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The rest of the week had continued in the same way. The two had distanced themselves from eachother barely speak a word to eachother unless it was arguing.


"What the hell happened?!" Mina exclaimed.
"Maiko won't tell me. She keeps saying to let it go and that it doesn't matter." Fallon said furrowing her brows.
"And Bakugous been totally more aggressive than usual whenever we even try to bring her up he just storms out of the room or starts yelling." Kirishima said rubbing his head.
Mina sighed "They've barely spoken to eachother all week and when they do they just end up yelling at eachother."
"It's like they went backwards." Kaminari said.
"We've gotta get them to make up already, they're stressing us out." Sero said sighing.
"What the hell happened, last week it seemed like they were getting along." Kirishima said.


Bakugou didn't think this was going to be so hard. He tried to blame it on the fact that their best friends were dating and that's why he had to see Maiko more than he wanted to, but he knew that even when she wasn't around he couldn't get her out of his head. It was so frustrating, he didn't understand why he was feeling this way. The tutoring sessions were filled with silence and the only time they'd speak was in arguments but, he still found himself admiring her at times.

He'd peak up from his phone and watch as she worked on her math equations, he studied her facial expressions and body language. He watched as her eyebrows slightly furrowed, or she'd lightly tap the end of her pencil in the desk, which he'd find incredibly annoying but he couldn't find it in himself to complain about it. At this point he was able to tell when she was having trouble with a question, by the way she'd slightly tense up and bite her nails or angrily search through her textbooks. It bothered him that he wasn't able to help her. As his eyes wondered to her lips, he snapped himself out of his thoughts, turning his head away and cursing himself.

Unbeknownst to him, Maiko was having the same dilemma. She couldn't get him out of her head. She'd sneak peaks of him as he scrolled on his phone, his piercing red eyes watching whatever on his phone with disinterest. Sometimes he'd put his phone down and lay his head down with his eyes closed. He'd look so calm in those moments, his eyebrows no longer furrowed and his lips not in that permanent scowl. She remembered the way her fingers felt entangled in his hair before she snapped herself out of it.

Once the time ended, they grabbed their things without a word leaving the library. To avoid even more tension during the walk home, one of them would usually walk slower than the other.

As Maiko got home she flopped onto her bed cuddling with her cat, she heard a familiar ping from her phone and grabbed it.

       As Maiko got home she flopped onto her bed cuddling with her cat, she heard a familiar ping from her phone and grabbed it

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Maiko opened the door, grabbing the coffee jelly from Fallon and going to her room. "Seriously at least say hi." The brown haired girl groaned as she followed.
"Ok now why are you here? I was gonna go to sleep."
"You can't keep sleeping all day." Fallon rolled her eyes.
"I can and I was planning on it." Maiko said as she began opening a coffee jelly.
"Listen, I'm worried."
"What do you mean?"

"Seriously, don't act oblivious, what the hell happened with you and Bakugou ?" Maiko froze for a second before going back to eating the coffee jelly.
"Nothing happened." She shrugged her shoulders.
"Oh nothing happened? Then why the hell are you guys barely talking, and when you do it's just arguing?!"
Maiko rose an eyebrow, "I'm confused, isn't that how we've always been?"

"Well I mean yah, but it's different. Before, your arguments were more flirtatious and sarcastic but now, it's like full on arguments."
"First of all we've never flirted with eachother and second we were never exactly friends I don't see the problem."
"The problem is that your both completely oblivious!" Fallon said collapsing onto the bed.
"Oblivious about what?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Come on Mai we've known eachother our whole lives and I'm honestly kind of hurt that you feel like you can't talk to me about these things. And that includes more than just whatever's going on with Bakugou." The girl was now completely serious and Maiko felt the shift in her demeanor.

She sat down the coffee jelly and sat next Fallon,
"I know I can trust you and open up to you, I just don't want to burden you with the things that go on in my head." Maiko hung her head, fidgeting with her hands.
"You know I would never consider you a burden Mai." Fallon smiled hugging her. As she hugged her Maiko tensed up before letting herself melt into the hug, before she knew it tears were cascading down her cheeks. She pulled herself away hiding her face.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why im crying." She said wiping the tears away but they couldn't seem to stop. Fallon grabbed her again,
"Cry. I know you well enough to know you don't allow yourself to cry, crying is good just let it out." The words were all it took for Maiko to completely let it go, all the walls she had put up to stop herself from looking weak, they had crumbled down and here she was sobbing into her best friends shoulder.

After a couple minute Maiko began to calm down. She explained everything she'd been feeling, her actual feelings about her mom and dad and what had happened between her and Bakugou that night. When she felt something hit the back of her head she looked up in shock to meet and angered expression on her best friends usually bright and happy face.

"I love you, but you're a complete idiot." The girl said rubbing her temples.
"Huh?" Maiko looked up confused.
"Mai I swear if you feel like this, talk to me. I don't care when or where, just talk to me." The girls said grabbing her best friends hands.
"I know, I will, it was stupid to think I could handle this stuff on my own."

"So Bakugou was the guy huh?"
"What are you so scared of?"
"What do you mean, I'm not scared."
Fallon gave her a look and she sighed,
"What if he uses it against me?"
"Do you honestly think he'd do that? I mean you could easily use what he said against him too."
"I wouldn't do that, and I guess I don't think he would either, but how am I supposed to talk to him now that he knows how weak I am."
"Youre not weak and I'm sure he doesn't think your weak either, thinking back to what he said to you, do you think he's weak?"
"No, I think he's incredibly strong to have such a big goal he's working towards." The girl said looking down.

"I think... I think I like him." She said looking away to hide the red growing on her face.
"Oh really I would have never guessed?" Fallon said sarcastically as Maiko glared.
"I'm not going to do anything about it though."
"And why the hell not ?" Fallon said furrowing her brows.
"Because it's not realistic. And I don't think he'd even feel the same way."
"Maiko you hard headed nut." The girls rolled her eyes.
Maiko looked at the time it was now 9 o clock.
"Hey you should get home, it's getting late we can talk more tomorrow."
"Oh I should, or moms gonna kill me, ok I'll see you tomorrow." The girls hugged and Fallon left.


Maiko showered and changed her clothes. She grabbed her duffel bag and made her way to out of her window. she climbed down the tree and dusted herself off. She froze when she looked up and saw someone standing there.

An Unexpected Romance [KATSUKI BAKUGOU x OC]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt