Chapter 9

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For PentatonixFanGirl

I stretched my arms slightly, being extra careful not to wake up Mitch who was sleeping on my chest. He was so tired when we flew in last night that I had to carry him into our hotel room. I picked up his phone on the nightstand next to me to look at the time. It was almost noon. Damn, we slept late.

I looked between the phone and a sleeping Mitch. I wonder how mad he would be if I took a picture of him sleeping. He's even gorgeous now. I brushed a piece of hair behind his ear gently. His nose crinkled in his sleep. I turned on his front facing camera and I turned it towards him. But I couldn't find a way to get all of his adorableness and cut myself out. So I took a picture of him sleeping and me kissing his forehead. Mitch woke up at the sound of the camera clicking.

"Don't." He hid in the crook of my neck. I laughed at him. He hummed. "That felt nice. I can feel the rumble coming from your laugh." He sat up quickly, looking around the room.

"It's okay. Relax." I kiss his shoulder. He rubbed his eyes with his hands clenched in fists. He acts like a little kid sometimes.

"Where are we?"

"A hotel room." He fell back to lay on my shoulder. I felt him smile against my skin.

"How romantic." He began kissing my neck.

"No." He groaned, rolling away. He stood out of the bed and stretched his arms above his head.

"Where are we?" I sat up on my elbows. He's so beautiful. He was looking over his shoulder at me.

"Get dressed and I'll show you." He had an excited little grin. I was really hoping he would like this. I covered his eyes with a makeshift blindfold and slowly brought him to our door. These were tiny cabins that we were staying in.

"Scott, this is weird."

"Get use to it." I centered him in front of the door. I braced myself and swung the door open. "Okay. You can take it off."

"It's feels like I'm in front of a freezer." He began taking off the blindfold. "Where could you have pos-" He looked at the scene in front of him. I could see his bottom lip quivering.

"I brought you to Alaska." He was completely speechless. I went to go get the bigger jacket that I bought for him. I helped him into it. He went forward to touch the snow on our doorstep. "Mitch. Put on your gloves."

"I want to touch it." He bent down and then all of the sudden, he ran out the door. He was wearing socks, boxers, a thin sweater, and a heavy winter jacket. I watched him scream at the feeling of the cold snow. But I couldn't tell him to come back inside. He was having too much fun and how could I ruin that. I slowly got dressed in my winter clothing before bringing Mitch's clothes out with me. He was laying down in the snow, the part of his legs not covered by his boxers wet and bright red.

"Come put on some clothes, baby." I helped him up from the ground and helped him get dressed in warmer clothes. Once I got him into some warm clothes, I felt his arms wrap around my neck. His cold nose poked my warm neck. I laughed.

"I love you."

"You're just saying that because of the snow." He pulled away, rolling his eyes.

"Let's go." I didn't have to ask what he wanted. It was his first time touching snow so I think he'll do what any other kid would do in snow. He found a pointy rock and a leaf. After we finished the frame, I watched him stick the rock in the middle. Then he ripped the leaf in half to make the mouth. He took a step back to look at the snowman we put together. It didn't have any eyes. He frowned. I pursed my lips in thought.

"Here." I ripped off two of the buttons that held my jacket together. Then I put them where the eyes would be. Mitch pulled off my scarf to wrap around the snowman's neck and his beanie to put on its head.

"Wait." He ran inside to get his phone and then he took a picture of our creation. "I can't believe-" His happy laugh cut off his sentence. He stood on his toes to kiss my cheek. I smiled, squeezing my eyes shut. That's when I heard his phone take a picture. "Fuck yes! I got the snowman in it!" I shook my head.

"You're so weird."

"But you love me for it." He brought both arms around my neck to steal a deep kiss. I held his hips to keep him from moving. He ran out of my arms though. I watched him trudge through the snow with his adorable blue combat boots. I took a picture of him turning around with his arms thrown up above his head and him laughing.

"Mitch! Don't take off your jacket!" He was taking his jacket off again. I chased after where he was disappearing by following the trail of clothes. When I caught up to him, he was back to wearing the little he did when he first ran outside. "You're going to get sick." We were standing in the snowy little forest that was right next to our cabin.

"No one is going to see us. Take your clothes off." I shook my head stubbornly. The way he was leaning against a tree caught me off guard. He was so breath taking. I started sneaking photos of him. One was where he had his back to me, holding the trunk with one hand, and looking off to the side.

I think my favorite was when he realized what I was doing and he put his back on the tree. He put one foot on the tree, one hand going to put his finger against his smiling lips while the other hand went to keep his sweater down from showing off his boxers, and he was looking at me with a sparkle in his eyes. He was posing for me.

"My little model."

"These better be good." He came over to stand next to me. But he didn't want to look at the pictures. Instead he dragged me back towards our cabin. I picked up the clothes that he was leaving behind. I don't know how Mitch managed to keep himself warm with barely any clothes on. I secretly began making a snowball behind his back. He turned and I couldn't dodge the snowball he threw. It hit me square in the face. "Oh my god. I'm sorry." I was holding my face in my hands when I felt him touch my shoulder comfortingly. I took the snow I had yet to make a snowball and shoved it in his face. "Scott!" He fell back on his butt laughing, bringing me down on top of him.

"I'm sor-" I was cut off by him bringing my lips down to his. I felt him smile. I moved one of the hands that was holding me up to grab a fist full of snow. Then I put it under his shirt, loving the sound of his high pitched squeal.

"You ass!"

"Mitch, you're shivering." I went to put my hand against his forehead. He moved out from underneath me.


"Mitch." I grabbed his ankle to keep him from moving away. I put my hand up to his forehead. "You're running a fever. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I knew you would do this and I wanted to have fun." I sighed, standing up. I picked him up bridal style.

"We could have had fun when you were better. Now you might be sick longer." He stuck out his bottom lip in a pout.

"I'm sorry." I brought him into the cabin and got the hot water started for a bath. I went to get his clothes from outside before going to give him a checkup. I put a thermometer in his mouth. I was getting a towel for him when out of the corner of my eye, I saw him put bubbles in the bath. He giggled. I stared at him in amazement. He was so mature yet so childlike at the same time.

"One hundred and one point two."

"I'm sorry." I knelt down in front of him.

"It's okay. Just get better. I want you to enjoy everything that we do." He smiled as I brushed my fingers lightly against his cheek. Mitch took a bath while I got a fire started. He came out wearing one of my sweaters.

"Can we lay down and watch tv?" He didn't look like he was doing so good. I got some extra blankets to put over him while he was resting. I leaned over to kiss his forehead. He was sleeping peacefully. I grabbed his notebook with his bucket list and check off the first one. He finally saw snow. A couple more days here.

Then another adventure.

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