Part 36

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(Niall pov)  

I watched Ryder walk away and then turned back to Louis and Eleanor. Both of them were glued on the sight of Harry and Ryder.

“You guys having fun?” I asked them as Lou quickly looked back towards me.

“What?” He asked me.

“Having fun?” I asked as i reached for one of the shots Ryder had ordered. I chugged it back with a grin.

 “Yes we are.” Eleanor replied as she looked up at Lou. The worry on his face was visible to anyone who looked at him.

“Whats wrong? Is Harry going to get the same thing you were thinking about getting me?” I asked with a smile as i looked into the crowd. Louis looked down at the floor as Eleanor bit her lip.

“Wow, i’m surprised you let them go off so easily.” A farmiliar voice said from in back of me. I turned to see Kitty standing there with a martini in her hand. Her pink lip stick smiled at us as i grinned back.

 “Hi Kitty.” I said in return. Harry wasn’t going to be too thrilled about her being here. Last thing i heard was that he had dumped her already. Wasn’t that big of a surprise though.

 “Hello Niall and friends.” She said as her eyes wandered back towards Louis and Eleanor. Lou’s eyes grew wide as he stared at Kitty.

 “How about you and I get out of here.” Kitty said with a grin as she reached for the collar of my shirt.

 I blinked a couple of times as i processed her words. Had she just asked me to leave with her? I smiled politely as i carefully unclasped her hand from my shirt.

“I have a girlfriend if you don’t remember.” I said with a smile as she glanced back in the direction Ryder and Harry had walked into.

 “Seriously? They still haven’t told you? Jesus you really are an idiot.” She said as her lips curved into a frown. What? Haven’t told me what? She was in on my gift also?

 “That’s enough.” Louis spat out as i turned to look at him. His face was filled with anger. What the hell was going on that i didn’t know?

 “What the fuck are you guys talking about?” I asked them as i let out a small, uneasy laugh Louis’s eyes darted back down to me as Kitty began to laugh.

“Why don’t you go ask them Niall.” She said with a small grin as she bit her lip. I had no idea what they were talking about but i was going to find out.

 I took a step forward as Lou grasped my wrist tightly. I turned to look down at my arm as he pulled me back.

 “Don’t do it mate.” He said softly as i snapped my hand out of his grasp. I turned to look up at him before i stalked off to find them.

 I walked in the back direction that they had went to and paused at a back room. I carefully pulled the curtain back and looked in.

 My heart sank at the sight. Harry’s hands were wrapped tightly around Ryder as their lips connected. Her hands were carefully placed on his cheeks pulling him closer.

 My breath caught in my throat as i felt a sting deep inside my gut. 

 “What the fuck is going on?” I shouted as they both turned to look at me.

 (Ryder pov) 

 “It’s not what it looks like babe.” I said softly as i pushed Harry away from me. The hurt in Niall’s eyes dug deep into me.

 “Oh really? So you two weren’t just making out?” He squeaks out as he clenches his jaw.

 “Well, Niall let me explain.” I said as i took a step forward. He quickly returned that with a step back as he clenched his fists in his hand.

 “Don’t you dare.” He spat out as he looked up towards Harry.

 “How could you!” He shouted as Harry blinked towards his friend. I felt the tears begin to swell in my eyes as he looked back towards me.

 “How could you.” He whispered to me as i took another step forward. I grasped his hand tightly.

 “Niall please.” I said as he quickly pushed me away. I fell to the floor with a humph as his eyes grew wide. He reached down to me but quickly took another step back. His eyes filled with shock at the fact he had just pushed me.

 “I’m sorry.” He stated blankly as he shook his head. A glimpse of sympathy filled his face as he looked down at me but that quickly vanished.

 “No, I can’t. No.” He said as he shook his head and pushed his way through the curtain.

“Niall!” i called after him as i felt the tears drip down my cheek. Harry stood silently in back of me as i quickly climbed back to my feet.

 “Niall!” I shouted through my tears as i walked through the crowd. People stared at me as i walked though. I spotted Louis and Eleanor and walked towards them.

 “Did Niall come over here?” I stammered through my tears as their eyes grew wide. Louis shook his head.

 “What happened Ryder.” He asked softly as i wiped a falling tear from my cheek. I shook my head as i turned away. 

 “I have to find him. Niall!!!!” I shouted as i pushed through the group of people. I pushed my way through until i was standing out in the cool air. I looked around the empty streets as i called out his name over and over again. 

 “Niall!!” I shouted again as i heard the door open in back of me. I turned quickly to see Harry standing there. His face was drained of emotion as i quickly began to cry again.

 “He left Ryder.” He said softly as he took a step closer to me. I quickly slapped my hand against his warm cheek as he flinched and grasped his cheek.

 “You bastard!” I shouted as i quickly began to walk down the street.

 “Ryder! Wait!” He shouted as i continued to walk.

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