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-C H A P T E R 2-

I hurriedly went outside my apartment and opened my car. I went inside and started it. I put my seatbelt on and drive to my workplace. It's still early so I have time to get some coffee. I didn't have my breakfast yet so I'm kind of hungry. I parked my car at the coffee shop near my workplace and went outside. 

I went inside the coffee shop and walk towards the counter. "Can I get a latte and one slice of vanilla cake" The cashier gave me a smile "That will be 7.50 dollars ma'am" I gave her my card and went on an empty seat. 

After a few minutes my order arrived and I ate silently while enjoying the view from outside. I saw a lot of people. Some are going to work and some are students that are going to school.

When I'm about to finish my food I heard a voice in front of me

"Noona can I take this seat?" that voice sounds familiar so I looked in front of me and saw a guy with a mask. He removed the mask when he saw my confused face.

My face lit up when I saw him again. "Hey Dohyun, how are you? Of course you can take that seat" I smiled at him. 

He takes the seat in front of me with a smile on his face. "Where are you heading to?" 

"I'm about to go to work but I'm hungry so I ate my breakfast first" I said

"That's nice. You shouldn't skip your breakfast." He takes a sip from his coffee. "Where's your workplace? Is it near here?" 

"Yes, It's actually the school over there." I pointed my finger towards the window to show him my workplace. "You're a teacher?" he asked. 

"Yes. I teach students from kindergarten" he nod his head then looks at me. 

"Is it hard?" he said. "It's not that hard, my students are obedient so they listen to me very well"

After talking in a few minutes I finished my breakfast. "I'm done too noona, do you want to go outside together?" 

"Sure Dohyun" I grab my things and went towards the exit of the shop. He opened the door for me and I smiled at him. 

I went towards my car and opened the door. "Where are you heading to? Want me to drive for you?" 

"That would be great but are you sure?" he said

"Of course, I still have time before my class" 

He smiled at me and went towards the passenger seat. We went inside the car, put our seatbelts on and I started to drive. 

"Where should I drive you?" I asked him

He told me that I should drive him at his apartment which is also near here. He told me the directions. It's just about 2 blocks away from my school. I stopped my car in front of a huge building. He remove the seatbelt from him and faced me. 

"Thank you for your time noona. I enjoyed my morning talking to you" 

"You're welcome Dohyun-ah. You're friends with my brother so I should be nice to you too. Have a great day!" I said 

"You too noona" he said then smiled at me.

A few minutes passed but he's still inside my car. I looked at him and he has an uncomfortable look on his face. "What is it Dohyun? Is there a problem?" 

"C-can I get your number?" He said with a shy look on his face. 

God, why is he so cute? I'm just resisting myself not to touch his cute cheeks. 

I grab his phone from his hand and typed my number on it. I gave it back to him with a smile on my face. "There, I put it already" 

His face lit up "Thanks noona, I had a great time" 

I thought he's about to leave but he grab my hand and kiss the top of it. I looked at him with wide eyes.

What the? Why did he do that? 

I felt shy because I can feel my cheeks becoming red. 

"I'll go now, see you again soon" he opened the car door and went outside. 

I looked at him from outside while he made his way towards the building. He has a mask on but I can still see his face becoming red. 

After a few minutes of thinking, I begin to drive again towards my workplace. 

What was that Lee Dohyun? Why did you kissed the top of my hand. 

"Stop it Kyungmi. He's just being friendly, be calm." I said to myself.

-E N D O F C H A P T E R 2-

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