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- C H A P T E R 4 -

"Noona, I'll bring a friend later when I comeback okay? I will buy foods so don't worry" Song Kang said before leaving my apartment. 

Aish that kid. He has his own apartment which is bigger and nicer. Why is he always here?

It's Friday today so I have work. I finished my breakfast before grabbing my things and leaving the house. I went inside my car and went to school. 

It's been 2 weeks since the incident with Dohyun and I'm honestly avoiding him. I didn't answer any of his messages or calls because I don't know what to say after what happened. I don't want to face him or even hear his voice. 

It's wrong to kiss him like that because first of all we barely know each other. And I feel bad because he's friends with my brother. I don't want Song Kang to know what we've done. I know that once Song Kang knows what happened between me and Dohyun, he's not gonna like it at all. 

When I arrived at school. I parked my car and went outside. I saw some students at the hallway and they greet me. I greet them back with a smile. I went inside my classroom and greet my students. They all stand up and faced me. 

"Good morning teacher!" They greet me with a smile on their faces. I signal them to sit again while checking their attendance. 

"Teacher! Why is she sleeping in class? Isn't that wrong?" one of my student said while pointing at the girl beside her which is Hana. I quickly checked on her and touch her forehead. She looked at my face trying not to cry but failed. I think she thinks I'm mad because she's sleeping in class.

"Hana-ssi are you okay? You're sick dear. Let me bring you to our school clinic so they can get you treated. Don't cry, it's okay I'm not mad." I comforted her and she nod her head. 

"Class, You can get your coloring books and start to work on it. Me and Hana are going to the clinic because she's sick. Behave okay?" I said. 

"Okay teacher" 

I held Hana's hand and we went to the school clinic. The nurse checked on her condition and said that she has a fever. I have to call her parents so she can go home and rest. 

I dialed her mom's number and she picked it up. "Hello? Who is this?" 

"Good morning ma'am. I'm Hana's teacher. I called to tell you that she's not feeling well. You can pick her up so she can go home and take some rest" I explained. 

"Is she alright? I can't go to the school because I have an important meeting to attend to. I'll just call my brother to pick her up okay?" she said. "Okay ma'am, no problem" she ended the call. 

I went to check on Hana and saw her peacefully sleeping at the bed. I waited for her service to come and after about 30 minutes I saw a tall guy with mask opened the door of the clinic and went towards Hana's bed. "Hello, I came to pick Hana. Is she alright?" the guy said. 

"She has a fever sir. Good thing her classmate saw her and I got to check on her condition" I looked at the guy and he seems familiar. When he notice that I'm looking at him, he avoided my eyes. 

"Hana wake up, it's me your uncle Inyeop. Let's go home so you can take some rest." 

Hwang Inyeop? The celebrity? That's why he seems so familiar. He's a model and actor too. Why didn't I notice? 

Hana wakes up and smiled at her uncle. She stands up and held her uncle's hand. 

"Thank you for taking care of Hana. We're going now" he said 

"You're welcome. It's my duty to take care of her because she's one of my students. Get home safely." I said. "Get some rest Hana-ssi" I smiled at Hana. 

We went outside the clinic and they were about to leave when I remember something. "Wait!" they stopped walking and looked at me. 

"Hana's bag is still on the classroom. I'll go get it" I went towards my classroom and get Hana's bag and went back to them. "Here" I gave it to Inyeop and he puts it on his shoulder. 

He removes his mask. "Can you please keep this a secret? That I'm Hana's uncle. I don't want the media to know because it might affect Hana" he said. "Sure. I understand because it's for Hana's safety." I told him 

He smiled at me and nod his head. "Can I get your number? I'll treat you later for dinner for taking care of Hana" he gave me his phone. 

"No you don't have to. It's my duty so it's alright" I smiled at him. "No, I insist. You're kind to Hana so I want to. And besides, you'll keep our little secret right?" 

I didn't have a choice but to put my number on his phone. I gave it back to him and he put his mask on. "Thank you again, Hana's teacher" he chuckled. 

"Oh I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Kyungmi" I looked at him and he nod his head. "See you later Kyungmi." He smiled. "Say goodbye to your teacher Hana" 

"Bye teacher. Thank you again" Hana said and I just smiled at her. They walk towards the exit of the school and I went back to my class.

- E N D O F C H A P T E R 4 - 

Hello! I hope you're enjoying the story. I'm still  trying to improve my writing skills so forgive me if you find the story kind of boring. I'll try to make the next chapter exciting. I hope you're having a great day! Leave a comment or vote if you enjoy this chapter. Thank you :)


symmetry - Lee Dohyunحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن