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Sarah and Jin are gradually getting back to normal, and Sarah is getting less scared of him again. Jin is getting more and more popular with the fans and they are now getting more and more weird mail. Besides many love letters and some strange looking chocolates, nothing too scary. Although now Sarah and Jin aren't allowed to leave the building together anymore, because sassaeng and paparazzi. Sarah leaves first and scouts the area, letting Jin know where they are. After 5 minutes he leaves too. At work, Leon is being extra kind to Sarah, giving her bites from his food he is preparing now and then. She knows his birthday is coming up, and so she wants to surprise him. So maybe she can still find a way to his heart. She enters the main office and finds the personel files. She finds his address and snaps a pic of it. That afternoon, she goes for shopping some sexy lingeries and a bottle of good wine. She works another shift and says bye after her shift.

When she comes home, Jin is in the kitchen, making himself a small snack. "How was your day?" Jin asks while looking at the bags of lingerie shops Sarah is placing on the table. "It was fine. I found out his address... So for his b-day tomorrow I'm going to surprise visit him! I'm so excited!!!" Jin looks at her and sighs. He shakes his head. Why do women always go this far? "I got wine and a little something to pack my goods..." She says happily. Jin wants to look away but can't. He sees the red and black lace while she is searching for the receipt. He bites his lip, dying to see her in it. He quickly puts his ramyeon in the boiling water and focuses again. She disappears in her room to put it all away and when she comes out she sniffs Jin's ramyeon. "That smells delicious. You make the best Ramen of them all. But you're Korean afterall." she stabs Jin with this fact. She turns in early that night, planning to sleep up for tomorrow night.

In the morning Jin can see her wriggle a bit under her clothes, as if it is slightly uncomfortable. She must not be used to wearing something like that. He thinks as they eat breakfast. "Don't expect me home tonight." She says and he can see the itching is nothing compared to the happiness she is feeling. He sighs and pokes his cereal. "I'll be home late too, I have another recording today. We are finally finishing up a bit." "How are you and the bandmembers?" Jin sighs. Ever since the mishap, Hoseok has been keeping himself a bit offsided of Jin. Yoongi is the only one that is constantly inbetween both of them. The Japanese teammates are actually not bothered by the Koreans at all and just do their thing. "Hoseok is still mad at me..." He says. "Maybe you should make it up to him..." "Why?" "Because it was a misunderstanding. And it was my fault." "No, it wasn't your fault. He should be able to keep it in when he sees someone as beautiful as you." Before Jin realized it, it just spilled out. He looks in a panic at Sarah, who's spoon of cereal is stopped right in front of her mouth. She smiles. "Thanks. That's a lot coming from someone as handsome as you." She laughs it off like a joke. Jin sighs, relieved and annoyed at the same time.

She leaves first and as usual texting Jin where the girls and paparazzi are. She then takes the subway to her work, since winter is almost near, and it is getting colder. At work she is trying hard to stay focused but she keeps thinking about this evening. Leon took a day off, so he isn't working today. It will be even more a surprise. At 5, her shift ends and she quickly fixes her make up, sprinkles some more perfume on and grabs her stuff. She runs to catch the fastest train and makes her way to Leon's house. Once she arrives at the house, she sees the house, but there is a family car in front of it. She walks closer and looks inside through the window. "Is he home?" She wonders out loud and sees a little kid running through the house. "Kids? He told me he lives with a housemate." Suddenly a beautiful japanese woman enters the room and holds a big pack. Then Leon follows her in and the little boy runs to Leon to hug him. "Must be his cousin or something visiting for his b-day." But then suddenly he receives the pack she is holding and when opening it, he is so happy he hugs her and then...

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