Belgium ending (trigger warning)

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Author's note

I couldn't choose 1 ending, so from now on I will write a few endings. Each ending chapter will be separate from the others. Enjoy! Please keep in mind the following trigger warnings:

Suicide, abortion

Don't read if easily triggered on these subjects.


Her visa almost expired and even though she enjoyed herself in Daegu and Gwangju, she is still set on returning to Belgium. She doesn't know what or how but it doesn't matter. She says her goodbye to Hoseok and Yoongi in Incheon airport and they can't shake the feeling that she is like a hollow shell of what she used to be. They worry about her, but there is nothing both of them can do. "Call us regularly. Stay in touch!" Yoongi presses her on her heart. She nods with an empty smile before leaving on the plane to Belgium.

Once she is back in Belgium, she retreats to her parents home. They try and comfort her as much as they can, but they can't help but feel her slipping through their hands. She lost everything. She cries every night. She is contemplating of getting Jin's child removed. Her mother is against it, but understands Sarah doesn't want to raise it on her own. Or let it stand in her way of being free. But on the other hand, it is a perfect reminder of something so perfect in her life. But she shakes her head. She rather have it removed. So she makes the appointment. Afterwards she withdraws herself more and more. Her parents have no clue what to do anymore. They can only let her go. Every day things turn darker and darker for Sarah...

Back in Korea, Jin pops up again after finding out Sarah left for Belgium again. He meets up with Yoongi and Hoseok after long. The first thing they do when they see him, is smack him. He understands why they were mad, but he doesn't know it all. "I see. Sorry. I hope she went off okay?" "YOU ARE SUCH AN ASSHOLE YOU KNOW THAT?" Hoseok shouts at Jin. "Probably deserved that." "You've got no idea how much you deserved that. You have a death on your concious." "What do you mean? Did she kill herself?" Jin pales up. "Not yet. But she did kill something else. Your child." "What?" "She was pregnant of you. After you ran off, she and I went to the doctor and found out." "Why didn't you tell me?" "We tried but you broke all contact. We tried to keep her in Korea too, by taking her to our hometowns. But it was all for naught. She couldn't get over you." "I must go to see her right this instant." Jin gets up but Hoseok pulls him down. "It's too late. She messaged us in her latest update that she got it removed." Jin falls down on the bench again, defeated. "Talking about updates. It's been a while. Maybe we should call her?" "She left me on read since 2 weeks ago." "Me too." They decided to give a ring.

Sarah's phone is on vibrate. The rain is falling on the cracked screen. Someone picks up the phone. "Hello? Do you know the owner of this phone?" "Who are you?" "I passed by here. I called an ambulance. She is... dead I think..." Yoongi turns pale. He drops the phone on his lap. "Hello? Hello?" Hoseok takes the phone from Yoongi. "Hello? This is a friend of her. What happened?" "Well, I think she jumped from the roof... I already called the ambulance." Hoseok continues to give info for the guy. Jin looks at Yoongi. "Yoongs?" He shakes Yoongi's arm. "She died..." Hoseok hangs up the phone, in tears. "She jumped of a roof. She told us before that she wasn't going to be happy in Belgium. Guess she really saw no other way out or future." Hoseok is sobbing in his hands. Jin jumps up. "No. This can't be true." He is panicking. "Tell me it isn't true." Jin's heart is aching since he lost the love of his life...forever..." The other 2 look down and don't say anything. It is all over....

----the end----

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