Part 18

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(Ryder pov) I took a deep breath as i bit my lip. 

"What do you mean?" I ask her as i turn away and walk to my couch. I sit down as she walks over and sits next to me. 

"You know what i mean Ryder. How was things with Harry and Niall." She asked me as she crossed her arms.

"Well i got a bit drunk." I told her as she rolled her eyes and laughed lightly.

"Oh boy. What did that lead to?" She asked me as i took a deep breath and bit my lip again. I didn't know what to tell her.

"Well, i mean i talked to Louis, met Harry's new girlfriend, oh and i grinded on Niall for pretty much the whole night." I told her as she looked at me confused.

"Whoa, slow it down. First, Harry's new girlfriend? Second, you grinded on Niall for pretty much the whole night? You don't grind on anyone!" She told me as i felt my cheeks burn against my skin.

"Yeah, i know. I was just a bit jealous." I told her as i looked down at my hands. She tilted her head to the right as she looked over at me.

"Harry has  a girlfriend?" She asked me as i rolled my eyes. I looked down at my hands as i folded them onto my lap.

"Ugh, yes. She is so rude too, and fake, and blonde!" I said as she raised an eyebrow.

"Wow, doesn't sound anything like you. That's a bit of a surprise." She told me as she shrugs her shoulders. I nodded as i looked up at her.

"Yeah, that's why i was grinding on Niall though. She was all over Harry." I told her as she looked at me confused.

"Wait, she was all over Harry? And when exactly did Harry tell you that he was going to stop fighting for you?" She asked me as i thought about the question.

"Yesterday at the park." I told her as she nodded. A small smile crept across her face.

"What's so funny?" I asked her as i crossed my arms. She wiped the smile off her face as she looked over at me.

"Ry, Harry is trying to make you jealous." She told me as i looked at her confused. No, he wouldn't do that. He actually liked her.

"No, i don't think he was. He was just being himself." I told her as she shook her head.

"No Ryder, he is trying to make you jealous. It's so obvious! First he tells you he won't stop till he gets you back, then he tells you that he will leave you alone. Oh and don't forget the now new girlfriend that is isn't ashamed to show off." She told me as i processed her words.

What Ali was saying made sense. But Harry wouldn't do that would he? He told me he was going to let me be happy. It did make me a bit jealous though.

"Oh my god Ali, i think that you might be right." I told her as she nodded. 

"I am right Ry, i'm always right." She told me as i sighed. What was i supossed to do? Just let him try to make me jealous?

"What should i do Al?" I asked her as she looked down to her hands and sighed.

"I'm not too sure Ry. If it was me, I would invite him and his new girlfriend to hangout with You and Niall and then completely be all over him! Harry will get so jealous!" She told me with a wicked grin. I rolled my eyes as i looked over at her.

"I don't know Ali, it probably wouldn't work." I told her as she shook her head.

"No, it will work Ry. Trust me. Call Niall and tell him you want to have dinner with Harry and whatever this girls name is." She said as I nodded.

"Kitty, her name is Kitty." I told her as she began to laugh. I tilted my head to the right as i tried to hide my smile.

"Kitty?" She asked as she began to laugh again.  I smiled and nodded as i looked over at her. She rolled her eyes as she pointed down to my phone.

"Call him." She tells me as i lift my phone to my ear.

(Harry pov) I yawn as i hear my phone buzz again. It was the buzzing all morning. I sigh as i sit up and pick it up. 

I looked down to see that i had 3 missed calls and 8 text from Kitty all asking me to hangout with her today.

"Jesus." I say to myself as i put it back down and roll over. I wasn't in the mood to deal with Kitty. She was way too clingy. 

The only real reason i had asked Kitty to come to the party last night was to make Ryder jealous and it sure worked. 

I heard my phone buzz again as i rolled over to look at my phone again. I didn't want to answer it. I looked down at Niall's name as i raised an eyebrow. Why was Niall calling me?

"Hello?" I say into my phone as i yawn again. 

"Hey, Harry! Great party last night." He tells me as i laugh lightly.

"Thanks lad, what's up?" I ask him as i sit up in my bed.

"Well Ryder wanted to know if you and Kitty wanted to go out to dinner with us tonight!" He told me as i thought about the question. She wanted us to go out to dinner with her? Why?

"She does? Really? Huh, do i have to bring Kitty?" I ask him as he pauses for a minute.

"Well Ryder asked for Kitty to come too. I think that she wants a double date or something." He tells me.

"Oh alright. Yeah, i'll call Kitty." I tell him as i hear him laugh lightly.

"Alright man, i'll see you later." Niall tells me before i hang up. I run my hand through my hair as i think about the phone call. She wanted me to invite Kitty? Why? Last time i saw her she was jealous of Kitty. Why would she want to be with her?

I shook my head as i pulled up Kitty's number. I really didn't want to call her, but if Ryder wanted her to come, i guess i will. I pushed the button and lifted my phone to my ear.

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