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          Maiko woke up to the bright sun beaming through the windows, 'fucking Fallon and her big ass windows' she groaned grabbing some blankets and covering her face.
"Oh you're up? Finally!" She heard Fallons voice.
"The sun..." She groaned. Fallon chuckled and got off the bed shutting all the curtains. Maiko sat up groggily and rubbed her head. "What the hell happened?"
"That's what I would like to know! I was looking for you all night last night and you just disappeared! Then when you show up you're as drunk as a skunk going on and on about how you're gonna be the best dancer ever and to top it off you kept talking about someone?!" She exclaimed.

         "I don't remember anything after the performance."
She rubbed her head as she sighed grabbing a cup of water and a small headache pill, she handed it to the hungover girl. "Seriously Mai I understand you're in a funk right now but getting blackout drunk as you were yesterday is not good."
"I know, I know I'm sorry for worrying you. I promise it won't happen again. What time is it?"
"It's 3 in the afternoon you need to get home I told Aizawa you were feeling sick last night and came to my room to sleep early."

        "Ughh fuckkk." She got up and paused looking down at her ripped dress, "what the hell happened to my dress?"
"I don't know, I would also like to know what happened to your $400 designer dress." Fallon said looking at her like she committed a murder.
"Ugh I'm sorry, I love youuu thank you for covering for me!" Maiko hugged her tightly.
"This is why you can't have nice things and you're welcome you know I'd cover for you any day, there's a change of clothes in the bathroom for you." She smiled. Maiko went into the bathroom changing into a pair of sweatpants and a graphic tee. She put on her sneakers and walked out of the bathroom with her dress and heels stuffed in a duffel bag.

         "Our driver is waiting outside to take you home."
"Ok bye love ya! Tell Lilith and pops I said bye." She rushed out of the house.


        Bakugou woke up to himself falling on the floor. He jolted up, trying to figure out where the hell he was. Scanning around the room he saw everyone sleeping in various areas around Seros room. He groaned as he walked to the bathroom.

        As he looked at his reflection he scowled, "I look like shit. What the fuck happened yesterday?" He walked back to the room and threw a pillow at the red haired boy on the floor, "yo Shitty hair wake up!"
"Ugh man what time is it?" He groaned.


        They woke the rest of the crew up and made their way to the nearby McDonald's.
"What the fuck happened last night?" Bakugou said.
"Dude do you not remember anything?" Kaminari asked.
"Obviously fucking not or I wouldn't have asked, I don't remember shit after that performance."
"Dude we don't know what happened to you, we saw you in the garden with a bottle of champagne then we went inside to dance." Sero said.
"You guys saw me walking around with an entire bottle of champagne and just left me?! What kind of fucking shitty friends are you guys?" He huffed.
"Hey! We asked you if you were ok and you said you were fine and you weren't a light weight!" Mina said.
"That's cause I'm not a light weight! I'm never fucking drinking again." He sighed laying his head down on the table.

          "Oh yeahhh~ dude there was a girl with you when we met up at the front of the house!" Kaminari exclaimed.
"Oh yeahhh!" Sero said.
"What? I wasn't with anyone." He said confused.
"Damn maybe you'll remember more later on." Kirishima said.

          "Oh my! I need to tell you guys! I think I've fallen in love!" Mina exclaimed dreamily while sneakily stealing a chicken nugget from Denkis happy meal. "Is it that girl from the party?" Kirishima asked.
"Oh my yes! Did you see her?! Wasnt she just perfect!" Mina sighed resting her head on the table.
She then began to tell us all about this girl and how she's sad she didn't get her number.


         As she walked in the house Maiko prepared herself for a yelling, she fixed up her hair and tried to make herself look less hungover.
"Maiko." She heard Aizawa say from the kitchen.
"Heyyyy Sho." She smiled and he glared.
"Alright I'm sorryyy I promise it won't happen again-"
"Calm down I'm not mad."
"You're not?"
"No im glad your safe, but I thought we agreed on the check in texts. I know your almost 18 and you probably don't want to have to check in when your with your friends and that fine but if you say your going to and then you don't, I just worry about you." He sighed.
"No Im fine with the check ins I promise I just left my phone backstage and totally forgot about it, im sorry for making you worry I promise it won't again."
"Ok, well Fallon mentioned you weren't feeling good? Are you feeling ok now?"
"Yah I just need some rest."
"Ok well im gonna head out to get some food, go shower you stink." He teased and she rolled her eyes as she went upstairs to her room.

        Once she got to her room she collapsed onto the bed. She was ready to go to sleep but the familiar ring of her phone buzzed in her ears, she grabbed it lazily to reveal a FaceTime call from Fallon. She answered and chuckled at overly excited Fallon on the screen.
"I take it you have something to tell me, and it must be good I know that sparkle in your eyes."
"I'm in love!" She squealed.
"Love? Come on Fallon slow down." She rolled her eyes.
"Ok maybe not love but I met a girl at the party and I am just infatuated with her." She said dreamily.
"Oh my- tell me all about her!"
"she's really sweet. I'm just so upset I couldn't get the courage to ask for her number."
"Aw maybe you'll see her again somewhere."
"I hope so, I felt like we really clicked." She said gushing.
"Hey, we'll talk more tomorrow I've gotta wash away this hangover." Maiko said rubbing her head.
"Ok, bye~"

        As she into the shower, her thoughts began racing. She tried to drown out the noise by putting her head under the water but of course that didn't work. Suddenly she remembered something;

"You're not here to do anything but
One day you're gonna look back and
be so happy that you kept fighting."

        She felt her breathing steady and the commotion in her head slowly dissipate as she focused on the words. As she wrapped her arms around her body, she was reminded of the feeling of those muscular arms around her waist and lips on mine, the way her fingers entangled in his soft hair. Her breath hitched, "Jeez what the hell is wrong with me. Did I seriously make out with a random guy I met, I don't even know his name and I didn't even see what he looked like without his mask." She shook her head and got out of the shower getting ready to sleep away her stupidness. 'It's just a memory now.'


          Once they finished eating and listening to Mina gush over a girl, Bakugou made his way back home. Once he collapsed onto his bed after showering he huffed.
"Fuck why am I so stressed out, how did I turn into a self wallowing pussy? Fuck I really thought I had my whole life figured out."

"I know you'll be the best fucking hero
and youll be number 1! Because
You are good enough."

         He sat up remembering those words from yesterday, glimpses of that yellow dress and black hair flickered through his head. He ran his fingers through his hair and remembered the way her hands felt entangled in his hair and the way her lips felt on his. "What the fuck." He tried to remember more, he never got her name and neither of them took off their masks. He couldn't really remember anymore details either.
'Fuck I'll never see her again anyways.' He laid back in his bed and fell asleep.

An Unexpected Romance [KATSUKI BAKUGOU x OC]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt