Finding Our Way Back | Chapter VII

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Pichu's POV

We were trying to give them indications on what to do, well Milo and Mariana, but we could barely hear them so she probably had the same problem. We weren't sure on what to do until Lukas thought of us picking them up, not all of us but some. I started yelling at the phone "STAY WHERE YOU ARE, DO NOT MOVE" hoping that she had heard and just in case we texted to all of them. Five minutes later, Mariana, Milo and Juan left to find them. Meanwhile, all we could do was sit and wait, hoping for the best.

Mariana's POV

I couldn't believe that they had gotten on the wrong subway, it's just so movie like that I never thought that it really can happen. Juan, Milo and I took off to find the missing group, Milo and I were the ones that could easily find our way around thanks to the maps and trips with our families that taught us that and Juan well he knows self-defence and it could be necessary, probably not because it's so movie alike but well after what had happened everything was possible, besides we try not to move in groups so small.

It took us 20 minutes to get to where they were because it was double the distance. When we got off the subway we started looking for them and couldn't. We didn't want to take out our phones just in case so while we were going outside we called them so that we were at least moving.

Mery's POV

We were talking to the other group but we could barely hear them, there was too much noise where we were and the signal was really low. At first they tried to give us direction which I barely understood but luckily they decided that they would come look for us. Over 20 minutes had passed when I heard my phone ring, we were on the stairs of the station waiting for someone to arrive. I looked at my phone and saw that Milo was calling me, when I answered I started hearing her with echo, I turned around and saw her leaving the station. I called the rest and we ran up to her. I felt so relieved of seeing them. They started calling Pichu, John and Lukas who had stayed at the apartment to tell them that they had found us. After calling them we got out of the station and entered through the opposite entrance that led to the actual side.

Pichu's POV

While everyone was somewhere in the street I was with Lukas and John. We decided to go grab a Starbucks and talk. I hadn't really spoken to them before, but they were really nice and we talked about so many things and I found it really entertaining, even more than with the boys from Buenos Aires, specially after their what confession of love?, anyways, I really liked their company. I could pour my heart out knowing that they wouldn't expect a lot from me and they wouldn't tell it to anyone else, besides it was comforting being able just say it and not have to talk about it.

I asked them about their lives. Lukas was from Spain and John from England, they had met at school when they were seven years old and met the rest of their group at the age of nine. They did musical theatre at their school and attended extracurricular classes of dance, singing and theatre. There weren't many students in theatre, at least not their age. When Lin saw them they were performing in a park to raise funds to pay for the schools show which they had cut the funds due to "lack" of money. It was really shocking thinking that what appears on series actually happens and that students have to earn the money for having arts on their schools.

When we finished what we had ordered we went back to my apartment. We sat in the little beanbags we had bought for our living room. It was the first time that Lukas and John came to the apartment since we barely had free time and we would use it to sleep. We decided to watch whatever was on the tv and for my surprise it had been left in abc and Grey's Anatomy was on. Neither of the guys had ever watched it so instead of watching the chapter that was on that was from season seventeen, I turned on the apple tv we had bought and put netflix for us to watch. I put the first chapter of the first season "A Hard Days Night". It isn't the best chapter at first when you start watching it but in the end after liking the series it ends up being a favourite. We were relaxed watching Meredith get lost with Katie Bryce when the door opened. Everyone was back, however, we didn't have much time to do any sightseeing so some of us watched tv while others got ready.

Mery's POV

On our way back we tried to learn the metros lines and which way each went so as to be more oriented and avoid these situations in the future. When we got back home Pichu was watching tv with Lukas and John. We realized what time it was and started to get ready for the dinner. Milo and Jaz started showering on our bathrooms and Angie and Tobias showered in their bathrooms. Meanwhile the rest of us watched tv in our living room, we were watching the first season of Grey's Anatomy. As we finished showering others showered and got ready until by 5:30pm we were all ready watching tv. We had to dress casual so I chose a pair of white denim jeans with a shirt that seemed denim but was cotton actually and nike air force shoes. It wasn't until 6pm that our bell rang. Jacob had come to pick us, this time in a more normal means of transport, well actually in none. We were going on foot. I found it enjoyable, having the fresh night breeze in our face was refreshing. The restaurant was two blocks away so we got there in five minutes. Luckily it wasn't anything formal, people went there with their children. We had a reserved table that was only for fourteen people and we alone were already fourteen. We sat down on the table and Jacob started explaining what this dinner was.

Apparently usually when actors are casted in groups they don't merge by them self so they organize dinners to get them to know each other. However, in our case either because we were teenagers or just were friendly we sort of merged on our own, so this dinner was a prize. Because we would probably eat together but a homemade simple dish and not out. We all ordered pasta or lasagna because it was an italian restaurant known for its pastas. We knew this because while waiting to be attended we googled it so as to know what we could order incase the menu was so varied. In no more than ten minutes our dishes arrived, they were really hot and smelled so good. We made a toast and started eating, we talked a lot and about some really interesting things I had never thought of, such as how did they know which countries to visit to find new actors because clearly they weren't going to travel the whole world, were they? Anyway that conversation was pretty long so I'll tell it later, besides we found out some juicy stuff by asking Jacob who was on the table across ours.

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