his head on my shoulder. "I like you. You make me want to go do stupid things just so I can share the time with you. I've never had someone so keen on being with me."

"What about Glen?"

"We were two cancer patients. It was about getting married before the monitor went flat."

"Did he die?" Mitch shifted so he was looking at me.

"No. He went into remission. He didn't like coming to visit me in the hospital because it reminded him from when he was sick."

"I would come visit you." I brushed his hair out of his face. He crinkled his nose adorably. "I love you." He moved so he was straddling my waist. His forehead was resting against mine. His teeth scraped across his bottom lip.

"How long are you going to say that for?"

"Forever." He giggled as I switch our positions.

"Just give into me." I lowered my lips to his.

"No." I felt him smile into the kiss, his arms wrapping around my neck. I broke the kiss. "'re family-"

"They're asleep." He tried to bring me back into a kiss.


"If you're not going to have sex with me, the least you can do is kiss me." I groaned in frustration when I realized he was right. My hand went to cup his cheek as I kissed him. My other hand was being used to keep most of my weight off him. But when my arm began to shake, I had to use both arms. He laughed at the fact that I was being gentle.

"Shut up." He searched my face. He looked so lost in thought. "What?"

"I want you to touch me."


"Please?" He was biting his lip nervously. "I'm never going to be able to say it back to you. If I can't feel you, I want to feel your hands on me." I was quiet for a long time. I was thinking. I lowered my lips to his neck. "Scott?"

" quiet." I took his hand and put it over his mouth. My hand was drifting slowly down his body.

"Wait. Why am I-" I had to put my other hand over his mouth when his hands went to grab the sheets.

"Mitch, you have to be quiet." I lifted my hand when his muffled talking came through.

"I'm sorry. That surprised me." He pulled me into a kiss. He sighed in replace of a moan.

"Oh shit! Sorry!" I rolled away from Mitch when someone came in the room.

"Are you kidding me?" Mitch groaned. I could feel my cheeks burning though. It was his sister AND his mom. I let my head fall into my hands. "Get out!" He threw a pillow at them. They shut the door quickly.

"I thought you said-"

"It's fucking seven in the morning. They usually don't get up till eleven." Mitch sat up to comfort me. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you like that but-" he had to stop his laughter with his hand. "You should have seen your face."

"You little shit." He tried to run away from me but I had him pinned to the bed as I tickled him. He was screaming and laughing at the top of his lungs.

"Stop! Scott!" His laughter filled the air. I felt comfort in it. He fell off the bed trying to get away. All my joking stopped. I went to kneel down next to where he landed.

"Are you okay? I should have stopped-" He tackled me into a hug. He still had a smile on his face.

"Don't worry. I'm fine."

"Mitch-" I was cut off by someone knocking on the door. Mike peeked through the door after awhile. Mitch was sitting in front of me.

"Did you fall?" Mike was concerned about his son.

"Only off the bed. Don't worry, Papa. Scott won't hurt me." Mitch stood up to give his dad a kiss on the cheek. "Go downstairs. We'll be there in a minute." Mitch shut the door quietly after his dad left. I was smiling up at him.

"You can cross something else off your list." Over the six months we have been dating, I've memorized the list. "Number four."

"How have I made a difference in your life?" I came to stand next to him. I glanced down at his pants just to check. He was decent.

"Because you're my beautiful boyfriend. And you're making my life so interesting. I would have been stuck in a boring office with my father. But I'm here with you." He was up against the door. "I love you. And I'm going to say it till you do, even more after the fact."

"That doesn't count."

"Then what does?" He broke into a grin. His hands went to rub up and down my arms.

"I mean it does but-"

"Oh, it does?" He rolled his eyes at my sarcasm.

"But that doesn't mean you win." He squealed when I picked him up bridal style. I kissed his nose.

"Come on." I slowly made our way down the kitchen. I set him down just before we turned the corner. He pulled me into a strong kiss. He walked in the kitchen. He immediately turned to Ally and Mrs. Grassi.

"Don't say anything." I was leaning against the doorway, watching how his family interacts with each other. But when I was looking at Mitch, I noticed a bruise on his side. I came over to inspect it. He turned so I couldn't.

"Let me see it."

"Drop it, Scott." He sighed as I turned him around to see it. It was on his back, towards his hip. "I was from when I fell off the bed. Relax."

"No. I should have stopped."

"Darling...." He stopped when he realized he used a pet name. "I'm going to get hurt from the most random, simple tasks. Please stop worrying."

"I'm going to keep worrying until you die at the age of one hundred."


"I'm not accepting any other age." He smiled. He stood on his toes to give me a kiss.


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