Drifting closer

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She is in his arms and is surprised. She touches his muscled chest and is trying to figure out what is happening. Jin, who was being hugged by other members seems to break away at seeing Sarah in Hoseok's arms and goes to her. He pulls her away from him and kisses her again. So deep, he pushes her downwards and holds her neck while she is almost laying in his arms. Hoseok pretends he isn't hurt by this and moves on to hug someone else, pretending to not have done it on purpose to Sarah. 

Sarah can barely breath and when Jin releases the kiss and pulls her back up, she is panting. It must be because he is celebrating and happy, right? It's a celebratory kiss, no? She seems to think to herself. Jin realizes what he did on impulse and flushes slightly, his lips slightly reddened from the intense rubbing they did on Sarah's lips. He looks at the confused Sarah and grabs her hand. Now, when people are hugging him, he doesn't let go of her. Hoseok has hugged himself a way to the edge of the room now and looks at the couple. He is still confused about them. But he can't forget how Sarah felt so soft against his chest. How soft her hair felt against his chin and how her hair smelled of delightful shampoo. He sees that Jin doesn't let go of her. "He must like her for real.." He mumbles to himself.

Sarah is drinking champagne but Jin's attention is always pulled by other people. She feels like an extra on his hand so she tries to break free but he won't let go of her. He persistently keeps holding onto her. Eventually, they end the evening around midnight and go home. In the taxi back home, Sarah takes off her shoes and rubs her ankles. Jin is euphoric but still considerate. He looks at her, worried, before grabbing her legs. "W-wha-" and before Sarah can finish asking in her surprise, he pulls them on his lap and massages them. It feels good. "Did I do good tonight?" She asks, relaxed. He looks at her feet and smiles. "You were amazing. A bit too much amazing." "What do you mean?" "Well, my Korean bandmates told me they really thought you were something else. Slightly jealous of me. That's not good. We should be a team, and close, no room for jealousy." "Sorry." Sarah seriously apologizes. He starts laughing. "Did you actually think that?" She pouts and playfully hits his shoulder. The taxi driver looks in the back and smiles softly. He seems a married man, and is smiling at seeing this young love.

When they come home, Sarah waddles to her bedroom. "Goodnight." She says and closes the door. Jin is still in the kitchen, grabbing some water. He still can't understand his actions of that evening. He felt the burn inside of him. And the urge to kiss her was strong. He doesn't understand himself. Am I falling for her? But she won't fall for me. If she would, she would have already. She saw me half naked, and is daily in touch with my handsome face... She obviously has her goals set for her. And I'm not one of those. Somehow the thought hurts him more than it should. Sarah is in her room, undressing. She can still feel the passion Jin put in his kiss. "He is such a great kisser. He should be an actor. He would do amazing!" She folds her dress neatly and is smiling at the memory. Suddenly she realizes that she's that happy about just a kiss. She is shocked and touches her lips. I can't fall for him. He isn't Japanese. Also I should not expect him to really love me. I'm already happy he allowed me to be his fake girlfriend. I should not want more than I deserve. She shakes her head and hits herself. "Keep it real Sarah, remember your goals..."

The next day, Sarah is at work again and she is flirting with the chef, and he isn't backing off. Suddenly he proposes to go on a dinner and to a movie. Sarah eagerly says yes. So they set the date that evening. She texts Jin in her break that she has a date in the evening and won't come home after work. Jin's phone buzzes and he looks at the message. He sighs and puts his phone away, trying to ignore the sting. 

In the evening, she leaves with Leon. They go out for movies and food. They are growing closer to each other and he occasionally seems to message someone. He wants to take her home and she accepts. When they are walking through a park, in the dark, the tension is very prominent. Sarah kind of doesn't want to go home yet, so she pretends she's tired and sits on the bench. He takes a seat next to her. They are chatting a bit more and he shoves closer to her. He suddenly starts to brush a curl behind her ear and is ghosting over her face with his eyes. Sarah is blushing and can feel her heart bounce in her throat. It is obvious he isn't going to make the first move, and since she is western, she should be less shy. She launches for his lips. He kisses her back.

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