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"Jin...  You fool." Hoseok says. Yoongi is still confused. "It's for the best." Jin sobs. "Who's best? You didn't look at Sarah's face, did you? She is devastated." Jin looks up, tear stained. "She sounded just fine to me." Yoongi facepalms. "She is just like you, a proud being. Did you really think she would crash and burn in front of the person who just broke her?" Jin shakes his head. "You both are a bunch of fools. You suit each other well, if you ask me." Hoseok is slightly angry but also worried about Jin. "Can someone please tell me what and why this just happened?" Yoongi is slightly frustrated. Hoseok explains the situation while Jin is looking at the forest.

"So you tell me he lied to her? To set her free again? What are you? A saint?" Now it's Yoongi's time for a good cursing session on Jin. "It's okay. It's better like this. Jun is a better match for her future." He says, staring sadly at the starry sky. "Dude, you seriously are going to leave her?" Jin nods. "She will be happier. It's for her future." "Her future... Who says it has to be one without you? I mean, no one knows the future. So why decide for her?" "It's for the best." Jin keeps answering the same thing over and over in a mantra to soothe himself. Yoongi sighs and rolls his eyes. 

Sarah is running through the field, not sure in which direction, until she trips over a pebble and falls on the floor, hurting her knee. She grabs her knee and looks at the wound. She starts to cry loudly. After about 10 minutes of this, it got reduced to just sobbing. "It hurts..." She keeps repeating it. Not sure if it's about her knee, or her feelings. Eventually she calms down completely. She lays her head on her non bruised knee and looks at the starry sky. She just completely tunes out and thinks of nothing. When a shiver wakes her up from her mindless state, she notices that the night frost is setting in on the ground. She gets up and wobbles since her legs are asleep. She dusts the old dried leaves off of her and fixes her clothes. "That's right. I can do without him. Now my ideal future is spread out widely before me. Thank god. Good riddance. I was troubled for so long, not able to enjoy the relationship anyway due to that dark cloud above us. Now I can breath again." She takes a deep breath of the forest air and steps forward. Biting through the pain, she walks back to base camp.

The next day, she sleeps in. She excuses herself to the other staff because she doesn't feel well. When they were all gone, she gets up and grabs the first aid kit. She takes care of the wound. She came back very late so she didn't dare to wake anyone up by treating the wound. She puts on the disinfectant and hisses. She blows on it. Suddenly a hand grabs the cotton pad away and someone squads in front of her. She looks up and sees it's Jun. "If you do it roughly like that, it will hurt more. Let me." He carefully uses the cotton pad to tap on the wound lightly. After he finishes he grabs her leg and brings it to his mouth. Sarah is still looking at him in shock. He kisses softly beside the band aid and looks with a smile at her. "Let's hope it doesn't scar. Wouldn't want to ruin that beauty of yours." Sarah's heart jumps up. "Eh, it probably will though... I am prone to scarring...." "Let's just hope not." He smiles as he flirts with her. Sarah smiles but it's not one from the heart. After that jump, it hurts even more. Maybe he would heal me like he treated my wound...? Time... It takes time...

In the afternoon, Sarah is walking around again with the other staff. She is slightly limping. when the camera's are off, Jun is always around her, helping her, holding her arm up. Jin notices and sighs. He feels like shit and tries not to notice. Yoongi and Hoseok roll their eyes. "Something is off with Sarah. You should go check it out. Ask her what's wrong." Yoongi says. Jin smirks sarcastically. "As if I don't know what's wrong?" He raises his brow and shakes his head. "No, it's better to just let her be." And he takes a sip from his bottle of water.

"Hey Sarah... How is it feeling? Are you okay?" He kneels and softly grabs her knee. The other staff is looking strangely at the 2. Sarah is blushing and quickly rips her leg out of his hand. "It's fine. It's healing nicely, because I can feel it itching badly." "Really? Great! Let me disinfect and change the bandaid later tonight. In your room...." He smiles a handsome smile and returns back to the group. Sarah opened her mouth to say something but he was already long gone. She closes it again and looks at Jin, who is just grabbing a snack from the table. She sighs and turns around to walk away again. Hoseok was looking over someone's shoulder at how Sarah looked at Jin and then drooped her head. He shakes his head. He started learning Japanese a bit on the side and from what he heard the Japanese guys say, Jun isn't serious about her. He bites his lip.

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