Part 34

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(Ryder pov) 

I wrapped my hair up in my towel and reached for another one. I carefully wrapped it around my wet body as i wiped off the mirror in front of me. I tilted my head to the left and looked in at myself.

"Damn." I whispered as i ran my hand over my cheek. I had huge bags under my eyes from crying so much the past couple of days.

I shook my head and began to wander into my room. I needed to get my act together and make a final decision. I knew that and Ali's words only made me think about it more.

The sound of my phone ringing caught me off guard. Niall had said he would come back after his meeting but i didn't expect it to be that short.

"Hello?" I said into my phone as i walked into my closet.

"Hey babe!" Niall's voice said to me sweetly. 

"What's up babe? I thought you were going to come back after the meeting?" I asked him.

"Yes, i was going to. But there's a party tonight that management is making us go to. They said to invite you so wanna come with me?" He asked me as i thought about that. A party wouldn't be that bad. My eyes were a bit puffy still.

"Yeah sure, sounds fun." I replied as my mind darted to Harry. If their management wanted Niall to go, they would want Harry to go too.

"Alright cool! I'm just going to go back to my place and get ready. I'll come get you after. Wear a pretty dress." He told me with a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Alright, i'll get ready." I said with a laugh as i hung up and walked into my closet. I had no idea what he wanted me to wear. I had never been to a party for their management before.

I walked over towards my dresses as i began to shuffle through them. I wasn't too thrilled to be seeing Harry again so soon. I still haven't decided what i was going to say to them. I should tell Niall about Harry and I, but at the same time i was too scared to. I didn't want to hurt either of them.

My heart ached for both of them and i knew that. I couldn't keep pretending that Harry and i didn't have something between us though. I couldn't act like nothing ever happened.

I shook the thought out of my head as i paused on a red dress. I ran my hand down it as i took it off of the hanger and walked towards my mirror. I had never worn it before and it was quite cute.

"Perfect." I whispered to myself as i carefully dropped my towel and got dressed. I unwrapped the towel on my head as my wet hair fell onto my shoulders. I reached for my hairbrush and looked into the mirror. The dress was perfect.

(Harry pov) 

I cleared my throat as i tugged a black shirt over my head. It wasn't the best but it would do for tonight. I needed to get Ryder alone somehow. I needed to talk to her about everything.

There was a small knock on my door. I walked into the living room as i buttoned my jeans. I pulled the door open to see Louis standing outside.

"Lou, what's up?" I asked him as i stepped aside to let him in. He walked in as he ran his hand through his hair.

"I wanted to talk to you about tonight." He told me as he turned to look up at me. It was clear that he knew i was planning something. After i went to his house the other day i made it pretty obvious i was going to do something like that soon.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked him as i turned to walk back into my room. His footsteps followed me. I sat on my bed and reached down for my shoes.

"You know exactly what I mean Harry." He told me calmly as he stared down at me. His eyes studied my face as i looked away.

"No i don't." I replied stupidly as he sighed and looked down at my shoes.

"Harry don't play this shit right now. We both know you are going to make a stunt tonight so tell me what you are going to do. You know i'm always here for you so tell me what you are going to do." He told me softly as i looked up at him.

"I just want to talk to her." I told him as i shrugged my shoulders. He folded his arms across his chest and glared down at me.


"Yes, talk. That's what friends do!" I told him with a small smile as he shrugged his shoulders. I got up and made my way towards my mirror. I looked in and ran my hand through my hair.

"Are you going to tell Niall?" He asked me as I shook my head.

"Are you going to tell her why you didn't take her out?" He asked me as i processed his question. I wasn't really sure what i was going to say to her.

"I'm just going to wing it." I told him as i turned to look at him. His concerned face studied mine as i crossed my arms too.

"Please don't do anything stupid Harry." He said as i nodded.

"I won't." I said softly. He nodded his head and looked towards the clock.

"I just wanted to stop by and make sure. I need to go get Eleanor. I'll see you in an hour. Please don't do anything stupid alright?" He told me as i nodded again.

"I won't i promise." I said as he nodded and walked towards the door.

"See you soon." He said as he walked back out. 

I sighed as i looked at myself in the mirror. Hurting Ryder was the last thing that i wanted to do. But i needed to see if she still loved me, no matter what it took.

(Ryder pov)

I tucked my hair behind my ear as i smiled to myself. I had managed to cover the puffyness pretty well thanks to my amazing makeup.

"Ry?" Niall's voice echoed through the living room.

"In my room! I'm coming!" I shouted back as i carefully pulled on my black heels and headed out into the living room. Niall stood there with both of his hands shoved tightly in his jean pockets.

"You look beautiful." He said softly with a grin as i spun around.

"You think?" I said with a smile as i walked forward to take his hand.

"Absolutely and everyone will know you are all mine." He said as he kissed my cheek lightly.

"I hope so." I whispered to myself as he opened the door and lead me out to his car.

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