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Bakugou showered and changed into his loungewear. He decided to just lay around in bed and occupy his mind with tv shows. He heard his phone ping but didn't care enough to answer it. He grumbled when the sound didn't stop.

         Bakugou raced to lock his door but was met with the pinkette and red haired boy themselves smiling widely

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Bakugou raced to lock his door but was met with the pinkette and red haired boy themselves smiling widely.
He grumbled as he went back to his bed and the pink girl sat at his desk while the red head sat on the floor.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?" Bakugou said.
"Well buddy weve noticed an uprise in your usual grumpiness so we thought we'd check on you."
"I'm fucking fine, leave now."
"Uh Uh you didn't think we'd actually believe that did you? Now tell me what happened with you and Maiko."
The boy froze at the familiar name that had been swirling through his head, but just rolled his eyes, "nothing happened with that dumbass."
"Oh come on Bakubro, We're your best friends you can talk to us." Kiri said.

"There's nothing to talk about." He said annoyed with the conversation.
"Ok so let's start with why you've been acting like a dick to Maiko." The girl said.
"Aren't I always a dick? And she's been acting the same way towards me." He said rolling his eyes.
"Of course you're always a dick but you have layers to your dickery." The boy looked at her with a raised eyebrow,
"What she means is, there's a difference between the way you are with people you don't like and the way you are with us and the guys, for example. Then there's the way you were with Maiko, it was different, so what happened?"

Bakugou sighed looking at the ceiling as if questioning wether he should tell them or not, he then realized who he was talking to, these two weren't going to give up until they knew what happened and part of him was glad, he knew he had to talk about this with someone and who else besides two of the only people he considered his closest friends.

"She's the girl from the party."
"Well yeah we knew that." The pink haired girl slipped out before covering her mouth.
"You guys knew?!" Bakugou said sitting up.
"Well we weren't as drunk as you two were, so yah we recognized her." Kirishima said rubbing his neck.

"So what's the big deal? I thought you guys would be happy to know it was you guys that night? You both seemed to get along good that night." Mina said.
"You guys don't understand, we were so drunk that we weren't acting like ourseleves... I wasn't acting like myself, I told her a lot of shit, I should've kept to myself."
He said putting his head in his hands.
"So you opened up to her and now your scared she's gonna use it against you?" Kirishima asked.
"Oh come on Bakugou haven't we been around Maiko long enough to know she's not like that." Mina said.

"Even if she doesn't use it against me, she has that image of me in her head, drunk and weak."
"Weak? Bakugou man anyone who knows you would call you a lot of things but weak wouldn't be one of them." Kiri said.
"Yah Bakugou youre not weak just because you actually talked about your feelings for once? How did she make you feel when you were talking to her?"
"She made me feel...valid she didn't make me feel like I was being dramatic or weak, she listened to every word and helped me." He said looking away from the two who were giving him a stupid smile.

"See? I don't think she'd ever thing you were weak? Think about it this way, when she was opening up to you? Did you think she was weak?"
"Tch no, she's everything but weak." He said.
"So there's no issue than. You guys just have to communicate with eachother."
"I don't want to talk to her."
"What?!" The two said in sync.
"Listen, I haven't been able to get that damn idiot out of my head. So maybe if I stop talking to her, I can finally stop getting these weird feelings." He said.
"Weird feelings?" Kiri said raising an eyebrow.
"Yes, like tingly feelings in my stomach and shit. I just want to never talk to her again because that dumbass is fucking with my head." He huffed.

"Bakugou you like her." Mina said.
"No I don't what the hell!" He said as his face grew red.
"Uh yah you do man." Kiri said.
"Do you seriously want those feelings to go away?"
Bakugou thought for a second, on the pink girls words, did he want the feelings to go away? Did he want her to go away? No. How could he, as much as he hated the feeling he also loved the feeling. He wanted nothing more than to be with her every second of the day.
"" He said looking away and covering the blush on his face.

"Talk to her man." Kiri said patting the boy on his back.
"... what if... fuck what if she doesn't like me back?" He hated how he sounded.
"There is absolutely no way she doesn't like you back." Mina said smiling.
"Yah man we all see it the only ones who haven't are you two." Kiri said.
"Well our work here is done." Mina smiled.
They said their good byes and left the boy alone with his thoughts. He sat on the bed thinking on their words, he really did like her.

He looked at the time, it was 9 o clock. He decided to do just do it. He switched out his black tank top for a orange tee shirt and black sweats. He put on his shoes and climbed out of his window.


He waited there leaning against his wall for an hour, and just when he was about to give up he heard her window open. She hadn't noticed him and he watched as she climbed down the tree between their yards. Once she got down she dusted herself and when she looked up they made eye contact. She froze for a second just looking at him and he did the same.

An Unexpected Romance [KATSUKI BAKUGOU x OC]Where stories live. Discover now