Dinner | Chapter IV

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We were all listening clearly without speaking until we were asked to speak which left us speechless. We had no idea what to say and they realized so they changed the subject and started talking about what the musical was going to be about. None of us, the teenagers, knew what it was about, we had theories, but only that. All of our theories were completely wrong. The person to tell us how it would be was none of the men, it was Lin's wife, she was the person in charge of this musical, Lin was just helping with the music, she was the executive creative advisor and writer.

- Hi! So I don't know if you know who I am so I'll introduce myself first- she started with such a sweet voice.- I'm Vanessa Nadal.

I knew who she was but hearing her say her name I thought "Usnavi likes Vanessa and Lin plays Usnavi..."

-I'm Lin's wife and I actually came up with the idea for this musical, I love theatre and being with Lin made me love it even more, I'm pretty much a theatre nerd probably like you are. So, basically the main plot is pretty much what teenagers go through in High School so I think that it won't be so hard. I actually based the main plot in actual life, well with some positive changes. It's basically about a nerdy girl that is kinda popular and the theatre boy that nobody knows, and how plans don't work how one thinks they work.

-So, how did you get this idea?- I asked because there was an awkward silence.

-Well, honestly it's kinda what happened with Lin and me if I'm being completely honest.

As soon as she said that I thought "If I'm supposed to play the female lead role, does that mean that I'm PLAYING Vanessa???" This was a dream role I didn't know I had or existed. When she finished she let us ask questions.

-How did you know you wanted to make a musical about your life? - I asked really intrigued.

-Well, it wasn't something that I came up with overnight, on the other hand, I have wanted to make a book about it for a while, well I have written it but Lin insisted on turning it into a musical, I wasn't sure, but he already had songs at the moment so we gave it a chance.

We were all in awe, we never thought that she had written the story and not Lin. She started telling us how they had met and got together, it was all like in a movie, I asked her if she had ever considered or wanted to go out with Lin during High School but as they didn't really know each other, she never had been in those situations. We continued talking to her and to the businessmen. They were all so nice and supportive. After dinner, we went out by ourselves and the adults went to their houses. We decided to go for a walk around the block. We had some air and chatted. We decided that maybe it would be more comfortable for Juan to live with us and the group from Spain together, we would live with Mariana as well. We each went to all apartments and chatted with our roommates, we didn't stay up until late because we were going to have a really busy day. We didn't know what we were going to do but as we knew that we were going to wake up at 7:30 we clearly had a lot to do. We slept not later than 11 pm, everyone in the US had an earlier timetable than the one of Argentina.

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