Playing House

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Jin and Sarah are in their room, where the perfectly folded bedding is ready to receive them. Jin throws his bag on a chair and opens the bedding. It's couples style. He does notice there are some things that are Yoongi's. Like a keyboard, a desk full of bars and notes. Lyrics are written everywhere. But the room is neatly organized. He closes the door and locks it. He kneels on the bedding and pulls Sarah down. "Look. I thought I didn't need to say this, but we are a fake couple. They are linked with my company, so we need to keep the charade up. Got that?" She nods, not willing to risk her visa. "Good." He gets up and opens the door again. Sarah looks at how Jin is unpacking some of his stuff and realizes. She is sleeping together in 1 room with Jin.

Hoseok is getting dressed and comes back down too. "Finally up?" Yoongi asks Hoseok. Hoseok mumbles something. "Did you invite them over?" He asks while grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. Yoongi nods. "I saw in the news they were in the power outage area, so I suggested them to come stay with us. I will sleep in your room for a few days." Hoseok nods, not sure if he is in a position to say no to his host. "Are you sure they are a couple?" Hoseok ask Yoongi, but Yoongi just shrugs. "I think it's none of my business." and he turns on the TV. "How 'bout a game?" He asks without hesitation. Hoseok shrugs and yeets himself in the couch next to Yoongi, getting passed the controller. When they are mid game, Jin and Sarah are coming down. Jin is holding Sarah's hand. "Hey Yoongs, thanks for letting us crash at your place. Let us cook for you tonight." And he pulls Sarah with him in the kitchen. Yoongi is too caught up in his game to answer, so he just lifts his thumb for a second before putting it back on the controller.

In the kitchen, Jin is playing around during cooking with Sarah. In the inbetween games and loading screens, both guys look at how Jin and Sarah are being so cute together like a real couple. Hoseok can't help it but something keeps smelling fishy. Jin grabs Sarah by her waist and pulls her into his body.  He is kissing her neck and under her ear and she is giggling. Suddenly he turns her around and lifts her on the counter. She throws her arms around him and kisses him. Just like a horny, new couple. Hoseok hisses and even Yoongi is bummed. "Ey, ey don't do that in my kitchen, will ya!" Jin smiles into her kiss and breaks it with a few more pecks. She slides off the counter and takes up the cutting again. Hoseok rolls his eyes. Nope, they definitely are a couple. He pushes the buttons on the controller angrily.

At dinner Sarah is feeding Jin and he is feeding her. They are being overly lovey-dovey. Yoongi rolls his eyes. "Is this what goes on in your house every day? Am I happy we aren't sharing a house..." He bites a bite of his food and his face can't hide the look of satisfaction tasting it. This is some serious gourmet shit. He quickly takes another bite and looks at Sarah. She knows how to cook too. Hoseok is eating meekly, and can't help but look at Sarah, only to look back at his plate, in disgust of seeing them being all over each other. Giving cute pecks, feeding each other, holding hand on the table. Sarah is playing along, and playing her part well. Jin too, both are playing it seriously, thinking this is what the other wants, but hurting because everything is fake.

In the evening they sit in the couch and Sarah is softly slipping away a bit. She is between Jin and Hoseok. Jin is watching TV but Hoseok is sneaking glances at Sarah. He softly pushes in the couch on his side, hoping her point of gravity will be towards him. For a second it works and she is leaning towards his shoulder, almost dropping her head on it, but Jin notices just in time and softly nudges her head with his fingers towards his chest. While she nuzzles into his armpit, he lays his arm over her shoulders and softly strokes her upper arm. Hoseok is seething inside. Jin doesn't notice and is just staring at the TV. After the movie ended, Yoongi changes channels. "I think it's time for me and my love to retreat to our chambers..." He looks down at Sarah, sleeping peacefully on his chest. "If you hear any noises, it's not us watching porn." He winks at his team members and Yoongi tries not to laugh out loud, but Hoseok isn't amused at all. He hates the fact that she and Jin will be in another room, sleeping together, doing...whatever couples do. He wasn't that bothered by it because he never really thought about it that much, but now he was confronted with those thoughts and that they probably do that at their own house too. Somehow he feels pained and infuriated. Jin softly kisses Sarah on her forehead and she opens her eyes. "Hmjhmhh Is it over?" "Yes, love, it's time to go to sleep now." Semi rubbing her eyes she gets pulled out of the couch by Jin, who already got up earlier. He holds his hand on her waist while waving bye to the others.

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