Chapter Eleven: Olivia Showing Who Is Boss

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Harry slowly opened his eyes as he groaned, the magical alarm that Sirus set up for him going off. Waking up the morning of his hearing was probably one of the most stressful mornings of his entire life. He wanted nothing more than to pull the covers back over his head and go back to sleep. But he knew that he couldn't.

Krinos and Olivia were basically godsends to him the last few days. 

Krinos was like a breath of fresh air and not even just because of his powers over nature. He had this calming nature about him that made it easier to focus on the law books that they were looking through. And they really needed to know these things in order to keep Fudge and his lackeys from ambushing Harry with expelling even through illegal means thinking that he would not know that it was illegal in the first place.

Olivia also had also been a big help. She was not just knowledgeable about the law, but she could be considered a law prodigy. She was able to learn really quickly even when it was the laws of a different country than her own. Plus, she was also able to use the system just as easily as she did her powers to get what she wanted in a legal way. It was certainly a nice change from how others usually use illegal means to get what they want, but she does not do that. Everything she did was for the right reasons and getting it through the right way. 

She certainly was also good at finding laws that may have been either forgotten or ignored that would be of great help to him. Plus, there was also the flaws in some of the existing laws that would also be of great help to them. The loopholes that they could use in order to help Harry keep his wand and not be expelled. She also kept her eyes out for loopholes that others could use in order to get Harry in more trouble than he already was. But she was going to make sure that things went as smoothly as magically possible.

Krinos had actually explained that the reason she was so good in a courtroom was not even because she was a member of the council. Before she became a member of the council, she had actually been a lawyer that worked in a big firm that the council actually employed when they needed a prosecutor for any trials that they held. Olivia winning a lot of cases with her knowledge, justice-focused attitude, and noble heart was what helped her gain the votes that she needed to be elected as a council member.

Sirius had also been a great help even before they had gone full into the research needed to help with Harry's trial. Since Sirius was from one of the oldest magical families in Britain, he knew a lot about other pureblood families just from what his parents forced him and his brother to learn growing up.

So he had been teaching his godson about the legacy and the power of the Potter family. How they were about a thousand years old, even going back to the time of the Founders, and were greatly admired for always doing what was right for their family. They had started out as just a family of pottery makers but grew over time. They had family members that were potters, duelists, enchanters, politicians, teachers, Quidditch players, business owners, farmers, wand crafters, magical zoologists, and even magical fashion designers. The Potter family was large and proud. They could have been their own private army if they wanted to be.

But that changed during the number of wars where dark lords tried to take control. And since the Potter family has always been about equality, anyone that followed any of the dark lords saw them as a threat. So with each war, the Potter family shortened until only the main branch had been left. And it was thanks to Grindelwald and Voldemort that Harry was now the last of his family. Grindelwald had been the one that killed off James's uncles and aunts, then his own parents died of Dragon Pox, and that left him and Lily to be killed by Voldemort.

So, Harry and Sirius had been looking into Harry claiming the title of Lord Potter in order to help him gain a foothold into the ministry and the Wizengamot. If Harry were to get his family title, he could also get much-needed power. Also, they hoped that if he was able to claim the lordship, it would also give him emancipation. It would give him power in the ministry as well as help him get away from Dumbledore's manipulations.

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