First Day | Chapter V

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We woke up at 7:30 with my alarm. We all jumped out of bed full of energy, even Pichu with having only 8 hours of sleep which for her were the same as 1 hour of sleep. We all got dressed in normal clothes that we'd wear in Argentina, we didn't have trouble choosing, but the one who did have was Milo. She wasn't sure of what to wear, all her clothes were so New Yorky and yet she wasn't sure if she'd fit in, she had just bought them and wasn't sure if they were her style. This was her dream so we all understood and helped her, her final look looked similar to the typical ones from Pinterest. Everyone from our apartment had woken up, which was surprising, but we didn't know if the ones from the other one had and we didn't have the keys to check on them so we decided to go downstairs to grab some breakfast in the Starbucks and waited there until they picked us up. Milo and I ordered hot cocoa, Valen and  Jaz coffee, Pichu a shaken lemon hibiscus and Juan and Mariana ordered orange juice and sparkling water, to eat everyone ordered either a cookie or a muffin except for Milo and Mariana that ordered both a doughnut with chocolate. Because it was the first night Juan slept with us and so did Mariana but later the girls were coming with us and Juan with the boys the way we were divided. It wasn't until 8:15 that the rest of the group came downstairs, they barely had time to order their breakfast because two minutes later, Jacob came to pick us up.

We got into a black car and waited until we got to where we were going for them to tell us where we were. It wasn't a very long ride, but we were in a complete different area from where we were living, after 15' of ride, we arrived at an old building. It was a studio of arts, in which we would rehearse there for the first months. We were having classes in each area, to start working, we started with theatre. We were having improvs but they had a twist, we were working with the person who would be our couple/closest person in the show, the pair were, Martín and Lukas, Milo and Mariana, Tobías and Valen, John and Pichu, Francisco and Jaz, Angie and Pedro, and Juan and I. We had to develop scenes, which had as starting words actual scenes that our characters would say in the show, but we found that months later, however only some couples worked together with actual scenes, others just did a small improv and then switched.

We had half an hour each couple to improvise so these would take three hours and a half. As Juan and I were the first ones cast we were the first ones to improvise. The phrases we were given were for Juan "Vanessa, I'm really trying, give me another chance please" and mine was "Why Matthew? I know that I'm no Rachel but I thought you didn't mind about that, apparently I was wrong." We started improvising about a couple fighting because the boy had cheated on the girl for the typical popular girl, however, we gave it a twist which was really awkward and not planned or desired at all but the scene lead to it, we kissed, it meant nothing, at least not to me, I can't speak for Juan but when the improv ended none of us felt awkward around the other one. Next came Pichu and Milo, they were given the phrases "Am I pregnant" and "Gay or European?". They started a really funny improvisation,  it was about to best friends, the phrases pretty much describe what it was about. It was really funny, Milo was the nerdy, funny, supporting, down to earth friend and Pichu was the worried friend which isn't taking well the jokes, both of them took a strange voice or accent to match the characters and was really funny. The rest went on we laughed really hard, they gave us phrases of every type, dramatic, funny, mysterious, sad, awkward and more so we could go to different places. It was about 11 am and we made a circle to talk about how we felt, we talked for 45 minutes so we could talk more than once as we came up with feelings, it was a closed class so we had plenty of time.

At 12pm we went to have lunch, we bought pizza at a close by restaurant, and went to the park to eat it. Meanwhile we talked and took some pictures. I also used that peaceful moment to take a walk alone and phone Marcos, whenever I call him from the apartment which is the only time we have free, my friends start bothering around so I can never really talk to him. Besides he is full of tests and homework so we can't meet.

*beginning of phone conversation*

me: hey Marcos!!

him: hey Meru, how is your day going?

me: great, we're having lunch and in some time we have vocal technique class, they said that it's to learn how to belt, riff, etc more than learning the songs. How are you?

him: that's amazing, umm I'm fine, in five minutes I have a class, I'm in lunch break I have to buy a salad...

me: when did it began?

him: now, we don't have much time usually and I have even less because I'm behind due to the time of the year I arrived.

me: oh, so I'll leave you to it, I'll call you later...

him: byee, love you

me: I love you more byee

*end of phone conversation*

I stayed a few more minutes wandering through that amazing green area. In Argentina most parks are full of people, but this wasn't it was so peaceful, that whole neighborhood was, you could hear the birds and see the chipmunks, like in Central Park. The park was so beautiful, it seemed taken out  of a painture and it led me to daydream, until I realized how long I had been away, so I decided to head back. I was going back to the group when I saw Pichu on her phone texting someone. I approached her, to see what she was doing. However, as soon as she realized I was behind her, she locked her phone quickly. She seemed really mysterious and unwilling to tell me who she was texting, which was odd since she always tells us everything. I decided to let it go and began a conversation, so as to act as if nothing had happened so as not to be awkward, but she seemed full of thoughts, and sort of scared and disturbed.

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