Call it a Night | Chapter XVII

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meanwhile on the other apartment...

Milo's POV

After going to Rockefeller centre I received a call from Argentina, it was from a friend from school, Cler. We hadn't talked in another way that texts for a long time. After my friends left to have dinner with our neighbours I went to Mery's room because Juan was in our room and it would be pretty awkward.

call with Cler:

- Hey I'm back Cler. Can you hear me?

- Yep, now will you tell me why you can't be in your own room with Juan? What happened?

- I'll tell you but you have to promise you won't tell anyone, not even Guada or Muni, okay?

- Sure! Just hold on a sec I'll connect my earphones because Juan and Agus are next to me and they're really annoying.

- I heard that - Agus, Cler's sister yelled.

- Okay, now yes.

- So the thing is, we've been spending a lot of time together and I think I like him and maybe he likes me? I'm not sure but we had a really awkward situation this afternoon and we've been avoiding each other since then.

- Tell me what happened I want all the details.

After telling Cler literally everything, I went back to the kitchen to cook me something after all over 2 hours had gone by and I was hungry. I wasn't sure of what to buy so I logged into my "Hello Fresh" account and searched some recipes with ingredients we had. After searching for a while I decided to do the most basic meal toast with avocado and scrambled eggs. Meanwhile, I continued talking to Cler and worked on my website. Not over an hour had gone by since I had eaten that the girls started coming back, and since Cler had to go to watch a movie with her family we hang up. When everyone returned I realized I hadn't seen Juan in the whole night.

Juan's POV

Before leaving Mery gave me a plate with dinner. I wanted to go with them but I wasn't in the mood. I knew Milo hadn't gone either so I decided not to leave my room so as to avoid the awkwardness. I decided to take the night to find a way to apologize. I knew she was very fond of practising Portuguese so I decided to download DuoLingo and spend the night learning how to talk, and most importantly learning to apologize. After two hours and getting to level 10 I started feeling sleepy so I turned off the lights and got in my bed.

Juanma's POV

I knew Pichu didn't like me, she had made it very clear so I decided to apologize by buying her a ring and a ticket back to Buenos Aires. I was sure she'd misunderstand the situation of "talking in private" but Lucas wasn't leaving so it could've ended really awkwardly.

I showed her the ring and she loved it, however, she didn't feel right taking it but I insisted

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I showed her the ring and she loved it, however, she didn't feel right taking it but I insisted. I had been a bad friend to her and made her life harder. After apologising, we talked for a while until we saw everyone leaving so we decided to hang for a couple more minutes and then go our ways.

Mery's POV

When we got home Milo, was in the dining table, she was on her laptop talking to Tuqui, she had some safari tabs open but when I went to say hi to Clari she closed them. I was able to chat with Tuqui for less than 3 minutes because she was about to watch a movie with her family so she and Milo hang up. I asked Milo if she knew if Juan was awake and she said he never left the room, at least she hadn't seen him. I decided to go check on him. I went to the room and saw him sleeping in his bed and his computer on, it was on a DuoLingo tab, he was learning Portuguese. It was really odd since he was learning it on the school as well but I didn't want to get into trouble so I turned his computer off and went back to the common room.

- He's asleep - I announced to the rest of my roommates.

- Well we should go to sleep. - Valen said.

- Yeah we should, I'll go to brush my teeth first. - Jaz added.

- I'll go after you - Valen answered.

- Me next. - I continued.

- Where's Pichu? - Milo asked.

- Last  I saw her she went out to talk to Juanma. - Mariana told her.

- That's odd. - our friend said. - I'll go check on her.

- I'll go with you. - Mariana said.

After they left, I didn't see them until the morning, I was really tired and soon after brushing my teeth I fell asleep, and so did my roomies. So none of us knew what Pichu did with Juanma.

Mariana's POV

- Milo? Can I ask you something?

- Sure!

- What's going on between Juanma and Pichu? Cause you can see the tension and I don't get why they aren't together they'd be a good couple?

- Oh I know, I ship them, I like to call them Juachu. Okay so here's the thing, Juanma likes Pichu a lot and back in Argentina another friend also likes her and they were very umm territorial to say so. Both of them wanted to date her and before leaving they fought and Pichu got angry at them, however, she likes Juanma, but she also likes Martin. Our other friend. Anyways, I don't know how that'll end up.

- Awww Juachu. I love that ship name. And oh, poor Pichu it must be horrible.

- I'm sure it is.

- Well, while we're talking about hidden feelings, when are you telling Juan you like him too. He feels so ashamed, I feel sorry for him.

- What?? I do not like him!! - she answered but she's a terrible liar, at least when talking about her feelings.

- Oh. Sure. And I hate pandas.

- It's not that easy.

- Why? It's literally the easiest relationship I've seen. You like him, he likes you. The only obstacle is you.

- That's not true.


- I'm serious.

- So am I, what worries you?

- What if it doesn't work out? Right now I can pretend I don't like him, and in some time everything will go back to normal. But if I admit I like him, and we break up everything would be so awkward and we go to the same class, have the same job, and share a room.

- So you would rather not take a risk and hide your feelings? To take a leap of faith?

- Ok, look that is one reason, but I'm also scared. I never liked anyone and no one liked me. It's just weird and scary and why couldn't it be with someone that if we broke up we could go back to our lives and not have to see our faces every day, every waking moment.

- Look, I'm no expert, I haven't been in a relationship, but many friends have. Some dated friends and other strangers. Those who dated friends lasted longer are still with their couple, those who dated people they really didn't know lasted less than a month. If you date a friend, at least you already know each other and care beyond the fact that you are attracted to each other.

- Look there's Pichu! - Milo interrupted me, she knew I was right and didn't have what to say.

- We'll talk about this later.

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