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        Maiko turned off her alarm and laid in bed way longer then she should have. After a couple of minutes of staring blankly at the ceiling, she got up and walked to the bathroom, she looked at her reflection in the mirror, her eyes were puffy and her dark circles were still as prominent as ever, she sighed as her eyes scanned over the rest of her body, her stomach was growling from her lack of dinner yesterday. She fixed her hair and threw on her uniform. She texted Fallon and made her way downstairs.

As she walked down the stairs she stopped outside of the kitchen, hiding behind the corner when she heard her uncle whisper shouting.
"Get it together Naomi!.... Of course not..... I've cut you enough slack!......This is ridiculous..... she's still your daughter!" Maiko bit her cheek as she listened.
"I've gotta go she should be heading down soon, I'll call you later and you better answer or I will drive down there again like I did last night." He hung up the phone and she walked into the kitchen.
"Morning Mai."
"Morning." She said trying to pretend she hadn't heard the conversation. "Hey Sho?"
"Hm ?"
"You don't don't have to waste your time trying to get a hold of her for my sake." She said looking down and he sighed.

       "So you heard that? Maiko, I'm not wasting my time-"
"I'll move out." She blurted and he paused.
"What? What are you talking about ?"
"It's fine if you don't want me around anymore, you didn't ask for a kid. I know she wants nothing to do with me and that's fine. I get it. I'm almost 18 I have some money saved I'll get a job and I'll find a pla-" she felt the tears fall down her face before she could stop them and Shota had her wrapped in a hug. She couldn't help but break down as he held her firmly.
"You're not going anywhere. I'm sorry if it seemed like I was trying to get rid of you, I just thought you still wanted to be with your mom. If it's what you want I'll stop trying to contact her, I love having you around Maiko, and I know I'm not the best stand-in parent but I hope I'm not doing too bad." She sniffled as he let go to wipe her tears, "youre doing alright old man." She laughed.

        "Alright now go wash your face so we can head out." He said and she nodded.


        Maiko sat at her desk listening to the words the teacher was saying, she looked down at the various questions and equations on her work sheet but she couldn't seem to focus on anything. She sighed and dozed off for the rest of the class period. She thought she'd feel better after talking with Shota and him making her feel like he wasn't "stuck" with her but there was still a sting in her chest when she thought back to his conversation with her mom. Nobody wants to live with the fact that their own mom despises them.


          She walked into the cafeteria and grabbed her food, as she was turning around she felt someone bump into her, fortunately her food didn't fall.
"Watch where you're going!"
She turned to see that same ash blond boy from the previous day standing in front of her,
"You bumped into me, asshole." She glared back at him,
"THE FUCK DID YOU JUST CALL ME?!" She set her tray down, standing her ground.
"I called you an asshole." He held his hands out emitting small blasts from them and she walked closer to him, showing she wasn't scared.
"Oh you think I'm scared of your big bad quirk?" She said mockingly.

        As she was about to speak, she felt someone grab her shoulders, "Maiko, calm down." She turned her head to see Fallon. She looked back at the boy and saw a group of kids telling him to calm down. She sucked her teeth and grabbed her tray, "Fuck you." She walked away with Fallon. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY?! FUCK YOU!" "Bakugou calm down man! Let's go." She turned her head to see the ash blond basically fuming and his friends trying to get him to let it go, she smirked at him and flicked him off, this only resulted in him fuming even more cursing a string of profanities her way.

      Once her and Fallon got to their usual lunch table, they sat down and ate. "What was that about Maiko?!"
"He bumped into me, and then had the audacity to act like I bumped into him!" Maiko said.
"Jeez you and your anger issues, are you ok?"
"I'm fine, I'm just tired." She grumbled.
"Ok, I wanted to talk to you about something."
"What?" She rose an eyebrow.
"My parents are throwing another fundraiser party on Saturday. They've already talked to Aila about singing and they wanted to know if you were interested in performing? I know it might be weird seeing Aila but maybe-" She looked at her smiling and Maiko sighed.
"I don't know Fal..."
"I get it if you say no. It's just you haven't performed in so long and I think this would be good for you." She looked down at her plate of food.
"I don't think I can, I'm sorry."
"It's fine, just let me know if you change your mind. Ok now let's talk about mr.grumpy. I'm thinking this could be the start of your enemies to lovers story. I personally prefer a love at first sight, sweet love story but I think enemies to lovers suits you...." Maiko zoned out as Fallon kept talking about nonsense.


      Once she got home she threw her things on the floor and flopped on to her bed with Kill.
'Come on Maiko you can do this, you're thinking about it too much. Ok this is it, if this performance doesn't change anything you'll know what to do.' She sighed and brought out her phone to call Fallon.

"I'll do it."
"Yayyyy, I promise it'll be fun! And~ my mom said we can use dads card to go shopping!"
"Aw I love them. Let me know when you wanna go shopping, bye."

       She hung up and tapped the contact titled "Aila."
"Hey, uh do you mind sending me the music sheet for the party?"
"Oh so you're gonna perform? That's great! I hate working with random people. You're so talented Maiko, I don't understand why you stopped performing in the first place." Ailas words rang in Maikos head, '"I don't understand why you stopped performing." Yah maybe if you took the time to ask you would understand.' she thought to herself. She was about to speak when Aila interrupted her, "Anyways I gotta go I'll send the stuff tho!" She hung up and Maiko sighed as she laid back in her bed.

An Unexpected Romance [KATSUKI BAKUGOU x OC]Where stories live. Discover now