First Kisses | Chapter XXI

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Narrator's POV

November 26th, 2020

- Hey guys - Mery started - I just received a message from Liam...

-Who? - Jaz asked.

-A coordinator of the musical, the one on the internship. He was observing our last theatre class.

-Ohh right. - she remembered.

-So what did he say? - Valen asked intrigued.

- The 3rd of December we have a table read.

-Whaaaaat!!! - Valen and Jaz said together excitedly.

-Oh my goshhh - Pichu said loudly.

-Well I should tell the rest - Mery said meaning their neighbors.

When she opened the door she saw Angie about to knock. They both knew what they were about to say so they saved their words. Mery told Angie to come in and asked at what time their friends were coming for their thanksgiving dinner. it was the first Thanksgiving for all of them so they weren't very sure of how it worked but they were really excited.

Milo was lying on the couch with her phone, she was typing quite fast. Valen went to see who she was texting. It was Noah, he hadn't visited them for quite some time. He and Milo had been chatting but never met personally. He told her to go to Rockefeller Center to meet him before Thanksgiving dinner. Valen saw where she was going so didn't question her when she said she was going out for a walk, she planned on asking her when she returned.

Milo left for Rockefeller Center. When she got there she rented a pair of ice skates and went to the rink. When she was going in Noah grabbed her hand and said "weren't you going to wait for me?"

-Hey Noah!! I'm so glad to see you.


-Yes, of course.

-I'm glad to see you too. Shall we go in?

-Why of course... - she chuckled.

They skated around the rink for a while without really talking. After about 15 minutes Noah decided to speak out. Since he had got he had wanted to tell Milo something and was nervous about it.

-Milo I have something important to tell you - Noah started, he grabbed her hand and took her close to the borders of the rink.

-What's going on? You're making me nervous.

-I know that what I'm going to say won't make any good but I need to let it out.

-What? What is it?

-I don't know how to start...

-From the beginning, sorry I've just heard that so many times. Look, Noah, there's never a good time for these things, but you've just got to rip off the bandage.

-You are right. Milo, I like you, and a lot. And I know you still like Juan but I feel like we've already met, all my life I wanted someone who gets me and is there for me even we a screen in between, and for what I've been told, you always wanted a boy from the US. But most important someone who will cherish you, and accompany you, and I believe that's me. If you want some time that's okay, I'll leave you to think. - He started leaving but Milo held his hand and stopped him.

He turned around and looked at her. They started getting closer as if they were being pulled close by an external force. Noah gently brushed his hands through her cheeks as he got closer. Although Noah was very clear of his feelings, Milo wasn't. Her head was constantly spinning. In the past months, she had got really close to Noah and drifted apart from Juan ever since they almost kissed. It was as if Juan was pushing her away, and she wanted to forget him but hadn't fully forgotten him. Meanwhile, she had started to have feelings towards Noah who wanted to be close to her, unlike Juan. Despite the confusion, Milo knew one thing she was sure about, her head wanted to be with Noah, her heart might've been confused but she thought Juan didn't like her anymore and the best thing to forget him was to move on. So instead of stopping Noah, she got close to him. He grabbed her hips and put his lips over hers and gently kissed her.

-So what does this mean? - Milo asked.

-Do you want to be my girlfriend? - Milo was frozen, she knew that if she kissed him, something like that would happen but that didn't change her reaction.

-I, I think I do? I've, I've never kissed a boy before.

-Well I never kissed a girl either so we have that in common.

-Wait, you haven't? But you are all you know attractive and sweet, I bet all the girls in your school have a crush on you.

-Well, maybe, I mean I never liked any of them so I didn't kiss anyone.

-Ohh, really? Wow.

-What's so shocking?

-I don't know, maybe the fact that you are umm the most perfect boy I've ever met?

-Aww, that's the sweetest thing someone has ever told me.

-I can't really believe you but okay.

The couple left the rink and grabbed something to eat at Teuscher Fifth Avenue, a restaurant near the rink. They had a small bite and left off. Noah took Milo back home but didn't go with her all the way upstairs.

-Maybe you shouldn't go upstairs - Milo said.


- I just don't want anyone to know.

-So that Juan doesn't find out?


-It's okay, I get it. I'll see you later - he said and kissed her friend, well girlfriend on the cheek.

Milo went upstairs to say hello to her friends before showering for dinner.

-Hey guys - she said as she went in. Her friends greeted her except for Valen, she followed Milo to her room. - hey what's up Val?

-Where were you? - she said knowingly.

-I went to Rockefeller Center.


-With Noah, why?

-Do you like him?

-What? No. We're just friends.

-Because you still like Juan?

-Umm...I should go shower, we don't want to be late right?

-Dinner is here Milo, why won't you answer?

-I can't tell you, I'm sorry.

-Were you saying the truth about Noah?

-Yes of course - she said avoiding eye contact. - why wouldn't I?

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