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- C H A P T E R 19 -

"Kyuhyun-ah you look so cute" I held my son's hand while he looked at me.

I'm alone in the house today because Dohyun and my brother have work.

Me and Dohyun fought earlier because he's been absent on work for 1 week now and they have to re schedule all of his project because of that.

I know that he's worried about leaving me and Kyuhyun alone but I can manage. It's not like I'm sick or anything. And also, work is still important.

Speaking of work, The school allowed me to take a break for a month so I want to spend my time taking care of Kyuhyun before I continue working again.

Dohyun and I are still thinking on what to do if both of us have work. I'm thinking on bringing our son at school with me but that's a bit risky.

We still have to hide our baby because of Dohyun's work but it's fine with me cause I understand.

But I'm really nervous of what will happen if the people will know about our secret. It's not good for the three of us and mostly not good for Dohyun's career.

"Let's go to the market Kyuhyun, we have to buy groceries" I smiled at Kyuhyun as I put him on the baby carrier and attached it on my body.

I held him gently because I have to be careful since he's a newborn.

I grab my wallet then proceed outside my apartment and locked the door. I went inside my car then started to drive to the market.

I parked my car when we arrive at the market before going outside the car.

The market are full of people when we arrived. I quickly got a push cart to start picking our groceries.

I got vegetables, meat and some juices and put it on my push cart.

Good thing Kyuhyun is not crying. He's just quiet while watching me. I looked at him then kissed his nose.

"What a good boy" I said.

I walk towards the baby supplies and got a few diapers since we ran out of it.

"How old is he?" a lady that is probably on my age asked beside me.

"He's 1 week old" I smiled on her when I answered.

"What a cute little guy. I hope he stays healthy" she said.

"Thank you" I answered back. She nod at me before leaving.

After making sure that I have all that we need at house, I proceed to the counter and payed for our groceries.

Holding 3 full plastic bags, I went out the market while carefully walking since Kyuhyun is sleeping.

I looked behind me when someone grabbed the 3 bags from me.

"You shouldn't be carrying these bags. It's too dangerous for you and your baby"

"Stop being dramatic Inyeop. It's only 3 bags" I chuckled when I saw his worried face.

"Yes it's just 3 bags. But it's heavy" he answered back. "Where's your car? Let me help you"

I guide him towards my car and opened it as he put the groceries at the back seat.

"Thank you for helping me" I said. He closed the door of the back seat before facing me.

"No problem. You know I'm always here if you need help" he answered. He looks at Kyuhyun before smiling.

"Congratulations Kyungmi. You're a mom now" he said.

"Thank you. He's cute isn't he?" Inyeop nods on what I said.

"Let's catch up sometime. I miss hanging out with you" he said. "Sure, I have a lot of stories to tell"

"Get in the car. I'll drive you home" I quickly shook my head on what he said.

"No need. I can manage Inyeop and you have to be careful. People are everywhere" I said.

"What's the point of wearing my cap? People won't recognize me. Just let me help you please?" he makes a cute face that cause me to agree with him helping me.

We got in the  car and he drove us back to the  apartment.

"You really shouldn't buy groceries alone. You can call me you know?" He grabbed the groceries on  the back seat after he parked the car in front of my apartment.

I went outside the car and opened the door of my apartment for him to enter.

He put the grocery bags on the top of the table here in the  kitchen while I opened the fridge to get him some water.

"Here. Thank you again" I said as I gave him the water. He politely accept it and drank.

I quickly went towards my room to put Kyuhyun on the baby crib. He's still peacefully sleeping so I'll grab the chance and make dinner before he wakes up again.

I went outside my room leaving the door open in case Kyuhyun wakes up.

"So this is what your apartment looks like" he said while scanning the apartment with his eyes.

"You should sit and stay for dinner." I said as we went towards the living room and I opened the TV for him to watch.

"Sure. That would be great" he said smiling.

"I'll just cook dinner okay? Wait here" he nod his head and I walk towards the kitchen to cook.

I simply arrange the groceries that I bought in the refrigerator and got some ingredients before starting cooking.

As I cook, I heard the front door opened and heard Dohyun.

"I'm home" I heard him said.

I saw him walk towards the living room but stop when he realize that someone was there.

"Inyeop hyung? What are you doing here?" Dohyun asked with his brows furrowed.

"Hello Dohyun, it's nice to see you again"

- E N D O F C H A P T E R 19-

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