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       Maiko woke up and wiped her eyes tiredly before washing her face. She had gotten home last night at about 12. She was dreading going to school today she was not in the mood for this tutoring shit.



"That's her that's her!" Bakugou and his friends followed their gazes to where Mina was pointing. She was pointing to a girl with long brown, curly hair, standing alone in the cafeteria.
"Oh my god, oh my god, what do I do? Do I pretend not to see her and just casually bump into her or do I just walk over and say "hey" I didn't know I'd see her again and at school too. What if she doesn't like me and was just having fun oh my-"
As the guys reassured Mina Bakugou watched as someone walked up to the girl and he immediately rolled his eyes.
"Don't tell me she's friends with that dumbass." He said.
"Huh?" Everyone looked back at the gloomy, black haired girl who was standing with Minas crush. Fallon was giggling and smiling at Maiko.

"Oh my god, who's that? Oh no is that her girlfriend? They seem really friendly, B-but I mean I didn't specifically ask if she was single but-"
"Mina calm down." Kirishima assured.
"Yah they're probably just friends, why don't we go talk to them." Denki said.
"But that girl is giving off a pretty scary vibe." Sero said, and he wasn't wrong compared to Minas crush who was smiling and gave off a lighthearted kind of vibe, Maiko gave off the completely opposite vibes.
Before Mina could protest the idea of walking over, kaminari was dragging her towards the girls and kirishima was dragging Bakugou since he was ready to turn the other way.

"Mina!?" The curly haired girl smiled.
"Heyy Fallon." Mina said shyly.
"Oh my god I didn't know we went to the same school?" She gushed.
"Yah me neither, I'm glad though." Mina said smiling.
Bakugou watched as Maiko tried to slowly sneak away, but Fallon put her arm over her shoulder.
"Oh this is my Bestfriend Maiko."
"Ohh hi it's nice to meet you!" Mina said obviously excited at the word 'bestfriend'.
"Yah It's nice to meet you andddd what did you bring a bunch of bodyguards?" Maiko rose an eyebrow at the four guys and then her gaze met Bakugous and she scoffed, "hell no, seriously she's friends with you asshole?!"
"Fuck off." Bakugou scoffed.
"Uhm that's Bakugou excuse his language" Mina gave him a look to which he just rolled his eyes, "and this is kirishima, sero, and Kaminari."
"Mhm, I'm leaving." Maiko was about to leave before her friend grabbed her and pulled her to the side whispering.

"you seriously cannot leave me alone! What if I mess something up!"
"You won't mess up, she looks really into you, and you know I hate being around people."
"Fine." Maiko sighed.

They sat down at a table. Somehow, Bakugou ended up sitting in front of Maiko.
"Sooo Maiko how do you and Bakugou know eachother?" Mina asked.
"She's the dumbass I'm stuck tutoring." He rolled his eyes.
"She was talking to me asshole and I told you, you didn't have to go I don't need your help."
"Yah? Your grades say otherwise." He scoffed.
"Oh so you guys don't know eachother from anywhere else?" Sero asked.
"Huh? No, I mean besides the fact that the guy also happens to be my neighbor."
"Ohhhh so you're the neighbor who yells, "DIE GERMS." In the morning" Fallon said.
"Seriously Bakugou, you're that loud that your neighbor can hear you?" Kirishima laughed.
"Fuck off. At least I don't blast music when people are trying to sleep." He glared and She rolled my eyes.

"Uhm so I remember you telling me you wanna be a hero are you guys all in the hero course ?" Fallon asked.
"Yah we're all in the same class." Kirishima smiled.
"I'm gonna be the #1 fucking hero." Bakugou declared proudly.
"*cough* cocky asshole." Maiko said
"Oh sorry, it just slipped out?" She shrugged smiling smugly.
"Tch you're not even in the hero course, you're probably too weak." He smirked.
"I could take you though." She shrugged.
"Who's cocky now? I'd like to see you try extra."
"If anyone here's the extra, it's you Pomeranian."
"The fuck did you call me?! At least I'm not failing half my classes dumbass."
"Whatever, I'm going to class." Maiko got up and walked away.
"Tch, im out of here." Bakugou got up walking away in the opposite direction.

"So am I the only that thinks she looks familiar?" Mina said to the guys.
"The girl from the party?" Kaminari asked.
"It's gotta be her, a mask doesn't cover that much." Sero said.
"They seriously don't remember eachother?" Mina said to the guys.
"Were they really that drunk that they can't remember?" Kirishima said.
"Huh? Am I missing something?" Fallon said shyly.
"Oh the day of the party I was there with all the guys, when I left you, we were looking everywhere for Bakugou, when we finally found him he was with your friend Maiko, they were really drunk and they seemed to be having a good time. The whole way home Bakugou kept talking about her and how he wanted to get her number. But the next morning he couldn't remember anything."

"Oh my- Maiko did the same thing when she came to my room.....ohhhhh I have a good feeling about this." She smiled.
"Yah but they don't seem too happy with eachother now." Kaminari said.
"What? Did you guys not feel that sexual tension?, this is the start of an unlikely romance." Fallon declared.
"Oh my god, you're so cute." Mina said watching her.
"Oh stop that's embarrassing." Her face went flushed and everyone laughed.


Maiko made her way to the library and sat down, Bakugou hadn't arrived yet and he was hoping he'd just not show up. But that dream crushed when she heard the library door open and the blond walked in, with that permanent scowl on his face he sat down next to her and took out his phone not saying a word.
"Do you seriously have to sit next to me?" She rolled her eyes.
"Oh? Sorry princess is my mere presence enough to bother you?" He scoffed.
"Call me that again and this pencil is gonna be in your eye." She glared.
"You know it's kind of humoring how easy it is for me to make you mad, princess."
The librarian glared at them and she rolled her eyes sitting back down.
She heard him laugh and threw an eraser at his face.
"Oops it slipped." She shrugged and he glared.

She went back to doing her assigned work for the day, she decided she'd just skip the questions that she didn't understand and figure them out at home. Once she finished the packet she pushed it to the side, took out her phone to listen to music and put her head to sleep for the next hour.

After about thirty minutes she felt something hit her. She looked up to see a bunch of little pieces of paper balls thrown around her.
"Fucking shit, you're a heavy sleeper." Bakugou rolled his eyes.
"You better have a good fucking reason for waking me up asshole."
"You didn't finish this, and a lot of these are wrong." He held up the packet.
"Who cares I'll finish it at home, and there's no way the ones I did are wrong." She said.
"Well they are wrong dumbass, and what's the point of this tutoring shit if you're just gonna do it at home. Aren't you too busy sneaking out." He tossed the packet back to her and she glared.
"What are you stalking me now?"
"You wish. Maybe try being a little more quiet when you're in someone's backyard." He said. She rolled her eyes and opened the packet. She paused as she looked at the problems, on the sides of the packet Bakugou had wrote out the correct formulas and corrected the mistakes on my wrong answers. She didn't say anything, she just grabbed her pencil and began finishing on the packet.

Once it was time to go she grabbed her stuff and left without a word.
As she walked home she felt annoyed, with herself. She felt like I should say something but fuck she did not want to seem like she needed his help. As she got nearer to her house she stopped and unexpectedly felt Bakugou smack into her.
"Jesus, what the fuck dumbass why did you just stop like that?"
"Shut up, I didn't need your help I don't know why you wrote that shit on the packet, but that's all I wanted to say." She walked off.
"Tch." Bakugou scoffed as he followed.


Bakugou showered and was laying in bed when he heard a noise. He looked out the window to see Maiko sneaking out again. Where the hell was she going? Did she have a boyfriend or something? Whatever it wasn't like he cared it was just weird. He wrote that stuff on the paper because the quicker her grades get better the quicker this tutoring shit can be over and he won't have to see her again.

An Unexpected Romance [KATSUKI BAKUGOU x OC]Where stories live. Discover now