End of Aratan

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When they returned home, Jin and Sarah are closer than ever. They can't seem to be apart anymore, catching up from missing each other so much. Sarah took a paid leave to not face Jun anymore. Jin goes to his work as usual, but things just turned worse from then. The atmosphere between the 2 nationalities. The staff doesn't get it why it has gotten worse. They just write it up to the fact that a collaboration between Korea and Japan isn't ready yet. The staff decides to softly sizzle the group out. There is no other option left.

That's how Jin, Yoongi and Hoseok's visa is getting an ending date. Sarah is fearful, but Jin is trying to calm her down. "You are going to love it there. I will introduce you to my friends and parents. It is very convenient too, and even cheaper!" He tries so hard to cheer her up, but he can't deny that he notices it is eating her up inside. Even yoongi and Hoseok are telling her all great things Korea has to offer. They often come visiting now that most schedules are getting cancelled. One evening a week before they leave for Korea, Sarah is standing outside on the balcony of his room, looking over the city. He comes outside too and hugs her from the back, placing his chin on her shoulder. "Sarah, my love. It's going to be okay. Trust me." "I do trust you. I love you Jin. I'll be fine." she lies. Jin sighs. He knows she is lying, but no matter what he says, she can't feel relaxed, nor does he know anything he says will help her. He just hopes she will turn around when living in Korea with him. He places a soft kiss in her neck and she is just quiet.

The day of departure arrived soon, and both have packed everything. In the taxi, on their way to the airport, Sarah is being quiet. She is silently staring outside the window. Her eyes are shining in the lights. Jin looks at her and can see that her eyes are wet.  They are about to take a night flight so it is already evening and dark when they are driving. "Sarah? Don't look at it as an ending. Rather it is a beginning." Sarah looks at him and smiles so wide, her eyes close. "That's fine. I am excited." Jin's lips form a straight line. He seems to not believe a word she says. He can't see her eyes so he can't be sure of her intentions. He decides to drop it, she'll turn by eventually. In silence they arrive at the airport. Sarah is dragging her luggage and seems to walk slowly. Jin waits for her at the gate. "You sure about this?" He asks as she passes by him. She doesn't answer and he puts his hand on her suitcase holder. She looks up at him and smiles. "Yes, I'm so thrilled to discover Korea together with you." She pulls at the handle and leaves Jin behind, who stares at her, all confused.

In the plane, she is looking down the window as the lights below her become small dots. The silence continues on. Jin just figures she is slightly mourning her departure, but since she doesn't speak her mind, he decides not to poke in it. He lays back and tries to sleep. He puts his plugs in and the eyemask on. Not noticing the soft sobs escaping Sarah's lips.

He takes Sarah by the hand as she enters Incheon airport again. The advertisements are different than the last time she's been to Korea. she look around but can't read a thing. She sighs and Jin gently guides her. He makes sure they take the right train and together they head to Seoul. He has a small studio there. When they walk to his place from the station, he notices Sarah is struggling. Seoul is very hilly and some of them are pretty steep. He takes a part of her luggage and helps carrying it up. Released from the luggage, Sarah straightens her back and looks around. The area is unfamiliar, and she is normally okay with that, but it somehow feels off. She shakes her head. She is making a big deal off of I. she will be fine. She nods and walks on. The houses and neighbourhoods still feel so unfamiliar, even though she has been there before. He stops at the top of the hill and opens the door to a small apartmentbuilding. When she enters the room it is a studio. The bed is in the living room, that is connected to the kitchen. The only separate room is the toilet and bathroom. The rest is in 1 big space. It looks desolated, and a bit dusty. "It isn't much, but my parents live in a bigger house, just outside Seoul. I'll take you there somewhere this week when I go to say my greetings." He says while dusting off some chairs and hanging up some clothing. Sarah looks around and takes a seat on the just dusted off seat. 

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