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"Can't you sit somewhere else?!" Maiko glared at the red eyed boy in front of her.
"This is the only seat left dumbass!" He yelled back.
"Youre ruining my appetite." She rolled her eyes.
"You're not exactly helping my hunger either." He said glaring.

"Uhm so anyways we were thinking about all going to the movies toget-" Fallon started.
"No" the two said in sync.
"Aw come on please Maiko we'll even watch a horror!"
"No." The girl glared.
"As if I'd want to be stuck with that dumbass outside of school."
"Whatever you self absorbed prick."
"What the fuck did you call me?!"
"Do I really have to repeat myself?"
"I hope you choke on your food."
"Fall down a flight of stairs."

"O-ok guys how about we calm down?" Mina said.
"I'm leaving." The girl said gathering her things and leaving.
"Good riddance." The boy said leaving in the opposite direction.


Maiko sat in the library, she really hoped the blond boy would just not show. She groaned as the boy walked through the library doors, sitting in the same chair he'd always sit in and putting his headphones in.

The 2 hours were spent in utter silence. The librarian was even a bit surprised she hadn't had to scold the usually rambunctious duo. Although this silence wasn't like the other silent moments shared between the two. Usually the silence they shared was comfortable, it wasn't everyday you'd find someone you could spend time with in silence without it being awkward but, this silence was tense, full of questions and almost suffocating. Some might say they're being dramatic, but the idea that they both have the image of the other in their weakest state was something completely frightening to them.

It wasn't like they were just two drunk teens who rambled silly, nonsensical things. They were two drunk teen who spilled secrets that had only lived in their heads. They spilled their deepest fears. Fears of failure. Fears of not being enough. Fears of never being happy. Neither of them ever felt in tune with their emotions or feelings always masking their true emotions with anger, shouting, and violence. That night was one of the only nights they were able to put together a scatter of emotions and thoughts and say them out loud so that they were no longer just living in their heads.

Although they'd hate to admit it, they helped each-other. They helped each other to finally feel like they're emotions were valid and everyday, without them even realizing it, the words of the other had replayed in their minds.

A few days ago in class Bakugou watched as his classmate, Midoriya, hung out with his friends laughing and smiling, he then watched as his idol, the man he looked up to his whole life walked into the room asking to spend lunch with Midoriya, not even sparing a glance at Bakugou. He remembered all the times the green haired boy would train with the #1 hero, or when the hero would cheer Midoriya on during trainings, the way he'd smile and congratulate him on his successes. He felt his fist tighten and his mind spin with doubting thoughts.

'I'll never be good enough, will I?'

The boy had scoffed at his own thought. Angry that he'd allow himself to second guess himself and his abilities. His whole life it seemed people loved him for his quirk, but he didn't care if the attention was just for his quirk, he was a kid and who doesn't love attention? But he found that one day it stopped. The people cheering him on and gushing over his quirk. He couldn't understand why, until he arrived to UA. It was then he realized just how not special he is. Everyone had powerful quirks and everyone had a determination to be a great hero, what made him different from them? It seemed like he wouldn't be able to keep up. Then he remembered the words that spilled from lips of that girl in the yellow dress;

An Unexpected Romance [KATSUKI BAKUGOU x OC]Where stories live. Discover now