Flight | Chapter I

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I woke up at 9 am because the plane was leaving at 2 pm and we had to get there in time to run all the errands to be able to get on the plane. We left my house at 10 am. When we got to the airport, Pichu and Milo and her family had arrived. A few minutes later Jaz and Valen arrived and about 10 minutes later we ran into Juan who had arrived a long time ago. We went through check-in, then once we had our boarding passes we went through migrations, at that part we had to say goodbye to all of the members of our family except for one that could come with us because we were minors. I went with my mother and so did everyone else except for Pichu that went with her father. Once we finished we went to the boarding area. We bought lunch at a little restaurant and then went to the Duty-Free shop because who doesn't love to see all the products. Something unexpected happened in one of the shops, one of the workers recognized Juan and me, her niece had acted in School of Rock and she had gone more than once to see us. She asked what we were doing at the airport so we told her, she was shocked, she decided to buy us a box of m&m's, the one with the m&m dispenser.

She was nice and did it just because she wanted. We thanked her a lot, at first we told her that it wasn't necessary because it wasn't but she insisted a lot, besides she told us that she had them for free. Pichu decided to buy a bag of butter toffee and a box of Rhodesias to have to remind us of Argentina, Milo, on the other hand, bought alfajores. At about 1:30 the first calls for our flight started, we all said goodbye to the member of the family that was there. We were all so excited. When we got to the queue we were the first ones to get in, we were accompanied all by the same flight attendant that was specially hired by Lin, apparently, she didn't fly on normal flights, just to accompany minors by someone who hires her especially. Her name was Lily, she had been a theatre kid and studied theatre in college but then also studied to be a flight attendant, in case she wasn't successful, which wasn't her case. She had been in many shows, not as the lead but was hired for successful shows, that way she met Lin. She went on flights when hired, otherwise, she did two shows per day, she was swing and understudy for many roles.

Before everyone started boarding we had already spoken about a million things with Lily. Something that was new for us was that we were in business class. The only one who had flown on it before was Milo, (a corroborar el resto). We were all over the moon, we had no idea that we weren't flying in economy. When everyone started boarding we realized that no one was sitting in business, so we asked Lily.

-Lily, why is no one sitting in business?- I asked her.

-Oh, didn't they tell you? Lin wanted that you had your own space and reserved all of the seats so that if you wanted you could sing and practice without bothering the rest.- she answered.

-What?? Really?? Okay now, this is unbelievable.- Milo said in complete shock.

That moment we all realized the dimension of this project, not that we didn't realize but the amount of money that they spent for us to have space was an enormous change. The first hour of the flight we all watched the same movie, our airplane had been "upgraded" and had movies and series from Disney plus so we watched hamilton the musical live-action, and later In the Heights the movie. When the last movie finished it was time for supper, the time that Americans (we all know that everyone living in the whole country America north, central and south are Americans but that's the easiest way to call them) usually have dinner at. We were served an appetizer course with smoked duck and lemon-dill potato salad. When we finished eating we talked for a while and then went to sleep because we were going to arrive by midnight and we had to start to get used to the timetables they do, not because of jet lag, because it's only one hour of difference but because of the routine they have. I fell asleep really fast because the previous night I hadn't slept much, I woke up, well I was woken up when we were landing. Once we stepped out of the plane our dreams began. We were the firsts to get off. We recorded the whole time, we were all in shock. I texted my mom so that she would know. Once we got inside the airport I felt it much more real, not like it was just a dream, it was reality.

City of DreamsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz