Plans | Chapter XI

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lunchtime from

Mery's POV (about 12:30pm)

We went downstairs to have lunch and talked for some time. We talked about what we had done during the morning. While we were talking I received a text from Marcos.


marcos🧡: hii Mery!! how are uu?

great. and you?

marcos🧡: same. I was wondering if you want to go out with me tonight?

i'd love to

marcos🧡: I'll pick you up by your apartment at 8pm.

perfectt. byee

end of chat

By that time it was already 2pm and we had to continue with our classes. We decided to all stay in the same class since all we had were assignments and not class with teachers. The seniors helped us when we got stuck because most of them had seen it before. I was assigned a writing. We had to write an application letter for a media company. It took me a lot of time to finish it specially because we weren't writing for a british correction but for an american so although they wouldn't correct the use of words some structures were very british and were barely used here. When I finished I went o with the rest of my maths homework. While us, the sophomores, were doing writing and math, Valen and the rest of the seniors had to write a novel. They had a deadline of a week, but they tried to get as much done. They didn't have a limit of words and they could write of literally anything they wanted.

Valen's POV

When I opened our next assignment I was kinda excited. I always wanted to write a story made up of songs and I thought this was my chance. I chose the album "Sing to me Instead" of Ben Platt and started planning what the story could be about. I opened my computer and wrote down all the lyrics of the songs and started planning what it could be about. In about 2 hours I was able to plan what the story could be about. Those 2 hours were all I had left of school so I wrote down everything in order to not forget and started cleaning up my desk that was full of rubber from my eraser. We decided to sweep the floor and leave all the class organized for the following day. That took us 15' so at about 4:20pm we arrived at our apartment, and were surprised of what we saw.

Pichu's POV (about 2:00pm)

We called delivery from The Smith, it was a small restaurant with 4 stars on yelp and the dishes seemed tasty. It took about 15' for the food to arrive which was faster than we expected. We ordered two weekday lunch prix fixe for $29, on both orders we chose for the starters watermelon and tomato gazpacho, as main course corn tortellini and lastly we chose different desserts, one was cheesecake in a jar and for another seasonal ice cream. We bought two because wasn't enough for the three and what we didn't eat we could take it upstairs for another day. Once it arrived we went to our apartment to eat. We left the ice cream and the cheesecake on the freezer. I really liked the gazpacho, despite the fact that I wasn't confident on what it would taste. The tortellini was really heavy so after that no one ate dessert and a full plate of it was left for another meal. While eating I asked Milo why she knew the teacher.

- She is the teacher I told you I loved from Brazil. She taught me english, I had her the second year in Brazil, well it was my second half, but anyways, I also had her my last year and was always there for me. I also talked to her in 2015 when I went to San Diego and met with one of my best friends who is her god daughter and we talked through video chat.

- Ohh, that's why her name rang a bell.

- Yep, Juan, can I ask you something?

- Sure

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